Monday, September 23, 2024

September 23 2024 - St. Padre Pio - The tribunal of mercy

 Padre Pio lived a truly remarkable life filled with many amazing mystical phenomena. 

He could bilocate, that is, he could appear at two places at once, hundreds of miles apart. He could heal people like Our Lord, in the Gospels. Laying his hands on the sick, they would be immediately healed. He could even heal with his prayers. 

And of course, Padre Pio had the mystical stigmata, the wounds of the Lord’s crucifixion in his hands.

Why did God give Padre Pio these strange and marvelous mystical phenomena? One reason was for Padre Pio’s own sanctification. God chose him to bear a share of the cross in a unique way, to merit grace for his own soul and the souls of others.

Another significant aspect of Padre Pio’s life was his tireless ministry in the confessional. He would spend hours upon hours each day hearing confessions, sometimes for up to 16 hours, bringing countless souls back to God through the mercy of Christ. He called the confessional a 'tribunal of mercy,' where sinners were invited to experience the transformative power of God’s forgiveness. 

For Padre Pio, the sacrament of confession was not just about seeking forgiveness but about healing and conversion. He believed that every confession was an opportunity for a soul to experience a deep inner transformation, moving from sin and selfishness to holiness and communion with God. Sacramental confession allows penitents to acknowledge their faults and weaknesses, receive God’s grace, and be strengthened to resist future temptations. Regular Sacramental Confession is key step in the Christian’s ongoing journey toward holiness.

Padre Pio’s long hours in the confessional were a reflection of his deep love for souls and his commitment to helping people experience the mercy of God. In Sacramental Confession we see the heart of Christ’s mission: the salvation of souls through mercy. 

May we seek that same flowering of holiness which blossomed in the life of Padre Pio through prayer, acceptance of our sufferings, the confession of our sins, and by extending mercy in generous and heroic ways for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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For the Church, that, following the example of St. Padre Pio, she may be a beacon of Christ’s mercy to all who seek forgiveness and healing . And that priests may imitate the tireless dedication of Padre Pio in their ministry of reconciliation, bringing the love and compassion of Christ to all penitents.

For all Christians, that we may embrace the sufferings and crosses in our lives as opportunities for holiness, trusting that God’s grace will sanctify us and strengthen us to do His will.

For those who are sick and suffering, they may experience healing, both physical and spiritual, and be comforted by the presence of Christ in their trials. 

 For all who have fallen away from the faith, that through the mercy of God and the prayers of St. Padre Pio, they may be led to conversion, reconciliation, and a deeper relationship with Christ.

For our parish community, that inspired by Padre Pio’s life of prayer and devotion, we may grow in holiness, seek God’s will in all things, and extend His mercy to others.

For all the faithful departed, that through the mercy of God they may be welcomed into the fullness of eternal life.

Incline your merciful ear to our prayers, we ask, O Lord. listen in kindness to the supplications of those who call on you, and through the intercession of St. Padre Pio and all the saints, grant us what we truly need. Through Christ our Lord.

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