Wednesday, September 25, 2024

25th Week in Ordinary Time 2024 - Wednesday - Humbling seeking what we truly need

 There is a common theme in our readings today. It was subtle in the Old Testament reading, and only slightly more explicit in the Gospel. It involves trust, trusting in God.

In the reading from Proverbs, this humble soul makes a heartfelt prayer to God requesting only the things he believes are essential for living a righteous and fulfilling life: “Put falsehood and lying far from me, give me neither poverty nor riches; provide me only with the food I need, lest, being full, I deny you.” Notice the two things he asks for.

The first request is for personal integrity. The speaker asks God to keep dishonesty and deceit away from him. This reflects a desire to live truthfully, both in words and actions, avoiding the moral corruption that comes with lying. 

Dishonesty erodes our integrity. Lying often involves shifting blame or avoiding accountability, which prevents learning from mistakes. It leads to isolation—becomes no one trusts a liar. Falsehood brings separation from God—who is Truth itself. Small lies can lead to larger deceptions, gradually desensitizing individuals to wrongdoing. Once lying is rationalized, it becomes easier and easier to justify larger sins. This humble request to be kept from falsehood is fundamental to living a blessed life. 

The second request is about material wealth. The prayer asks for a balanced provision—neither extreme wealth nor extreme poverty. Each of those extremes come with their own sets of temptations and challenges. Rather, the prayer asks for just enough for sustenance. This is akin to asking God for our “daily bread” as Jesus taught his disciples in the Lord’s prayer.  

Both requests—the request for integrity and for daily bread—entail a trust that the Lord will provide what he needs.

In the Gospel, Jesus sends out the twelve with just enough for their mission. And notice, he sends them out to preach and cure and cast out demons, without any form of material support: without food, without money, or even a change of clothes.  But he did equip them spiritually for their mission. Having spent powerful, life changing time with Jesus—hearing his teaching, witnessing his divine authority in the miracles he performed, he equipped them with Faith and the Word of God. 

Similarly, in pursuing our vocation to holiness and our share in the mission of the Church —in living a blessed life on earth that leads to beatitude in heaven—we do well to seek only what we truly need: the grace of living honest humble lives, the grace to trust that the Lord equips us sufficiently for the task before us. 

May we entrust our needs to the Lord today—for all that we truly require for holiness and for heaven, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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That all members of the Church may strive for personal integrity and holiness, living truthfully in word and deed.

That those in positions of authority may govern with honesty and justice, rejecting deceit, corruption, and working always for the common good.

That those experiencing poverty or abundance may avoid the temptations associated with their circumstances, and that we may seek only what we truly need, trusting that the Lord equips us sufficiently for our mission and supporting one another in faith.

That those who are burdened by illness or hardship may find comfort in God's provision and the support of the faithful community.

That the departed may be received into God's eternal embrace, especially…

Heavenly Father, we entrust our needs to You, confident in Your loving providence. Hear our petitions and grant us what we truly need. Through Christ our Lord.

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