Tuesday, July 23, 2024

July 23 2024 - St. Bridget of Sweden - Holiness in the different paths of life

 The Opening Prayer mentions how God guided Saint Bridget of Sweden “along different paths of life.”  Bridget was a wife, a mother, a lady-in-waiting in the royal court, a mystic, a third Order Franciscan, and finally a foundress of a religious order.  

Throughout her marriage to a Prince of Sweden, she was dedicated to the works of mercy. She even had a monastery built for the good sisters which she later joined after the death of her husband, when she renounced her wealth in order to live as the ascetical life as a Third Order Franciscan. Together they had 8 children, one of whom is also honored as a saint, St. Catherine of Sweden.

The Opening Prayer also referred to the Lord teaching her the wisdom of the Cross by her contemplation of the Passion.  At ten years of age young Bridget had a mystic vision of Jesus on the cross, covered with fresh blood and speaking to her about his Passion.  She received many such revelations which fill 8 volumes.

Through all those different paths of life, she sought to unite herself ever more closely to the suffering Christ. After ensuring the care of her children, she renounced her wealth and lived as an ascetic.  

It is fitting that her feast day is celebrated during the month of July.  For July is dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus and St. Bridget founded the religious Order of the Most Holy Savior who have a special devotion  to the Precious Blood of Christ.  The order is known also as the Bridgettines.

In 1999, Pope John Paul II declared St. Bridget a Co-Patroness of Europe, along with Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Theresa Benedicta of the Cross.

In his declaration naming Bridget a Co-Patroness of Europe, the Pope said, that Bridget of Sweden is not just a model for those in consecrated religious life, but especially for married people—that those who have “the high and demanding vocation of forming a Christian family will feel that she is close to them.”  The Pope emphasized how “she and her husband enjoyed a married life in which conjugal love was joined to intense prayer, the study of Sacred Scripture, mortification and charitable works. Together they founded a small hospital, where they often attended the sick. Bridget was in the habit of serving the poor personally. At the same time, she was appreciated for her gifts as a teacher”

We see in the Saints what life is supposed to look like.  The Lord guides us along many different paths an desires to teach us, like St. Bridget, the wisdom of the cross: that fulfillment in this life and happiness in the life to come is found, not in wealth and possessions, and making a name for ourselves but seeking the Lord’s will in all things, particularly in accepting the cross for the sake of the kingdom.

“Walking worthily in our vocation” may we seek Christ in all things, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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That members of the Church, priests, religious, married, and single, may seek the kingdom of God His and righteousness and the Divine Will above all.

For an increase in vocations to the religious life, for the spiritual good of the Bridgettine Order, for third Order Franciscans, that our consecrated religious may continue to bless the Church by their faithful living of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

Through the intercession of St. Bridget, co-patroness of Europe, for the conversion of the people of Europe from all that keeps them from following Christ.

That the sick, suffering, and sorrowful may know the consolation and peace of the living God.

For the repose of the souls of our beloved dead, for all of the souls in purgatory, for deceased priests and religious, and for N. for whom this mass is offered.

Hear Our Prayers, O Lord, and through the intercession of St. Bridget of Sweden, help us, as we walk the many paths of life, to serve you in all things and come to the eternal kingdom of heaven. Through Christ. Our Lord.

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