Tuesday, July 2, 2024

13th Week in Ordinary Time 2024 - Tuesday - Trusting Christ in the Storm

Yesterday we started reading from the book of the prophet Amos.

Amos was not a professional prophet but a shepherd and fig farmer from Judah. He was called by God to prophesy during a time of relative prosperity for both the Northern and Southern kingdoms. It was a time of economic growth and military success, but a time of rampant social injustice and religious corruption. The rich became richer while the poor were often exploited, and the north, especially, was incorporating idolatrous elements of the pagan Canaanite religion into their religious worship.

Despite being from the Southern Kingdom of Judah, Amos primarily prophesied in the Northern Kingdom, warning the people to prepare for God’s judgement, boldly indicting kings, priests, and leaders for their failure to lead the people in the ways of God.

In today’s passage, Amos asks a series of powerful rhetorical questions to help the people understand the reason they have brought themselves under God’s judgment. Does a lion roar unless there is prey? Is a bird not brought to earth unless it is snared? So too does a city experience evil unless it has turned away from God?

Amos is pointing out a very simple cause and effect relationship between our actions and the evils we bring upon ourselves. Even though there is prosperity for a time, when a city turns away from God, there will be consequences. And Amos’ message is timeless. That cause and effect relationship is at play in every city and nation and household and parish. There may be prosperity for a time, but when family members, parishioners, citizens, priests, bishops, and civic leaders turn away from God, there will be blood, there will be hell to pay.

The good news, the message from the Gospel, is that those who trust in Christ, who are in the boat with Christ and live in close friendship with him, and trust in him, have nothing to worry about. O sure, the world will crumble, the storm will wreak havoc, but the disciples of Christ will survive the storm with their souls in tact. 

Many literally sell their souls for earthly gain, for earthly prosperity, and they, who have sown the wind, shall reap the whirlwind. But those who live with Christ as Lord, who eat his flesh and drink his blood, and follow his teachings, and seek union with him through prayer, shall withstand the storm, and bear fruit that will last unto eternity.

So don’t be afraid when you see the world going to hell. It’s often a result of evils and forces beyond your control. What you can control, is whether or not you put your trust in Christ. Trust in Him and you will experience peace in the midst of the greatest storms, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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For the Church, that we may be bold witnesses like Amos, speaking truth to power and calling all people to authentic faith and justice. Let us pray to the Lord.

For our civic and religious leaders, that they may govern with wisdom and integrity, prioritizing the common good over personal gain. Let us pray to the Lord.

For those suffering from economic exploitation and social injustice, that they may find advocates and assistance in their time of need. Let us pray to the Lord.

For our community, that we may resist the pagan influences of the world, and instead cultivate a deep and sincere relationship with God. Let us pray to the Lord.

For all who are experiencing storms in their lives, that they may find peace and strength in Christ, the master of wind and sea. Let us pray to the Lord.

For our parish, that we may be a beacon of hope and a place of refuge for those seeking God amidst the chaos of the world. Let us pray to the Lord.

For those who have lost hope in the face of societal decay, that they may be reminded of God's enduring presence and love. Let us pray to the Lord.

For the grace to bear fruit that will last unto eternity, living as faithful disciples of Christ in all aspects of our lives. Let us pray to the Lord.

For the sick, the impoverished, the lonely, those suffering from mental illness, those most in need, and those near death: may God, through the loving mercy of the Precious Blood of Jesus, be close to them in their trials.

And that all those redeemed by the Precious Blood of Jesus may come to the glory of heaven, especially X for whom this mass is offered.

Almighty and ever-living God, You spoke through Your prophet Amos in times of prosperity and corruption, and You calm the storms through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Grant us the wisdom and all we truly need to heed Your warnings and the courage to stand firm in our faith. Through Christ our Lord.

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