Monday, February 3, 2025

February 3 2025 - St. Blaise - May the Lord deliver you


I remember one year, a school teacher joking that every after the annual St Blaise throat blessing she would get some sort of sore throat. And I would joke back, just think how bad the sore throat would have been without the blessing! And consider this: do you have a sore throat right now?” “No” she answered. “Then God delivered you from the illness, just as we prayed”.

“Through the intercession of Saint Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, may the Lord deliver you from every disease of the throat.” 

Deliverance is a common message in scripture. In the Book of Exodus, God delivers his people from slavery. Through his chosen instrument, the young shepherd boy, David, God delivered his people from the Philistines, when David slew Goliath. God delivered Daniel from the Lion’s Den. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were delivered from the fiery furnace. 

In his own public ministry, the Lord Jesus delivered countless people from illness and demon possession. He rescued the apostles from the terrible storm on the sea of Galilee, and the multitude of people from hunger when he multiplied the fish and loaves. God delivered Paul and Silas from prison, and sent an angel to deliver Peter and the apostles from prison as well. 

Notice, that in each case God’s people are already suffering: Daniel is in the lion’s den, the paralytic is already paralyzed, Peter is already in prison. 

Rather than shielding us from all suffering, God chooses to deliver us from our suffering to help us draw closer to him, to recognize that He is our salvation. 

This is most evident in our salvation in Christ. In our sinful state, we are to recognize that Jesus Christ alone is our salvation. The life of faith begins when we recognize that. We are lost without him. Lord, deliver us. 

He even taught us to pray, “deliver us from evil”. In the course of this life, we will continue to experience many forms of suffering and evil. But we learn to turn to God in those times to deliver us, to provide the help that can only come from Him. In this way, God has transformed our suffering into an avenue of grace, growth, and salvation.

May we form that habit of turning to the Lord for help in all of our troubles, especially our sinfulness, opening our minds and hearts to his grace, and experiencing the transformation he desires for us, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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For the Church: That she may faithfully proclaim Christ as our Deliverer, leading all people to trust in His power to set us free from sin and every form of spiritual bondage. Let us pray to the Lord…

For all who hold public office: That they may follow God’s example of deliverance by working tirelessly to liberate the oppressed, promote justice, and protect the vulnerable in society. Let us pray to the Lord…

For those enduring trials and hardships: That they may never lose hope but turn to the Lord in their suffering, trusting in His saving hand to deliver, strengthen, and transform them. Let us pray to the Lord…

For our members of our parish: That we may be instruments of God’s mercy, offering prayers and support for those who suffer, and bearing witness to the power of God to deliver and save. Let us pray to the Lord…

For the sick and suffering, especially those with ailments of the throat: Through the intercession of Saint Blaise, may the Lord grant them healing, relief from pain, and renewed strength of body and spirit. Let us pray to the Lord…

For the faithful departed: That they may be delivered from every bond of sin and welcomed into the fullness of life and peace in God’s eternal kingdom, especially N. Let us pray to the Lord…

God our Deliverer, You have shown Your mighty power throughout history, rescuing Your people from danger, sickness, and sin. Hear our prayers this day. Help us to turn to You with unwavering faith in times of trial, that we may always experience Your transforming grace. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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