Friday, February 7, 2025

4th Week in Ordinary Time 2025 - Friday - Kindness and Courage (school mass)

What wonderful scripture readings we read today in which we hear God calling each of us—no matter our age or situation—to be kind, to stand up for what is right, and to trust that He is always with us. 

In the first reading from the Letter to the Hebrews, we hear about “brotherly love” and “hospitality.” In other words, God calls us to care for others, to be welcoming and to treat people with respect. You never know when your acts of kindness might help someone who feels alone or afraid; an act of kindness can change someone’s day, or even change someone’s life. 

In the Gospel, we hear a sad story about King Herod and John the Baptist. John was brave and told the truth about what was right and wrong. But King Herod, wanting to look good in front of his friends, ended up making a terrible choice and had John killed. This shows how dangerous it can be when we care too much about impressing others or doing the popular thing instead of the right thing. Even though John suffered, he stayed faithful to God until the end.

Again, these stories teach us something important: no one is too young or too old, too small or too ordinary, to do what is right. Our challenges are a lot like John the Baptists: do we stand up for a classmate who’s being teased? Do we share with someone who’s lonely or help a friend in need? When we do these simple acts of love, God’s power is unleashed, his light shines in the darkness, his love and goodness is made known--the love and goodness and light of the Heart of Jesus.

But acts of goodness, kindness, and generosity require real effort and real courage. But these are the great deeds God calls us to. May God help us, and may the saints inspire us for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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Trusting in God’s constant presence and His call to do what is right, we bring our needs and the needs of the world before our loving Father:

That we may show brotherly love and hospitality, welcoming others with kindness and respect, and reflecting God’s goodness to everyone they meet.

For leaders of nations and communities: That they may make wise, courageous decisions that seek the common good, resisting any temptation to compromise what is right for the sake of popularity or power.

For all who suffer injustice or feel alone: That they may experience God’s loving care and be protected from discouragement.

For those preparing for the Easter Sacraments: may God’s Word help them experience the grace of daily conversion and the joy of the followers of Christ.  

For the sick, the suffering, and those facing difficult choices: That they may trust in God’s presence, find healing, and receive the compassionate support they need from friends and caregivers.

For our faithful departed: That they may rest in God’s eternal peace, alongside the saints who inspire us to live with courage, generosity, and love, especially N. 

Heavenly Father, You teach us through Your Word to be kind, courageous, and welcoming. Hear our prayers and strengthen us each day to do what is right, sharing Your love in all we do. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


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