Tuesday, February 25, 2025

7th Week of Ordinary Time 2025 - Tuesday - Childlike humility and embrace of trials


Today we read the familiar Gospel passage of the disciples arguing about who will be the greatest in Jesus’ kingdom, but it is clear that their idea of greatness is far from God’s. True greatness in God’s eyes isn’t about attaining a seat of power, status or privilege. Rather, true greatness involves becoming like a little child before God—true power involves becoming a servant to every one. "If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all."

 Why does Jesus redirect the attention of the disciples to the posture of a child?

 A child does not approach the world with calculated strategies to rise above everyone else; instead, children living trustingly secure in the care of those who love them. By inviting us to become like children, Jesus teaches us that His kingdom values humility, tenderness, and simplicity of heart.

 Moreover, Jesus spells out that the path to true greatness is marked by service, not by accolades. Being “first” in His kingdom means pouring ourselves out for others—looking for ways to uplift, comfort, and accompany those in need.

 In the first reading from Sirach, God’s Word also makes it clear that we will need to embrace hardships to become the people God made us to be. We will have to practice patience, conflicts, hardships, and personal sufferings. “Prepare yourself for trials…in fire gold is tested,”

 Together the readings speak of a purification that is needed. We are to purify ourselves from the un-childlike behavior—the power grabbing, the attempts to live independently from God. And we are to embrace the purification the Lord sends us through our trials. True Christian greatness grows from a heart purified by adversity and shaped by a servant’s love. When we let go of self-centered ambition, fear of suffering for the sake of goodness, but truly trust the Lord in them, and seek to become “the servant of all,” we become truly great in God’s sight for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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With humble hearts, we turn to our loving Father, and we present our needs for the Church and the world.

For the Church: That all her members may seek to leading lives marked by humility and service rather than worldly ambition.

For leaders in society and government: That they may put aside selfish interests and seek the good of the most vulnerable, serving their communities with honesty and compassion

For those who face trials and hardships: That, like gold refined in fire, they may grow in faith and hope through their struggles, trusting that God is with them and working for their good. And for Holy Father Pope Francis in this time of serious illness.

For our parish community: That we may actively seek ways to serve, uplift, and comfort those in need, especially the lonely, the sick, and the marginalized

For our deceased loved ones and all the souls in purgatory: That they may be welcomed by the Lord and share in the fullness of His Kingdom, especially N.

Heavenly Father, hear these prayers and answer them in your mercy, for we make them through Christ our Lord.

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