Thursday, May 23, 2024

7th Week of Ordinary Time 2024 - Thursday - Instructions for the Last Day of School

Happy Last Day of School everyone. When I was studying to be a priest, on the last day of seminary each  year, we would always gather for mass just like we are doing today. At the end of a long school year, our seminary rector would give us some instructions for the summer. Even though the school year was over, we still had to keep some things in mind. He would remind us of the importance of going to church as much as possible, and praying and reading scripture every day. He’d remind us not to play too many video games and to exercise and get some sunshine. He’d remind us to keep our minds sharp by reading books throughout the summer, and looking for opportunities to volunteer at our parishes. 

But then, he’d give us the most important piece of advice. He would remind us of the importance of turning to God and turning to Jesus every day, and to seek our happiness in Him.

And wouldn’t you know it, all of our scripture readings today, on this last day of the school year, contain that very same advice.

In our first reading from the Letter of James, we hear a strong message about the dangers of putting too much trust in money and material things. James tells us that riches can decay and lose their value, and that living a life focused only on luxury and pleasure can lead us away from God. This reading reminds us that true happiness and peace come from following God's commandments and living a life of kindness and generosity.

The Responsorial Psalm echoed that message, telling us that those who trust in their wealth will not find lasting joy. Instead, it is the poor in spirit who are blessed and will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. This means that those who are humble, who recognize their need for God, and who seek to do His will, are the ones who are truly rich in what matters most.

Then, In the Gospel reading from Mark, Jesus gives us some very vivid images to help us understand the seriousness of sin. He tells us that if something causes us to sin, we should remove it from our lives, even if it is something as important as a hand or an eye. Jesus uses these strong words to show us that we must do whatever it takes to avoid sin and to stay close to Him. 

As we prepare for our summer break, let us remember these important lessons. Summer is a wonderful time to relax, have fun, and enjoy the beautiful world that God has given us. But it is also a time when we can sometimes forget to pray, to go to Church, and to make good choices. So, how can we keep our souls from sin during these summer months?

Stay Connected to God: Make time each day to pray. Even just a few minutes in the morning or before bed can help you stay close to Jesus. Remember to thank Him for your blessings and ask for His guidance in all you do.

Attend Church Regularly: Remind your families on Saturday, that on Sunday you need to go to Church. 

Be Kind and Generous: Look for ways to help others, whether it's doing chores at home without being asked, being kind to your siblings, or helping a neighbor. Acts of kindness bring joy to others and to ourselves.

Make Good Choices: Think about the decisions you make each day. Ask yourself, "Is this something that would make Jesus happy?" If the answer is no, then it’s probably not the right choice.

Stay Pure in Heart: Remember that what you watch, read, and listen to can affect your thoughts and actions. Choose entertainment that is wholesome and uplifting, and avoid things that can lead you away from God's love.

Remember, Jesus loves each one of you very much and wants you to be happy and holy. Stay close to Him, and He will guide you always. 

May God will bless our summer, keep us safe, and help us to grow in our faith. May we return in the fall with hearts full of love for Jesus for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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