Wednesday, June 29, 2022

June 29 2022 - Sts. Peter and Paul - Teachings, Examples, Mission, Martyrdom

Before the reform of calendar, Saints Peter and Paul were celebrated over the course of three days here at the end of June with the Vigil of Peter and Paul on June 28, the Feast of Peter and Paul on June 29, and the Commemoration of St. Paul on June 30. A fitting tribute, as Peter and Paul are two of the greatest men to have ever lived.

The prayers and readings of those three days are now consolidated into one feast, today’s, in which we celebrate their teachings, their examples, their mission, their martyrdom, and their heavenly intercession.

The Collect asked God to help us follow their teachings, may the Church, in all things follow the teachings of those through whom she received the beginnings of right religion. The Christian Church is forever shaped by the teachings of these two saints. 

In the first reading, we heard of Peter, having willingly suffered imprisonment for the Gospel, being set free by God’s angel. From there we know, the prince of the Apostles would travel to Rome to proclaim the Gospel and minister to the Roman Christians. I remember visiting the church of San Pietro in Vincoli in Rome, the Church of St. Peter in Chains, and seeing the chains that bound Peter and were broken by the angel.

In the second reading, we heard of Paul writing to Timothy from his prison cell in Rome. Paul, no doubt having heard of Peter’s rescue from prison, speaks of how the Lord will rescue him too, only not by breaking his physical chains, but by raising him from the dead and delivering him to the eternal kingdom of heaven in the resurrection. Paul’s hope in resurrection is fill our hearts daily.

In the powerful Eucharistic Preface for this day, we proclaim God’s providence which fills us with joy at the celebration of Peter and Paul: “Peter, foremost in confessing the faith, Paul its outstanding preaching, Peter, who established the early Church from the remnant of Israel, Paul, master and teacher of the Gentiles…and so, each in a different way gathered together the one family of Christ; and revered together throughout the world, they share one Martyr’s crown.”

These two saints are examplars of missionary zeal. Their lives became centered on gathering souls to Christ. Not storing up treasures on earth, not gaining earthly fame, not living the comfortable life, not simply allowing life to pass them by as they awaited death. They went out to gather souls out of love for Christ. And that love was confirmed by their willingness to suffer a martyrs death for Christ.

May the love and zeal of Peter and Paul always animate us; may we know their heavenly assistance in being faithful to our share of the Church’s mission, in gathering souls to Christ for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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The Lord Jesus built his Church on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. In faith let us pray.

The Lord prayed that the faith of Peter would not fail, may the Lord strengthen the faith of His Church and protect her from all dangers.

The Lord appeared to Peter after his resurrection and appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus, may he make us steadfast proclaimers of his resurrection.

The Lord called Peter, a fisherman, to be a fisher of men, may he raise up new vocations to the priesthood and consecrated religious life. 

The Lord mercifully forgave Peter’s denials, may he have mercy upon all sinners, and all those who suffer illness or any other need.

The Lord gave Peter the keys of the kingdom, may the gates of that kingdom be open to all who trusted in Christ’s mercy while still on earth, especially…

Heavenly Father, graciously hear the prayers of your pilgrim Church on this great Solemnity and grant our prayers of petition through Christ, Our Lord. 

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