Friday, January 1, 2021

January 1, 2021 - Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Madonna and Child


This eighth day of Christmas is celebrated with particular solemnity, as we adore Christ embraced by the arms of his Mother.

Among the most ancient and important catacombs in Rome are the catacombs of St. Priscilla on the Via Salaria, east-northeast of the Vatican.  Painted on the walls of these catacombs are numerous frescoes that throw light on the faith of the early Church.  One fresco depicts the Virgin Mary seated, with the infant Jesus at her breast.  Next to her stands the prophet Isaiah pointing to star—the star being the ancient Jewish symbol for the Messiah. 

This Fresco, dating from the early 200s is one of the oldest known representations in art of the Madonna and Child, certain evidence that, from the very beginning, the Church has given the Mother of Our Lord a place of special honor and devotion.  The Roman Christians, during a time of persecution, would gather in those catacombs for prayer and to bury their dead, and would look upon that image and contemplate its truths. 

Just as babies are embraced in love by their mother; Mary embraces every Christian—in life and in death.

Just as babies learn to smile and sing in the arms of their mothers; so every Christian learns what real joy looks like, by looking to the face of the Mother, who finds her joy in doing the will of the heavenly Father, in caring for the life of the Son.

Just as babies learn talk, walk, eat, and clothe themselves, so also Christians are taught to talk, walk, think, feel, and act like Christ by Our Mother.  Mary nurtured and taught the Christ child, and she will nurture and teach us—how to put God first in our lives, how to serve him, how to be healed by him, how to be saved by him, that his peace and joy and strength may be ours.

From the cross, Jesus gave Mary to be our Mother in the order of grace. If what St. Paul said is true, that “God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying out, "Abba, Father!" Then we also, like the Son, turn to Mary, and cry, “Hail, Mother”

Throughout the Christmas octave, we’ve considered the example of martyrs and apostles who have followed Christ unto death. And on this octave Day, we look to the perfect disciple, the Mother Mary who gives herself without reserve to the person and work of her Son. Her self-giving and cooperation with Christ continues now, from her place in heaven. She always helps us to adore, contemplate, and follow Christ ever more faithfully, for the glory of God and salvation of souls. 

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That Mary’s maternal care and heavenly intercession will help us all to reach the moral greatness befitting true children of God.  

That through Immaculate Mary, Queen of Peace, Mother of the Lord and Mother of the Church—blessings may be upon the world and the Church in this Year of Our Lord 2021.

For blessings on all expectant mothers, newborn infants, and young families. 

That from the moment of conception all children will be preserved from bodily harm; for the overturning of unjust laws that permit the destruction of innocent life; and that the minds of all may be enlightened to know the dignity of every human life.  

For all those who have died, for all of the poor souls in purgatory, for all who have fought and died for our country’s freedom, and for [intention below], for whom this Mass is offered.  

We pray, O Lord our God, that the Virgin Mary, who merited to bear God and man in her chaste womb, may commend the prayers of your faithful in your sight. Through Christ our Lord.

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