Tuesday, August 6, 2019

August 6 2019 - Feast of the Transfiguration - Glory through self-emptying

The Transfiguration of Jesus reveals the destiny of our human nature, a destiny which our first parents in the Garden of Eden failed to attain. They were meant for glory, but Adam and Eve headed the voice of temptation, which suggested to them that they had been forbidden to eat of the tree of knowledge because God jealously wanted to keep them in a state of immaturity. But knowledge in itself does not make us like God.

Knowledge needs to be accompanied by humility, obedience to God, thanksgiving, purity of heart, willingness to suffer for goodness sake. The glory indicated by the Transfiguration is only to be attained through the self-emptying of the Passion. St. Luke hints at this truth, by depicting Our Lord, in transfigured glory speaking to Moses and Elijah about his passion to come. And Immediately following the Transfiguration, in St. Luke’s Gospel, Our Lord teaches "If anyone wishes to come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

This teaching" St Cyril of Alexandria comments, "is our salvation". It prepares us for heavenly glory through the acceptance of suffering for Christ's sake. The converse is also true: the vision of heavenly glory granted to Peter, James and John prepares them to accept the suffering that is shortly to come upon them...To see the Transfiguration is to see the kingdom of God. The radiant humanity of the Lord shows the apostles the destiny that awaits them. The Lord can now go to his suffering and death and the apostles can follow him, confident in the glory that can only be attained through sharing in the Cross.

If we wish to attain the glory revealed in the Transfiguration, each of us has much suffering to do, many crosses to carry, penances, detachment from earthly pursuits and pleasures. We have hard work to do, in preaching the Gospel through word and dead, in many works of mercy. Glory is only attained through self-emptying, self-effacement, self-forgetting.

May our faith, hope, and charity increase as empty ourselves of all willfulness and selfishness and bear our crosses in union with Our Blessed Lord for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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That Holy Church may radiate the beauty of the transfigured Jesus through her preaching, teaching, works of mercy, and suffering for the sake of the Gospel.

That the Holy Father and all the ordained may find in the Transfiguration the strength and courage needed to bear the crosses which their mission entails.

For those who doubt or deny the divinity of Christ: May the Transfiguration help them believe that Jesus is true God and true man.

That those whose lives have been disfigured by vice and sin, may find in the transfiguration the inspiration they need to begin a new life.

For those experiencing any kind of hardship or sorrow, isolation or illness: that the glory of the Transfiguration may bring them hope and consolation.

For the deceased members of our families and parish, for all deceased priests and religious, and all the souls in purgatory, that they may come to the destiny revealed in the Transfiguration of the Lord, and for N. for whom this Mass is offered.

Heavenly Father, hear the prayers of your pilgrimage Church, and grant us what we truly need that we may follow your Son in His Passion and Death and become heirs of his glorious Resurrection. Through the same Christ Our Lord.

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