In the book of Chronicles we read of Israel’s great rejoicing as the Ark made its ways into the Holy City of Jerusalem. The Levite priests carry the ark on their shoulders, there is chanting, and musical of instruments, and the loud sound of rejoicing.
Down in Little Italy there is a procession much like the procession described in 1st Chronicles. And here too, today we gather in similar exuberance, celebrating liturgically Mary, New Ark entering the New Eternal Jerusalem—Heaven. Mary’s Assumption is like a procession by which she entered the liturgy of heaven, to sit on her throne as Queen of the Blessed.
Mary is the fulfillment of the old testament ark, for she contained within her womb, what the objects in the old ark foreshadowed.
Where the old ark contained tablets of the law, Mary, the New Ark contained in her womb, Jesus, the new the fulfillment of the law—and the giver of the perfect law of charity. Where the old ark contained the priestly rod of aaron, Mary, the new ark contained in her womb, Jesus the High Priest, who is himself the fulfillment of the priesthood: he is priest, altar, and the lamb of sacrifice. And as the old ark contained manna from the desert, Mary, the new ark, contained in her womb, the one who said: I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.
The Ark was the holiest object in existence to the Jews; and now Christians honor Mary as the New Ark, and most blessed, most holy of all women. The book of Revelation describes Mary as the Ark, containing the Christ child in her womb, clothed in the radiance of the sun. We certainly look to the glorious light of Mary’s example that we may come to that place prepared for each one of us in the heavenly kingdom.
Elizabeth in the Gospel proclaims Mary to be blessed, because she believed in the Word of God, she allowed the word of God and the plan of God to be fulfilled in her life. And we recognize that if we wish to be counted among the blessed, we must do the same. We must not only be hearers of the Word, but doers of the Word of God, obedient to the Word and instruments of the Word.
We must follow the commands of the law, which Mary carried within her. We must allow Christ the Priest to save us from our sins and reconcile us to God. And we must eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ, the living bread.
May the pilgrim journey of our lives be marked by joy, knowing that where Mary has gone, we are meant to follow, knowing the life that she carried within her, dwells within those who strive for that same obedience of faith. May Our Lady be present at every step of our pilgrim journey, filled with trials and sufferings of every kind that we, like her, may come to that eternal place prepared for us in heaven, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.
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That through the maternal intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Church will grow in wisdom and holiness. We pray to the Lord.
That the prayers of Mary, Queen of Peace, will assist the nations of the earth to experience the justice and righteousness of the Gospel. We pray to the Lord.
That the hope revealed in Mary’s Assumption will inspire many young people to strive for lives of holiness and bring about an increase in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated religious life. We pray to the Lord.
For the sanctification of families: that the undying love of the Mother of God in heaven will bless all families with new hope and true healing. We pray to the Lord.
For the conversion of our culture, and for the protection of all human life from conception to death. We pray to the Lord.
For those who suffer any sort of trial, illness, addiction or handicap: that the help of Our Lady, gloriously assumed into heaven, may fill them with the grace needed to carry their crosses with faith and hope. We pray to the Lord.
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