Wednesday, August 7, 2019

18th Week in OT 2019 - Wednesday - Faith of the Caananite Woman

The Canaanite woman in the Gospel today is a wonderful example of what happens when the power of faith in Jesus Christ is unleashed in one’s life.

In requesting, even begging, Jesus to cure her daughter, this mother unleashed the healing power of God on her child and on her family. She loved her daughter so much that she was not discouraged by the reaction of the disciples who wanted to send her away. Rather, she approaches Jesus courageously and persistently, overcoming the obstacle of what others might think of her.

Social pressure, is a major stumbling block for some. “What will people think if I pray in public?” “What will my family member think if I say something about them cohabitating outside of marriage?” “What will people think if I pray outside the abortion clinic?” “What will people think if I abstain from meat on Fridays all year?” “What will people think if I start a new ministry endeavor at my parish?” “What will people think if I become a lector at Sunday masses?” “What will people think if I enter the convent, if I enter the seminary?”

This non-Jewish woman faced tremendous social pressure. A woman, a non-Jew, approaches a Jewish Rabbi, at the dismay of his disciples, to beg him to heal. And what happens when she allows her love and her faith to overcome her fear, her social anxiety? Her faith amazes even Jesus who exclaims “woman you have great faith” and healing flows from Him.

In what area in your life is Jesus waiting to say “you have great faith”, waiting for your faith to be the conduit for his power and grace and healing? This might be the most important question you’ll ever ask.

Let us be courageous, persistent, and full of faith and love today, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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That our love and faith may be greater than our self-concern and earthly fears.

That our nation’s elected officials may be people of integrity, and a deep concern for authentic truth and goodness.

For an increase in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, that our young people may have the courage to answer the call.

For those experiencing any kind of hardship or sorrow, isolation or illness: that the healing of Jesus Christ and the consolation of the Holy Spirit may overflow in their lives.

For the deceased members of our families and parish, for all deceased priests and religious, and all the souls in purgatory, and for N. for whom this Mass is offered.

Heavenly Father, hear the prayers of your pilgrimage Church, grant us what we truly need to remain faithful to your Son in all things. Through Christ Our Lord.

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