Monday, March 19, 2018

March 19 2018 - St. Joseph - Pillar of Families and Universal Patron

Buona festa di San Giuseppe. Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, the husband of Mary and foster father of Jesus.

The value and importance of men looking to and following the example of St. Joseph in our modern times cannot be overestimated. As St. Joseph guarded the Holy Family from violence and evil, modern fathers must protect their spouses and children from the evils that fill our country.

The United States leads the world in the number of fatherless families. Most households below the poverty line in the U.S. are fatherless; most young men serving prison terms in our country were raised without a father in their lives. I’d venture to say most of the gun violence is perpetrated by people who did not have a healthy relationship with their father.
Many adults trace their emotional and psychological problems to a broken or unhealthy relationship with their father, a father who was missing either physically or emotionally or spiritually, as a spiritual leader in their families.

Now, there's nothing magical about having a man living with the family. Fathers can be abusive, and a bad example of fidelity to the vows of marriage. But a father who is faithful to God, faithful to his vows, and faithful to his children is a blessing beyond measure.

As our collect this morning stated, “God entrusted the beginnings of our human salvation” to the “faithful care” of St. Joseph. We certainly pray today that present fathers and future fathers may exercise that same “faithful care” in their families.

Pope Pius IX proclaimed Saint Joseph who was chosen by the Heavenly Father as protector of all that is holy and precious in the human family to be the patron of the Universal Church.

In times of temptation, in communities which seem riddled with selfishness or wickedness, we do well to invoke St. Joseph, who was not a man of lip-service, but a man of action, to guide and protect us from all evil.

Saint Joseph, “Diligent protector of Christ, Guardian of Virgins, Pillar of families, patron of the dying, terror of demons,”, pray for us, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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That St. Joseph, “Patron of the Universal Church” may guide and guard our Holy Father, all bishops and clergy, religious and lay faithful from the wiles and machinations of the Enemy.
That St. Joseph, “diligent protector” of the Christ Child, will help protect all children from violence and evil, especially the unborn.
That St. Joseph, “Guardian of Virgins” will help eradicate perversion and immodesty from our culture.
That St. Joseph, “Pillar of Families”, will be an example for all Christian families.
That St. Joseph “terror of demons” will help to deliver all those in sin, and all those under demonic influence, to be open to the saving mercy of Christ.
That St. Joseph “patron of the dying” will help all the dying to know the tender peace of God.
For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.
Mercifully hear, O Lord, the prayers of your Church and turn with compassion to the hearts that bow before you, that those you make sharers in your divine mystery may always benefit from your assistance.

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