Two mysteries arise from the Gospel reading today. First, why does Mary Magdalene have difficulty recognizing the risen Lord? And, second, why does Jesus tell Mary not to cling to him?
Some scholars have suggested that Mary doesn’t immediately recognize the Lord because her tears and grief have clouded her vision. Perhaps, she confuses him with the gardener because of a connection to the Adam who failed as the "tender" of the Garden of Eden. The first Adam allowed the powers of evil and death to creep into the garden, which claimed his soul and the soul of his bride. Now the risen Christ is the New Adam, who gave his life so that his Bride might be free from sin, breaking Satan’s power over man and creation.
Perhaps, Mary does not recognize him because the resurrection has transformed him. The Risen Christ physical body has been eternalized, recreated, beaming with life. We know he is able to walk through locked doors, and appear and disappear.
And perhaps, Mary does not recognize him for the same reason the disciples on the road to Emmaus do not recognize him. He remains veiled until they are ready to see him. Well, it doesn’t take Mary quite as long to recognize Him, she sees clearly when he speaks her name. The faithful flock know the voice of the Good Shepherd.
This certainly challenges us to ensure that we are accustoming our minds and hearts to the sound of his voice through prayer and service.

The relationship to Christ is meant to grow. Our faith in Christ, our hope in Christ, our love for Christ should be greater than it was last Easter. We should be growing in using our spiritual gifts for the service for others. Easter is about new life, not simply celebrating the new life we received in baptism, but the new life Christ wants for us, today. What do we still have to let go off, in order to let God’s life flourish?
May we continue to accustom ourselves to the voice of the Risen Christ, who sends us out with the message of Good News, and allow the new life of the Spirit to flourish in our souls in his service for the glory of God and salvation of souls.
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Filled with paschal joy, let us pray more earnestly to God that he, who graciously listened to the prayers and supplications of his beloved Son, may now be pleased to look upon us in our lowliness.
1. For the shepherds of our souls, that they may have the strength to govern wisely, the flock entrusted to them by the Good Shepherd.
2. For the whole world, that it may truly know the peace given by Christ.
3. For our brothers and sisters who suffer, that their sorrow may be turned to gladness which no one can take from them.
4. For our own community, that it may bear witness with great confidence to the Resurrection of Christ.
O God, who know that our life in this present age is subject to suffering and need, hear the desires of those who cry to you and receive the prayers of those who believe in you. Through Christ Our Lord.
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