Tuesday, April 25, 2017

April 25 2017 - St. Mark the Evangelist - Bishop of Alexandria and Martyr

St. Mark was a Jew converted by the Apostles after the death and resurrection of Christ. As we heard in the first reading, he was a spiritual son of St. Peter—Peter, who refers to himself as “the chosen one at Babylon”, referring to Rome.

So St. Mark was with Peter in Rome, and it is here that St. Mark is asked to put into writing what they were being taught orally by St. Peter. And that is exactly what this evangelist did.

Around the year 49 AD St. Peter sends Mark to be the Bishop of Alexandria in Egypt. Alexandria was known for its superstition, old Egyptian gods and pagan practices looming large. Mark preached the Gospel there in Alexandria and worked many miracles: faithful to what we heard in his Gospel today: that the apostles preached and signs accompanied their preaching—the Lord confirmed their words through signs.

For this reason, many people converted to the faith, but his preaching also brought about his martyrdom. But the fruits of his preaching and the testimony of his martyrdom caused Alexandria to become one of the great centers of early Christianity. It is around Alexandria that Christian monasticism begins with Anthony of the Desert and Paul the Hermit. St. Mark changed the world and changed history through his faithfulness to the preaching mission.

And, what a wonderful saint to celebrate during the Easter season, when we are being reminded of the importance of faithfully preaching the Gospel, giving witness to the truth that Jesus is risen, and by backing up our words with accompanying works.

St. Mark continues to have an effect in the life of every Christian in the world. We unite ourselves to St. Mark’s efforts, that through his prayer, the Lord may continue to bring about many conversions in this hostile land where a new paganism, an atheistic paganism is taking root. Just as the Lord transformed Alexandria, he can transform this place through our faithfulness.

We certainly remember the people of Alexandria and their families. It was here at the Coptic Cathedral of St. Mark in Alexandria that a bomb exploded on Palm Sunday just three weeks ago: 45 Christians attending Palm Sunday Mass were killed by Islamic terrorists. May the martyrdom of St. Mark, and these new martyrs bring about a flourishing of Christian faith and Christian peace in that land.

May St. Mark’s preaching and witness give us courage to be faithful to Christ in this age and in this place for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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(Petitions adapted from Evening Prayer)
Let us pray:

The Father raised Christ his Son, Our Good Shepherd from the dead, may we be his faithful witnesses to the ends of the earth.

The Father sent his Son into the world to bring good news to the poor, may we have courage to bring that good news to all peoples.

The Father sent his Son to sow the word of life, may God help us to sow his word and to reap its harvest with joy.

The Father send his Son to make the world one through his blood, may we all work together for this unity.

The Father set his Son at his right hand in the heavens, may the gates of God’s kingdom be opened to all those who have died...

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