Tuesday, November 24, 2020

November 24 2020 (School Mass) - St. Andrew Dung-Lac - Faith or Fear

 From one perspective, Jesus’ warning in the Gospel today could be kind of frightening. Standing on the foot of the beloved Jerusalem Temple the Lord shouts out, “everything you see here, all these costly stones and votive offerings will be destroyed. And not only that, there are going to be wars and violence and earthquakes and floods and famines and persecutions and plagues”. Kind of frightening, no?

And yet, Jesus isn’t trying to be frightening, rather, he’s trying to be comforting. All these terrible events he says are going to happen. Do not be terrified, he says. Do not be terrified, by these things. For the past few months, we’ve been living through one of these plagues Jesus was talking about. A plague, is a disease that sweeps through the population. 

And over the past few months I’ve met two types of people. People who are full of fear and people who take Jesus at his word here, who allow their love for Jesus Christ to cast out fear that is repeated over and over on the 24-hour news cycle and on the internet. Two types of people: the fearful and the faithful. 

The fearful are full of sadness, and they feel like prisoners, and they have been led to violent riots and vehement anger toward their fellow man. Their fear leads to anger, their anger leads to hate.

And the faithful are full of peace, and they are working to make the world brighter for others. During this plague, the faithful, take reasonable precautions not to get anybody sick, but they are not allowing fear to keep them from pursuing what is most important in life. Goodness, holiness, and peace.

Today the Church celebrates a group of Christian martyrs who experienced some of the most terrible and gruesome tortures in the whole history of the world. They were hated by their government, persecuted by their own people because of their faith in Jesus. Despite the persecution and the torture, they radiated peace and forgiveness and trust in God. And because of their courageous faith, Christianity is flourishing in Vietnam. Where there was once fear and hatred, now their faith and peace.

When we choose faith over fear God does amazing things—he performs miracles. Put your faith in Jesus throughout all the terrible events of life. And you will know a freedom and a peace that the fearful cannot even imagine. Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself. 

To all of our school families and teachers and staff, please know of my prayers, that your thanksgiving gatherings may be filled with the peace that comes through faith in Jesus Christ for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

For the sanctification of the Church, that bishops and priests be granted courage to preach the Gospel in its fullness.

For the sanctification of families, that the Word of Jesus may be studied, cherished and practiced in every home.

For all who have fallen away from the sacraments, may they repent of their sins and desire the life that can only come from you.

For peace and refreshment to all who prepare to gather for the Thanksgiving Holiday, bring safety to travelers, and protection from all disease.

For comfort to the sick and suffering, charity and care to the destitute and down-trodden, and courage to the fearful. 

That the Lord welcome into his kingdom all the faithful departed, those whose names are written in our parish necrology, all clergy and religious, and N. for whom this mass is offered.

O God, you know that our life in this present age is subject to suffering and need, hear the prayers of those who cry to you and receive the prayers of those who believe in you. Through Christ our Lord.

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