Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Nov 04 2020 - St. Charles Borromeo - Adversity creates stronger faith

One of my favorite churches in Rome is the minor basilica of Sant’Ambrogio e Carlo – the basilica of Saint Ambrose and Charles, both natives of Milan. The semester I studied in Rome, over and over I kept returning to that basilica. There is a little hidden niche there, behind the main altar and it was nice quiet place on my way to or from classes. And there in that niche is a reliquary containing the heart of Saint Charles Borromeo, today’s saint. 

As a seminarian, studying for the priesthood, to pray before the heart of Saint Charles was very special, for he’s the patron saint of seminarians, and the patron saint of our own diocesan seminary here in Cleveland. So praying there gave me a connection to home, while at the same time, directed me to the future. Our patron saints have a wonderful way of doing that; they help us with the duties and challenges of our life, while orienting us to the future.

I asked St. Charles for a quote this morning, that might help us amidst all chaos in our country right now, and to help us brace for whatever the future has in store, and I came across the following quote. St. Charles said, “Such is the nature of faith, that the greater are the obstacles it encounters, the more ardent it becomes.”

And St. Charles knew what he was talking about here: as Archbishop of Milan, he faced tremendous hostility from the Milanese Senate, hostility from the local priests when he tried to bring reform to Milan, and he even survived an assassination attempt, by a priest! Yet it is through this adversity, that St. Charles’ faith was tested and made strong.

If things are about to get more difficult for Christians in this country, it is so our faith may become stronger, and our witness will grow brighter. 

Paul makes a similar point in our reading from his letter to the Philippians: “in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, we are to shine like lights in the world.”

So we mustn’t lose hope when things don’t go our way in the world, for the world is the place where faith is tried and made stronger.

Whatever we face, we face with the great help of God, and the great help of the saints, that through our faith, Christ may draw all men to himself, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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That through the intercession of the Bishop St. Charles Borromeo, bishops and church leaders will be models of inspiration and holiness for the Church.

That God will raise up many priestly vocations in our diocese and that the young people of our parish may strive after holiness and God’s will in their lives.

For all seminarians from our diocese, that as they prepare for priesthood, they may be formed into credible and holy witnesses of the Gospel, and given generous hearts for service of the Church.

For the renewal of the clergy and reparation for their sins.

That Christ the Good Shepherd will draw close to all who suffer, the sick, the needy, victims of injustice, and the dying.

We pray in a special way during this month of November for all the faithful departed, for those whose names are written in our parish book of the names of the dead, all deceased members of St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish, and our deceased family members and friends, deceased clergy and religious, those who fought and died for our freedom and for X. for whom this mass is offered.

Hear our prayers, we ask, O Lord, and through the intercession of St. Charles Borromeo grant us renewal and the increase in charity, wisdom, and grace. Through Christ Our Lord.

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