Friday, April 5, 2019

4th Week of Lent 2019 - Friday - Obnoxious to the wicked

The passage from the Book of Wisdom this morning is taken from a section of the book called “the speech of the wicked”.  This wicked person is lamenting that just, righteous people of God, are obnoxious to their wicked way of life.

One of the reasons the Church is often attacked is because we are obnoxious to the wicked. The Church reminds our hedonistic culture that there is more to life than just seeking pleasure all the time. Christians are seen as obnoxious to the wicked, for we engage in many practices the wicked consider foolish: prayer, fasting, almsgiving, chastity, poverty, obedience, self-sacrifice, study, going out into the streets and serving the poor, patiently enduring suffering for the good of souls.

In a way, the Word of God is giving us our marching orders this morning.  Be obnoxious, be obnoxious to the wicked, be “Fools for Christ” as St. Paul would say.  Be so holy, take your faith so seriously, engage in the works of mercy so devoutly, that you make the wicked a little nervous—you prick their conscience, you bring into doubt their manner of life, by the way you live your faith.

That’ll be my dismissal from Mass today: “Go forth, and be obnoxious to the wicked…Thanks be to God”.  Not really, but it does have a certain ring to it. Become so holy that you are noticed. If the wicked are ignoring us, because they don’t view us as a threat to their hedonistic ways, are we really living the faith? If we are blending in with the wicked, valuing the same things they do, then are we really imitating Jesus as we should?

For as we hear in the Gospel, Jesus became known publicly as one who the wicked wished to put to death. They wished to silence because his truth exposed their error, his authority challenged their self-importance, the light of his goodness exposed the darkness of their selfishness. Amidst ferocious opposition, Jesus publicly and boldly proclaimed the Word of God because he desires our conversation and our salvation more than we desire our sins. 

May our Lenten penances which the world finds obnoxious, help us to conform our hearts ever more totally to Christ, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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For an increase in faith for the catechumens and candidates who approach the sacraments of initiation in the coming Paschal Solemnity.

That the Church might be delivered and protected from all spirits of error, heresy, schism, and unbelief.

For strength to resist temptation, and the humility to sincerely repent of sin.

That through fasting and self-denial, we may be ever more conformed to Christ.

That those in need may find assistance in the charity of faithful Christians and that peace and security may be firmly established in all places.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

Mercifully hear, O Lord, the prayers of your Church and turn with compassion to the hearts that bow before you, that those you make sharers in your divine mystery may always benefit from your assistance.

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