Friday, March 22, 2019

2nd Week of Lent 2019 - Friday - Accepting God's plan

In both first reading and Gospel we hear of rejection.  In the first reading Joseph’s brothers rejected him and plotted to kill him.  In the Gospel, in the parable of the wicked tenants we hear how the tenant farmers reject , seize and kill, not only the vineyard owners servants but also his son.

Jesus refers to himself as the cornerstone which will be rejected.  He too will be seized and killed by those who reject him. He is the son of the vineyard owner who is rejected by the wicked tenants.

The tale of rejection goes back to the beginning when Adam and Eve rejected God’s command, thereby rejecting His plan for them and for mankind.  By rejecting God they forfeited paradise—they rejected God’s gift of paradise.

The sinner rejects God’s truth and God’s plan; he pretends that his life belongs to him for his own purposes. 

Sometimes even Christians reject certain teachings of the Church—they infringe on our sinful habits and attachments—they require change, and change is difficult, and so they are rejected.  Yet, as G.K. Chesterton said, “Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried.”

The opposite of rejection is of course acceptance and obedience and faith. We are to accept the prophets who God sends into our lives to wake us up out of our complacency. We are to accept the lessons in humility God sends our way. We are to accept Church teaching, even when they are counter-cultural, even when we don’t understand them fully. We are to accept the calls to repentance, to care more deeply for the needs of the poor and hungry, to give of ourselves in charitable service. We are to accept the call to pray deeply, to hear the Word of God and act on it.

Our Lenten observances help us to accept the grace of God which frees us from envy, impatience, jealousy, violence, arrogance, and self-centeredness. May we embrace God’s truth and God’s plan for us—the ways God wishes to sanctify us and purify us and lead us to life eternal—for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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For the whole Christian people, that in this sacred Lenten season, they may be more abundantly nourished by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

For the whole world, that in lasting tranquility and peace our days may truly become the acceptable time of grace and salvation.

For sinners and those who neglect right religion, that in this time of reconciliation they may return wholeheartedly to Christ.

For ourselves, that God may at last stir up in our hearts aversion for our sins and conviction for the Gospel.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

Grant, we pray, O Lord, that your people may turn to you with all their heart, so that whatever they dare to ask in fitting prayer they may receive by your mercy.

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