Tuesday, December 11, 2018

2nd Week of Advent 2018 - Tuesday - Seeking Lost Sheep

Yesterday, we heard of the two friends who lowered the paralyzed man through the roof to be healed by Jesus; friends who exerted great effort to bring the paralyzed to Jesus.  We were challenged to consider how the Lord is calling us to make extra effort to bring others to Jesus for healing. It is an act of love to bring others to Jesus. Advent stretches our hearts to love as God loves, who desires that no one perish, but that they may have eternal life. To love others is to have concern for their eternal soul, as God does.

Jesus says in the Gospel that God doesn’t want a single sheep lost. So the Good Shepherd goes out, and sends us out, to seek the lost. We all know lost sheep. They are our family members, our neighbors, our old high school classmates. Friends, who for whatever reason, have stopped going to Church, who have hardened their hearts to the Truth of the Catholic faith. And those who have never heard the Gospel proclaimed convincingly.

We are to announce to them, like Isaiah, in the first reading that the comfort, the peace they are looking for, cannot be found “out there” away from the Church. It’s found here, in the presence of the Good Shepherd, when belief in Him and obedience to His ways fills ones life. Isaiah said, “Go up onto a high mountain, and fear not to cry out, here is your God.”  God desire to break into their lives, to help them repent and be purified and be filled with faith. And he wants to use us, our words and our deeds, our acts of kindness and charity, to help them wake-up from their slumber, to speak truth to them in their errors, to be a light, a beacon, for their journey home, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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That the Holy Father, all bishops and priests, religious and laity may shine with the Light of Christ’s love for the lost and despairing.

That world leaders may look upon the Son of God, believe in him, and seek the peace and justice that only he can bring.

For those who have fallen away from the Church, who have become separated from God through error and sin, for those who reject the teachings of Christ, for their conversion and the conversion of all hearts.

That our young people will turn away from the evils of our culture to spread the good news of Christ’s eternal kingdom.

For those experiencing any kind of hardship or sorrow, isolation, addiction, or illness: may they experience the healing graces of Christ.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

O God, you know that our life in this present age is subject to suffering and need, hear the prayers of those who cry to you and receive the prayers of those who believe in you. Through Christ our Lord.

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