Monday, September 24, 2018

25th Week of OT 2018 - Monday - Lumen Fidei - Light of Faith (Nursing Home Mass)

In the Gospel, Jesus stresses the importance of allowing the light he gives us to shine forth for others to see.

The idea that God’s word light is found throughout Scripture.  Psalm 119 says, “God’s word is a lamp to our feet and a light to my path.”  Light, pushes back the darkness so we can see.  As young children, many of us had night lights in our room.  There’s something very comforting about a little light shining in the darkness.

Pope Francis’ first encyclical back in June of 2013 was called Lumen Fidei, on the light of Faith.  Its opening line, “The light of Faith: this is how the Church’s tradition speaks of the great gift brought by Jesus.” 

The light of faith helps us to avoid the dark errors of sin and to walk the path of righteousness.  But also, by the light of Faith we come to know about God and we come to know about ourselves. 
The Pope writes, “The light of faith is unique, since it is capable of illuminating every aspect of human existence.” Faith helps us to understand the confusing matters of our life, by helping us see from the perspective of God. Even our human suffering is made comprehensible by faith.

Sadly, our modern culture seeks to remove faith from every conversation. Faith in God is treated as a relic from the past, young people are not being formed in the faith, and so the darkness of sin begins to corrupt every human institution: healthcare, politics, the educational system.

 Therefore, as the Pope writes “There is an urgent need,” “to see once again that faith is a light, for once the flame of faith dies out, all other lights begin to dim.”  “An urgent need” he says, like Jesus, to not hide the light of faith under a bushel, living by faith, gathering to practice our faith, spreading our faith in word and deed.

May we walk always as children of light, and bear the light of faith for all to see, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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That Pope Francis and all Bishops and Clergy may humbly and faithfully pass on the Gospel of Christ in all its fullness.
That young people may be kept safe from the poisonous attitudes of the world and that they and their families may be kept in close friendship with the Lord Jesus and his Church.
For the conversion of hardened sinners, those who have fallen away from the Church, and for an increase in virtue for all peoples.
For the sick and afflicted, the homebound, those in nursing homes and hospitals, for victims of natural disaster and inclement weather, those who suffer from war, violence, and terrorism, for the mentally ill, those with addictions, the imprisoned, the unchaste, for the comfort of the dying and the consolation of their families.
For the deceased members of our families, friends, and parish and all the poor souls in purgatory, for deceased priests and religious, and for those who have fought and died for our freedom and for Tony & Betty Kuhel for whom this Mass is offered. We pray.
Incline your merciful ear to our prayers, we ask, O Lord, and listen in kindness to the supplications of those who call on you. Through Christ our Lord.

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