Friday, April 10, 2015

Homily: Easter Friday - Renewed Strength and Joy

Remember in Luke's Gospel, Peter, James, and John had been out fishing all night on Lake Genesseret, when Jesus commanded them to go back onto the Lake and cast their nets into the deep waters. They brought in so many fish that their nets were tearing. Peter, recognizing that this galilean carpenter was a very special man, indeed, fell to the ground saying, “Depart from me Lord, for I am a sinful man.” To which the Lord responded, “Do not be afraid, from this day, you will be a fisher of men.”

Today's Gospel of the miraculous catch of fish is meant to remind us of that first miracle. The set of circumstances, the type of miracle, is repeated, in order to bring about in Peter, Thomas, and Nathaniel a renewal of their first calling, a renewal of their vocation as disciples of the Lord and fishers of men.

We need renewal from time to time. And Easter is meant to be a time of new vigor, new enthusiasm, and new joy.

This is why on Easter Sunday we renewed our baptismal promises. We were invited to profess our faith, as if it were the first time, we were invited to come forward to receive the Eucharist, as it was the first time, to engage in a life of prayer with renewed enthusiasm. It's been five days since Easter Sunday. Are there any signs of a renewed faith in you? If not, what needs to change?

After they recognize the Lord, today, Peter jumps out of the boat and runs the length of a football field in great joy towards the Lord. Are you filled with that sort of Easter joy? If not, why not?

Notice too, how even though all the fishermen in the boat could not bring in the full net of fish, after they recognized Jesus, Peter was able to drag the entire net onto shore, by himself. So full, was he, with renewed strength and enthusiasm, that he had the strength of more than three men. Such is the power of Easter faith. Easter is meant to fill us with strength to do miraculous deeds.

The Lord becomes present to us today in the Eucharist. Let us come forward to receive him with renewed faith, hope, and love, that he may fill us with renewed joy and enthusiasm for spreading the good news of his resurrection and being fishers of men, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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