Wednesday, March 26, 2025

3rd Week of Lent 2025 - Wednesday - Simply Obey

Summing up the entire spiritual life, Saint Francis de Sales, Patron Saint of Spiritual Directors said: “Simply Obey.  God does not ask anything else of you.” 

Saint Francis de Sales spoke about the importance of obedience because our Lord spoke about the importance of obedience, as we heard in our Lenten Gospel today: “But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.”

Obedience to the commandments keeps us in right relationship with God, and obedience to the inspirations of His Holy Spirit make us instruments of his grace in the world.

All of our Lenten prayer, fasting and almsgiving is really at the service of helping us to be more obedient to the commands and inspirations of God.  Fasting can strengthen our wills against disordered tendencies, and almsgiving flows out of that command to love our neighbor as ourselves. Prayer helps us to love God and to hate offending him through disobedience. Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are like unfurling the sails of our soul, so that we can be directed by the Will of God.

Obedience is not always easy, just ask Adam and Eve and every human being that has ever lived. However, to the soul who loves God, obedience becomes a delight.

Our Lord is clear that, Obedience and disobedience have eternal consequences. Adam and Eve’s disobedience brought about a fracture with God that is felt in every human life. The Lord teaches about the eternal consequences of disobedience in today’s Gospel too, when he says, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the Kingdom of heaven.

Where disobedience brought about broken communion with God, Christ’s obedience brought salvation, he who was, as St. Paul says, “obedient unto death, death upon a cross”.

The Lenten journey leads us to encounter Christ and emulate Christ who is totally obedient to his Father’s will; the Sacred Heart is an obedient heart, it is the heart of one which has surrendered everything to the Holy Will. 

We cannot err in obedience to God, rather we ought to strive, as the Lord teaches to obey the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter of God’s will, as did Christ his Son for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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Trusting in the goodness of our Heavenly Father, who calls us to obedient and faithful lives, let us present our prayers with humility and confidence.

For the Church, especially during this Lenten season, that all her members may grow in obedience to God’s commandments and openness to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. Let us pray to the Lord.

For all spiritual leaders, bishops, priests, deacons, and religious, that inspired by the example of Saint Francis de Sales, they may guide the faithful toward greater obedience and trust in God. Let us pray to the Lord.

For world leaders and all in positions of authority, that they may seek the wisdom of God and lead with integrity, justice, and a spirit of obedient service to truth and peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

For all who struggle with obedience to God’s will, especially those battling temptation, addiction, or disordered desires, that through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, they may find strength and freedom in Christ. Let us pray to the Lord.

For the success of our parish Lenten mission this weekend, and for blessings upon our mission leader Fr. Laniaskas.

For the sick, the suffering, and those experiencing hardship or loss, that they may obediently unite their trials with Christ’s own suffering and experience His comforting presence. Let us pray to the Lord.

For the deceased members of our families, friends, parish, and benefactors: may they come to share in the eternal joy of heaven. Let us pray to the Lord.

Loving Father, help us always to respond with joyful obedience to your holy will. Hear these prayers we offer you through Christ our Lord.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

March 25 2025 - Annunciation - Angelus Prayer (school mass)

 For many years now, the very first thing I do in the morning—before getting up and getting ready for the day, before I check my emails and text messages, before I check my calendar, before I make my breakfast, before even getting out of bed—is that I pray a prayer inspired by the feast we celebrate today. 

It is called the Angelus prayer—angelus is the latin word for An
gel—and it goes something like this: The Angel of the Lord announced to mary, that she would conceive of the Holy Spirit. And then I pray the Hail Mary. Then, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word” And then I pray the Hail Mary, and then “The word was made flesh, and dwelt among us”, and then I pray the Hail Mary. And then there is a concluding portion.

But those three ideas—that the angel announced God’s plan to Mary, that she said yes, and that because of that yes, God took flesh—are three very important ideas—three ideas which are at the heart of today’s feast—and three ideas that it is very good to start your day with.

Why? For one, it is good to be reminded that God has a plan for each one of us, that we should be listening to the voices of God’s Holy Angels, and that Mary is at the heart of that plan. Secondly, it’s good to be reminded that when God’s plan is made known to us, we are supposed to say “yes” to God, God I am your handmaid, God let me be your servant in all things, in every way. And Thirdly, it is very important to recall that God really and truly took flesh—the Word took flesh—because it reminds us of who Jesus is—truly God and truly man and that we are called to be his disciples. God became one of us, so that we can become like Him.

So I invite you every day, pray that Angelus prayer. By the way, I don’t just pray it once, I pray it three times, upon waking, at noon, when the noon bells ring here at Church, and at six pm, when they ring again, they are, after all, called the Angelus bells, for that reason.

Pray the Angelus, so that your day can be infused with God’s goodness, so that you can recall the presence of the Angels, the example and goodness of our blessed mother, and that we may become more and more like Christ every day, God who took flesh that we may share in his divinity for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

3rd Sunday of Lent 2025 (C) - Burning Bush and the Fig Tree


Each Sunday of Lent, our first readings lead us to consider the different stages of salvation history. Last week, remember we read from the book of Genesis of God making a covenant with Abraham. And God foretold how Abraham’s descendants would go down to Egypt, and there they would become numerous, until God led them out of Egypt into the Land of Canaan, the promised land.

This week’s first reading takes places about 400-450 years later, and it has come to pass jut as God said it would: Abraham’s decedents had indeed become very numerous in Egypt, so much so that Pharoah begins killing off the little boys. Under the tyranny of Pharoah God’s people cried out for deliverance. And so, our first reading today describes Moses receiving this task from God to lead the descendants of Abraham out of slavery.

Now Moses, wasn’t a political leader or a soldier, rather he had occupation of a shepherd, an occupation so despised by the Egyptians that Egyptians would not even eat with such men. In the midst of Moses’ lowly existence, God reveals himself to Moses and gives Moses this monumental task.

And, initially, as you might expect, Moses is reluctant and hesitant. He doesn’t speak well, he’s just a shepherd, he has the respect of neither Egyptian or Israelite. But what fills Moses with confidence is when God reveals his name. From the burning bush, God reveals himself to Moses: “I am who am” in other words, “I am the One truly existent One.” The one true God is with you Moses, don’t be afraid of Egypt, don’t be afraid of your own limitations. I AM with you.

Have any of you ever had a burning bush moment? Where either at mass, or in quiet prayer, or at a retreat, or at a festival of praise, you have an undeniable experience of God’s presence. You know you are in the presence of the Great I AM. And that fills you with confidence? I know many priests who received such a grace, and they became secure in their vocation—confident in their calling—upon experiencing an extraordinary encounter with God.

To be honest, I’m not sure everyone gets those. Yes, all of us are able to encounter God in the sacraments. Jesus Christ is truly present in the Eucharist. He’s present in the proclamation of the Word. But God’s presence, in the sacraments is veiled. We know he is present through faith, but, again, I’m not sure every gets burning bush experiences in this life time. Many of us simply need to walk by faith, not by sight.

But if you have received some sort of Burning Bush experience of God, know that you like Moses have a task to fulfill. That experience isn’t just for you. You have a task to help those who haven’t to believe and to walk in the ways of the Lord. To bear fruit that will last.

So God reveals himself to Moses at the burning bush. Fast forward about 1500 years to our Gospel this weekend. And Jesus tells a parable about a very different type of plant, not a burning bush, but a fig tree.

In the parable, a landowner has planted a fig tree in his orchard, expecting fruit. After three years of disappointment, the landowner decides it should be cut down. Yet, the gardener steps in with compassion and hope, pleading for patience: “Leave it for this year also, and I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it; it may bear fruit in the future. If not, you can cut it down.”

This parable was being directed to the religious leaders of the day who claimed to be spokesmen of God. Jesus was critical of them because they were not bearing fruit. They were not helping God’s people strive for authentic holiness and they certainly weren’t helping people believe that God was in their midst in the person of Jesus. So the Lord foretells how they will be cut down, like a barren fig tree, if they don’t start bearing fruit for the kingdom of God.

But, the parable is not only directed to the religious leaders of Jesus’ day of course, the parable is also directed at all of us. We were all made by God to bear spiritual fruit. St. Paul, in his Letter to the Galatians, clearly identifies these fruits as love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. The fruits of our faith hope and love are to be seen in our lives.

But, we don’t always bear the fruit we are supposed to, do we? Our struggle with sin, our laziness, causes us to bear less fruit, or no fruit. Many people, even some baptized Christians are essentially fruitless because they walk the way of the world rather than the way of Christ. Prayer has been replaced with entertainment, fasting has been replaced with indulgence and decadence. Almsgiving has been replaced with seeking happiness in material things. Repentance has been replaced with convincing themselves that they don’t need God or the Church to be good people or go to heaven.

Now, the image of the gardener in the parable reminds us that God is very patient with us. In his mercy, God gives us many opportunities to repent and believe in the Gospel.

However, The message of the parable is clear: the fig tree is not given infinite time. The patient gardner says, “we’re going to try to cultivate the ground, fertilize the tree, but if it doesn’t bear fruit, you can cut it down.”

There is a practical limit to the time that we have been given on this earth to repent and bear fruit, a window of grace. There is an urgency to Jesus’ message. It is not enough simply to go through life with an essentially dead and faithless relationship with Jesus. We are to cooperate with the gardener as best we can—to cultivate our souls—so that we can bear the fruit God desires us to bear.

So again, here is the Lenten call to get serious about prayer, fasting, almsgiving and repentance from sin. This is the cultivation God wants for us in this season.

Like Moses, we are called to move from hesitation to boldness, from complacency to action, trusting that God will help us in the path he has set before us for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.


Friday, March 21, 2025

2nd Week of Lent 2025 - Friday - Repenting of our rejection of God

Throughout Lent so far, many of our scripture readings have dealt with the need to do penance and to observe the bodily disciplines of Lent—to seek that inner renewal and transformation that God wants for us in this sacred season.

Today, our Lenten readings shift in focus. In both first reading and Gospel today, we read stories of rejection.  In the first reading Joseph’s brothers rejected him and plotted to kill him.  In the Gospel, in the parable of the wicked tenants tells of the tenant farmers who reject , seize and kill, not only the vineyard owners servants but also his son.

These readings foreshadow the events of Holy Week, which is still a few weeks off, in which Jesus the Lord would be seized and killed by those who reject him.

This foreshadowing of the rejection Jesus will face in his Passion puts our Lenten journey into perspective. We do penance—we pray, fast, and give alms precisely because we have rejected Christ through sin. 

The tale of rejection goes back to the beginning when Adam and Eve rejected God’s command, thereby rejecting His plan for them and for mankind.  By rejecting God they forfeited paradise. So too, the Lord explains that for those who reject Him, “the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.”

Personal Sin, for which we do penance during the Lenten season, involves the humble admission that we rejected God’s truth, God’s plan, and the life God’s desires for us. 

Sometimes Christ’s teachings & the teachings of the Church are found difficult, so we reject them. The Lenten call to pray, fast, and give alms is difficult and so it is rejected. The invitation to make a good Lenten confession is difficult, so it is rejected. 

Though we have often participated in rejecting God, Lent reminds us that Christ willingly accepted rejection and suffering so that we might be redeemed. His response to our rejection was not condemnation, but mercy; not abandonment, but forgiveness. The rejected Son becomes the cornerstone of our salvation.

Today, let us recommit ourselves to this Lenten journey, determined not to reject the Son but to welcome Him wholeheartedly. Let us pray that any rejection, hardheartedness, or spiritual laziness may be transformed by Christ’s redemptive love. By confronting and repenting of our own rejections of Jesus, we prepare our hearts to truly celebrate the joy of Easter.

May our Lenten practices continue to lead us closer to Christ, who redeems our rejection with His boundless love and mercy, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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Trusting in the Father’s merciful love, we now lift up our prayers, asking for the grace to reject sin and welcome Christ wholeheartedly into our lives.

For the Church throughout the world, that during this Lenten season, Christians everywhere may turn from sin and welcome Christ’s redemptive love more deeply.

For all who suffer rejection or abandonment, especially those who feel unloved or unwanted, that they may experience the healing presence and compassion of Jesus.

For families experiencing division and broken relationships, that the grace of reconciliation may overcome resentment and rejection, bringing healing and peace

For all who are burdened by illness, suffering, or despair, that they may draw strength from God who draws close to them and embraces them in their need.

For all who have died, that they may now find eternal acceptance and peace in the heavenly kingdom. 

Loving Father, hear these prayers we offer in humility and trust, through Christ our Lord.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

2nd Week of Lent 2025 - Tuesday - Conversion of the Pharisee within

Do I practice my faith out of genuine love for God and neighbor, or am I more concerned about how others perceive me?

Do I judge and burden others harshly, pointing out their faults while neglecting my own need for conversion?

Have I allowed pride or self-righteousness to creep into my heart, distancing me from God and others?

In today’s Gospel, Jesus sharply criticizes the Pharisees—not because they lacked religious devotion, but because their hearts were filled with pride, hypocrisy, and the desire to be praised by others. They followed the rules outwardly, yet inwardly their hearts were far from God. Lent is a season to honestly confront the ways these same pharisaic attitudes may exist within us and to courageously root them out.

Jesus highlights three dangerous attitudes among the Pharisees: hypocrisy, pride, and the misuse of authority. The Pharisees loved recognition and respect. Their actions—long tassels, widened phylacteries, and honored seats—were not motivated by love of God but by love of self. Their piety was an outward show, not inward devotion. 

Our Lenten scripture this morning challenges us to root out the Pharisee within by embracing authentic humility—humility, not merely as an ideal, but as a daily discipline.

Humility means honestly acknowledging our weaknesses and turning to God’s mercy. It means setting aside self-importance and serving others joyfully. Lent especially calls us to acts of quiet charity and unseen sacrifices, not for praise, but because we truly seek Christ’s way.

Today, Jesus invites each of us to seek the conversion of the Pharisee within—to abandon pride, to renounce hypocrisy, and to walk in humble service. For, as Jesus promises, “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” Only by rooting out the attitudes of pride and self-righteousness from our hearts can we truly become disciples who reflect Christ’s humble and merciful love.

May this Lent help us grow in humility and sincerity, as we learn again to walk in the humble footsteps of Christ for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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Seeking God’s will in all things, let us humbly present our petitions to our merciful Father.

For the Church throughout the world, that we may faithfully preach the Gospel not only in words but through humble and loving service.

For leaders of nations and those in authority, that they may exercise their responsibilities with integrity, humility, and genuine concern for the good of all, especially the weakest among us.

For our parish community, that during this Lenten season we may sincerely examine our hearts, rooting out attitudes of pride, hypocrisy, and judgmentalism, and grow in humble love and service to others

For the health of Pope Francis, and for all who carry heavy burdens, especially those burdened by guilt, shame, or discouragement or serious illness, that they may encounter compassionate hearts and experience Christ’s mercy and healing

For all the faithful departed, that having humbled themselves before the Lord, they may be exalted in the joy and peace of heaven, especially N.

Father, help us to humble ourselves before you and root out all that separates us from your love. Hear and answer these prayers we offer today with hearts sincerely seeking you, through Christ our Lord.

Monday, March 17, 2025

2nd Week of Lent 2025 - Monday - St. Patrick and Christ's Presence


“Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.”

This beautiful prayer was written by St. Patrick himself, over 1,500 years ago. The prayer is often called the “Breastplate of St. Patrick” at the prayer invokes the divine protection of Jesus Christ like a suit of armor.

And yet, St. Patrick is describing  something more profound than mere protection. The prayer of St. Patrick speaks of Jesus’ abiding presence with the Christian and within the Christian—that the attitudes of Christ and the virtues of Christ may animate us.

St. Patrick, who faced danger, hardship, and even enslavement, did not merely seek Christ’s help in times of need. He desired to be completely surrounded by Christ, to live in Christ at every moment.

And this is the heart of Lent: not simply asking for Christ’s help but allowing Christ to dwell in us, shaping our thoughts, actions, and desires.

In a profound way, the Lenten call to conversion seeks to strip away anything that is not of Christ so that His presence fills every part of us. Fasting and penance are not about mere self-denial; they are about making space for Christ to dwell within us more completely

St. Patrick’s words, “Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,” remind us of our Lenten mission—to conform ourselves to Christ in such a way that Christ is made known to others through us. Our faith should be visible in our words, actions, and relationships. When people encounter us, do they see Christ’s love and mercy? Do we radiate His presence through our kindness and sacrifices?

Lent is a call to conversion, not simply a season of discipline. It is a time to place Christ at the center of everything—our thoughts, our struggles, our joys.

May St. Patrick assist us through his prayers and example in seeking the transformation that God wants for us, that Christ may be known with us, in us, and through us for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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As we journey through this holy season of Lent, seeking to be transformed by Christ’s presence within us, let us offer our prayers to our loving Father.

For the Church, that all her members may be clothed with the virtues of Christ, radiating His love and mercy to the world, let us pray to the Lord.

For our world, that all nations may seek justice and peace, recognizing Christ’s presence in the dignity of every human life, let us pray to the Lord.

For those who are suffering, facing hardship, or enduring trials, that they may find strength in Christ, who surrounds them in their struggles and walks with them in their pain, let us pray to the Lord.

For those preparing to enter the Church this Easter, that their hearts may be completely filled with Christ’s presence as they seek to be transformed in His love, let us pray to the Lord.

For the health of Holy Father Pope Francis, For all who are sick and suffering, that they may experience the healing presence of Christ, who walks with us in our trials.

For our departed brothers and sisters, that having sought Christ in this life, they may now rest in His eternal embrace, let us pray to the Lord.

Heavenly Father, hear our prayers, and in this holy season of Lent, may the presence of our Son transform us, guide us, and shine through us, for Your glory and the salvation of souls. We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

2nd Sunday of Lent 2025 - More than a superficial faith

 There’s a story about a wealthy king who wanted to find a bride. And not just any bride, the king wished to marry a woman who would love him, not for his wealth and power, but for who he was as a man. He knew that if he rode through the streets in his royal robes, with trumpets announcing his intentions, his quest would be compromised. This would attract a superficial bride.

So, he set aside his crown and dressed as a simple peasant. He lived among his subjects, working alongside them, and shared in their struggles. And in time, he met a woman who loved him not for what he owned, but for who he was. Only then did he reveal his true identity.

In today’s Gospel, Peter, James, and John are given an extraordinary grace: they see Jesus transfigured in dazzling white, standing with Moses and Elijah. It is a revelation of His divine glory, a brief unveiling of who He truly is. And yet, Jesus does not remain in that state. He does not go back down the mountain glowing, proving to the crowds that He is the Son of God.

We might wonder: why not. If he wished to attract disciples, why didn’t Jesus appear like that all the time? Why doesn’t He display His full power to the whole world and remove all doubt?

While it seems logical that if Jesus displayed His divine glory all the time, people would believe, but the Scriptures repeatedly show that miracles and divine manifestations do not automatically lead to lasting faith, hope, or love.

The Israelites in the Wilderness saw the parting of the Red Sea, manna from heaven, and God's presence on Mount Sinai, yet they still doubted and turned to idolatry.

Many who witnessed Jesus healing the sick, feeding thousands, and even raising the dead still did not follow Him. In John chapter 11, the chief priests and Pharisees respond to the resurrection of Lazarus not with faith, but with a plot to kill both Jesus and Lazarus.

If people could witness these direct interventions of God and still reject Him, then even if Jesus appeared in transfigured glory to the whole world, many would still dismiss it as an illusion, exaggeration, or something that could be explained away.

God desires a relationship with each of us, not based on mere compulsion or overwhelming evidence, any way, but on our choice to believe, and hope, and love Him.  If God simply overpowered us with His glory, it might force knowledge of his existence, but we would lose our ability to have faith. "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe" Jesus says after his resurrection.

The Transfiguration was a moment of divine revelation, but it was not the ultimate proof of Jesus' deepest identity. For ultimately, He is the one sent by God not to overpower humanity through undeniable proof of God’s existence, but rather to show the depths of God’s love to those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Jesus did not walk around permanently transfigured in dazzling light because that dazzling light would have veiled and obscured—his identity as incarnate love willing to undertake supreme suffering for his beloved. 

His identity is revealed most fully, not in the transfiguration, but in the crucifixion. His identity is love. God is love. And there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 

Notice that this was even the topic the Lord was discussing with Moses and Elijah while he was transfigured. He spoke of how he had to go to Jerusalem to suffer and die to deliver us from the slavery of sin and death. But he goes willingly because he loves us and wants to see us free.

If God’s goal was simply to make us believe in Him, he could have done so easily. Just like the king in the story could have easily found a bride through crown and treasury. But Jesus desired a bride who would love Him with true love. And he goes to the cross to show His love for us, his bride. 

And of course he goes to the cross to give us an example to follow—to in fact show us the road to heaven—the road we must follow. We must take up our cross and follow him in all things. 

To be Christian is not simply to walk around with the idea that God exists in our heads. Rather, to be Christian—to be heirs of the kingdom—is to conform ourselves in thought, word, deed, in obedience to God, to Jesus Christ—to love as he loves—to work for the good of others at cost to ourselves. True love is costly, as our Lord shows us. But we have been redeemed so that we may be transformed into love with Christ.

How are we to experience this transformation? Again, I stress the importance of our Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving during this season. Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving signal our openness to the transformation God wants for us.

Prayer: it’s not just about asking for things; it is about aligning our hearts with God’s will. Through prayer, we allow God to reveal Himself to us—not in overwhelming signs, but in the quiet of our hearts, where He gently calls us to trust Him.

Fasting: it’s not simply an act of self-denial or discipline; it is a concrete way of expressing our hunger for something greater than what the world offers. When we give up certain foods, comforts, or habits, we remind ourselves that our deepest satisfaction is found in God alone.

Almsgiving is not the cold fulfillment of a religious obligation, rather it shifts our focus from self to others. When we give to those in need—not just from our excess, but in a way that costs us something—we imitate Christ-like love. Our almsgiving signals that we are allowing Christ’s love to transform us into people who give of themselves as He did.

Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are not ends in themselves. They are signs of our willingness to be changed. Through them, we tell God: “I want to know You” “I want to be freed from what holds me back” “I want to love as You love”.

Again, it is not through some undeniable sight of Christ’s divinity that God transforms us. But choosing those actions to become like Jesus in his self-giving. By choosing to pray, fast, repent and engage in works of charity, our spiritual sight is made pure to know God’s presence with us in this life and to behold God’s glory in eternity for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.