Friday, December 6, 2019

December 6 2019 - St. Nicholas - Love of Charity, Miracles, and Truth

Children of all ages can readily identify the saint we honor today.  The man with the twinkling eyes, the smiling face, the ample body and the pillowed red suit.  Historically, we know that Nicholas was a bishop of Myra a city in what is now Turkey in the fourth century.
Perhaps one of the best-known stories about Nicholas concerns his generosity towards a poor man whose daughters were about to be forced into lives of prostitution.  Bishop Nicholas threw bags of gold through the poor man’s windows so he could pay for his daughter’s dowries enabling them to be married.
Bishop Nicholas is also known for a miracle in which he would restore to life three young men who had been killed.  There was a food shortage in Myra, and the local butcher abducted and killed three young men, and put them in brine to cure them before making them into a ham.  Bishop Nicholas became aware of this through the Holy Spirit, found the boys, restored them to life, and converted the butcher.
Bishop Nicholas was also a great lover and defender of truth. Nicholas stood up for the truth at the council of Nicaea. When the heretic priest Arius claimed that Jesus was not of the same substance with the Father, Nicholas corrected Arius….physically. There are pictures of Nicholas slapping Arius in the mouth for the foul errors spewing from it.
Here was a bishop, aware and responsive to the needs of the poor in his diocese, whose holiness was evident due to the miraculous stories which began to arise around him, and a bishop who was a great defender of the Apostolic Faith. He is certainly a model for all bishops today.
Nicholas is no doubt a model for all of us especially during advent. For doing Advent we are called to love what loved: we are called to love and perform great and frequent acts of charity, we are called to love and pray for miracles, and we are called to love and deepen our understanding and preach Apostolic Truth about Christ.

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