Tuesday, December 3, 2019

December 3 2019 - St. Francis Xavier - What prophets and kings longed to see

At the time of Isaiah’s writing, the house of David was in shambles. Though God had promised David that his heir would be the king of kings, the Davidic line appeared more like a rotting stump than a flourishing royal tree. But Isaiah prophesied that from this stump shall arise a shoot; the line will continue, the Messiah will come, and usher in an era of unimaginable peace: the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, there shall be no harm or ruin on all God’s holy mountain.

When Jesus turned to his disciples, as we heard in our Gospel today, and said “Blessed are your eyes, because they see what many prophets and kings longed to see” he is speaking of the fulfillment of God’s promises. They were blessed to be able to see God’s promises being fulfilled in their midst. Jesus, the Messiah, was ushering in that promised kingdom of peace.

Our hearts long for this peace, peace that comes through union with God through Christ, Lord and Savior, peace that comes through being heirs of the eternal kingdom.

St. Francis Xavier, the Jesuit missionary, is one of history’s eminent ambassadors of God’s kingdom of peace. Known for his great zeal and learning, he was sent by the Christian King of Portugal to evangelize India. .  In India he preached, taught the catechism and worked in hospitals.  He also traveled to the many islands around India, and as far as Japan and the Philippines.  We have many Filipino Catholics here in the Diocese of Cleveland, who would be able to trace their faith back to Francis Xavier himself.

In his missionary work in these pagan lands, he brought the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to peoples who had longed to see, longed to hear, longed to know that God was at work to save their souls. Just as Jesus accomplished many miracles beyond human capabilities as evidence of God’s kingdom, so too St. Francis Xavier was given the spiritual gift to perform miracles: he preached in tongues he had never studied, cured terrible afflictions and illnesses, and even raised the dead.

It is fitting that we honor a Saint like Francis Xavier during the Advent season each year.  For He is a reminder and example, that we are called to bring the Gospel to eyes that long to see Christ and ears that long to hear the Good News that Messiah brings salvation.  In this Holy season of preparation for Christ, we prepare our hearts to spread the message of Christ and the peace of Christ for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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For Pope Francis, Bishop Perez, and all ordained ministers, that their ministry may be effective in leading the Church in spreading Christ’s saving Gospel.

That world leaders may look upon the Son of God, believe in him, and seek the peace and justice that only he can bring.

That our young people will turn away from the evils of our culture to spread the good news of Christ’s eternal kingdom.

For an increase in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated religious life, for the Jesuit Order’s faithfulness to the mission of Christ, and through the intercession of St. Francis Xavier, for the sanctity and safety of all missionaries.

For all whose lives are marked by suffering, disease or sorrow, may they come to know the healing and peace of Christ.

For the deceased of our parish, family and friends, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

Almighty ever-living God, who bring salvation to all and desire that no one should perish, hear the prayers of your people and grant that the course of our world may be directed by your peaceful rule and your Church rejoice in tranquility and devotion. Through Christ our Lord.

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