Thursday, October 17, 2019

October 17 2019 - St. Ignatius of Antioch - Parish Patron Saint (School Mass)

Today is the Feast Day of the Patron Saint of our Parish, St. Ignatius of Antioch. Happy Feast Day to all of our parishioners present.

What does it mean that St. Ignatius of Antioch is the Patron Saint of our parish and school?

That St. Ignatius is the patron Saint of our parish, means that we venerate and honor him in a special way, we look to his holy example and ask for his prayers intercession in a special way. His statue stands along Lorain Ave, as if guarding us from evil, and also welcoming those who want to know Jesus.

Each of us should be able to tell the story of St. Ignatius of Antioch. He was a Catholic bishop who lived almost 2000 years ago. He was arrested when it was against the law to be a Christian. He was sentenced to death, and was marched from Syria to Rome where he was thrown to the lions. Yet, while he made his way to Rome, he did not fear death, nor did he try to escape. Rather, he wrote letters to encourage the Christians to keep the faith, to believe in the promises of Jesus.

Upon the small table in the middle of the sanctuary, is a relic of St. Ignatius, a piece of his bone. And I invite you to direct your prayers to St. Ignatius today, asking him to help you to love Jesus today, to obtain blessings for your family and for this parish.

The theme song for the school year is “Go Make a Difference” right? “Go make a difference” well St. Ignatius lived 2000 years ago. He made a difference in the life of the Church through his courage, he made a difference by encouraging others, he made a difference by teaching others to follow Jesus and to love Jesus. And over those 2000 years he continues to make a difference, now in 2019, not because he made a lot of money, not because he was the best athlete, not because of his popularity, but because of his holiness.

The sort of difference God needs us to make in the world always, always has to do with us growing in holiness, becoming like Jesus in our love for God the Father and our willingness like Jesus to embrace hardship for the sake of the Gospel.

Ask St. Ignatius today to help you make the difference God wants you to make, through faith in Jesus, through patience, love, self-control, and service of those in need, for the glory of God and salvation of souls. St. Ignatius of Antioch. Pray for us.

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