Friday, October 25, 2019

29th Week in OT 2019 - Friday - Reading the signs

On Wednesday, I was taking my regular walk along the old canal in Independence when I spotted a woolly bear caterpillar crossing our path. Folklore has it that the brown and black pattern of the woolly bear predicts the intensity of the upcoming winter: if the color brown is dominant the winter will be mild, if black is dominant, the winter will be severe. Surprisingly, this woolly bear was mostly brown, so perhaps we have that going for us. A scientific study from a few decades ago largely debunked woolly bears as reliable weathermen, so we won’t be basing our winter salt purchases on an insect I saw on a Wednesday afternoon.

In the Gospel today, Jesus is making his way toward Jerusalem when he comes across a group of non-believers. He points out how easily they forecast the weather by observing the signs—clouds and winds. But they were missing something more important than weather, what was happening in their midst. The signs of the kingdom of God where all around them: loaves being multiplied, the lame walking, hardened sinners repenting, and the good news spreading. But with all these signs many refused to believe.

Similarly today: our technological advancement is unparalleled. My phone has more computing power than the computers which put men on the moon. And yet, with all the technological advancement, large swaths of humanity close their senses, and their minds and hearts, to the message of God. Sports and entertainment, political power, excessive wealth, sexual license—the pursuit of the earthly-- take priority over the cultivation of the soul and the pursuit of righteousness that leads to eternal life.

Jesus urges the crowd to judge that the kingdom of God is at hand, that it is the time for repentance, and turning away from the seductive and ultimately empty, promises of the world. And in this present age, Christians are called to be the signs of the kingdom.

Through our lives, through our care for the poor, through the fruits of the spirit cultivated and blossoming in our lives, through our devout worship, through our penances, we are to be the signs that the kingdom of God is at head and the time for repentance is now, before it’s too late. For winter is coming, the end draws nigh, the day is now far spent, it’s later than we think.

May the signs of God’s kingdom manifest in our lives for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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That Christians may be faithful to evangelization, especially in the face of opposition, and for Pope Francis’ prayer intention for the month of October, “that the breath of the Holy Spirit may engender a new missionary ‘spring’ in the Church.

For those who have fallen into error, for Catholics who have grown lukewarm in their faith, for those who have left the Church, for their conversion and the conversion of all hearts.

That world leaders may look upon the Son of God, believe in him, and seek the peace and justice that only he can bring.

That our young people may take seriously the missionary call of Christ, that they will turn away from the evils of our culture to spread the good news of Christ’s eternal kingdom.

For all whose lives are marked by suffering, may they come to know the healing and peace of Christ.
For the deceased members of our families, friends, and parish, and all the poor souls in purgatory, for deceased clergy and religious, and for those who have fought and died for our freedom.

O God, you know that our life in this present age is subject to suffering and need, hear the prayers of those who cry to you and receive the prayers of those who believe in you. Through Christ our Lord.

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