Wednesday, July 10, 2019

14th Week in OT 2019 - Wednesday - Power to push back the armies of hell

“Jesus summoned his Twelve disciples and gave them authority”. That word—“authority”—is an important in Matthew’s Gospel.

Jesus is depicted throughout the Gospel having “authority”. His authority over the powers of nature is shown in his many miracles: calming the storm, walking on water. His authority over unclean spirits is seen in his many exorcisms: casting out demons, silencing them. His authority over life and death is seen ultimately in his resurrection.

In Matthew chapter 9, Jesus says that He has “authority on earth to forgive sins”. And in Matthew chapter 28, he says “To me has been given all authority in heaven and on earth”. He has authority because He is the Faithful Son of the Father.

When Jesus gives authority to the twelve, what is he giving them authority to do? To Drive out demons and cure every disease.  They are given the authority to do a lot of what Jesus has been doing since he came out of the Desert and began his ministry.

 The Greek word, for authority, is εξουσια. It’s a great word in Greek having several connotations. Firstly, εξουσια is the power to act, the freedom to decide, that ability of will to choose. Secondly, it’s the power or ability to complete an action.  Thirdly, εξουσια can mean delegated authority, the authorization to do some work.  And fourthly, it refers to jurisdiction or sphere of authority. 
And Jesus is giving this authority to the apostles in every sense of the word. Free will to do God’s work, the ability to do supernatural tasks, they are delegated by the one who has the divine authority, and their sphere of influence will first be to the surrounding towns and to the lost sheep of Israel, but later, it will be to all nations.

Consider what this power to drive out demons really means. Yes, it’s the power to perform exorcisms. But It’s also power to push back the armies of hell, to reclaim territory formerly claimed by the devil. Think of all the areas of society where evil seems to reign, places where murder, corruption, lust, greed, perversion, selfishness seem to hold sway. The hearts of politicians, the minds of the youth, the dark corridors of the hearts of lost souls. God made flesh has given authority to drive these dark forces back.

It’s the power to bring transformation to the corrupt, to bring healing to the most wounded, to bring about miraculous change and conversion. But, it’s up to us to use the authority given to us by the Lord, to be courageous in facing evil, going to the dark places to bring the light of Christ for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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That the Bishops, the successors of the Apostles, may use their authority wisely and courageously in standing against the evils of this world.

For all those under the sway of evil, error, and corruption, for their deliverance by the power of Christ.

For the protection of young people from the corrupting influences of the world, for Christians families, and for the conversion of the faithless.

For the sick, suffering, and sorrowful, for miracles for hopeless causes.

For the souls in purgatory, and for N. for whom this Mass is offered.

O God, our refuge and our strength, hear the prayers of your Church, for you yourself are the source of all devotion, and grant, we pray, that what we ask in faith we may truly obtain. Through Christ our Lord.

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