Little is known historically about St. Sebastian, yet depictions of his martyrdom are vast. The legends state that Saint Sebastian was a Christian who joined the Roman army and would secretly visit the Christians who were arrested and sentenced to death, so he could give them comfort and encouragement. He was discovered, and sentenced to death by the Emperor himself; he was to be put to death by being shot with arrows. He was shot at by numerous archers. But miraculously, he did not die.
Artistic depictions often show Sebastian standing by a Roman column with arrows sticking out of him. After being nursed back to health, another saint, Saint Irene, St. Sebastian again, went on to publicly denounce the emperor for his cruelty to Christians. This time the sentence of death was carried out, and he was beaten to death with clubs. His relics are kept at the Basilica of St. Sebastian in Rome, though his head is in the famous church of the Four Crowned Martyrs.
Here is a martyr of tremendous courage and perseverance. Perhaps this is why he is the patron saint of Athletes, many young athletes, 1800 years later, still take him as a patron at the time of their Sacramental Confirmations.
Pope Saint Fabian was Pope from 236 to 250 AD. He is famous for the miraculous nature of his election, in which a dove is said to have descended on his head to mark him as the Holy Spirit's unexpected choice to become the next pope.
Fabian organized great care for the poor in Rome and the flock began to grow again after a terrible persecution. Yet, along came the new Emperor Decius, who decreed that all Christians were to deny Christ, and forced them to worship pagan idols. Many stood firm in their faith, suffering torture and death, one of the first of which was Pope Fabian.
These early saints made such a tremendous impact upon the Church. Their stories remind us of the faith and courage that Christians are capable of and called to. The Opening prayer presents the martyrs as a model for us because of their “spirit of fortitude” which gave them strength to offer their lives in faithful witness.
In all of the challenges of living in this modern age, with the example and prayers of the saints and martyrs, may we be given that same spirit of fortitude in our witness to Christ for the glory of God and salvation of souls.
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To God the Father almighty, dear brothers and sisters, may every prayer of our heart be directed, for his will it is that all humanity should be saved and come to the knowledge of truth.
That during this season of Ordinary Time, Church leaders and all Christians may grow in the practice of the virtues and make use of their spiritual gifts in service to God.
That as he begins his term of office today, our nation’s president will be assisted and protected by God’s grace and conduct his administration in righteousness. May he labor always for peace, justice, and the common good with respect to God’s laws and the dignity of every human person.
For all those preparing for baptism and full initiation: that they may be open to the grace of conversion and the joy of the followers of Christ.
For those who struggle because of addiction, mental illness, chronic sickness, unemployment, or ongoing trials of any kind: that they may be healed and strengthened in Christ. And for the victims of the fires in California.
For the repose of the souls of our departed loved ones…
O God, our refuge and our strength, hear the prayers of your Church, for you yourself are the source of all devotion, and grant, we pray, that what we ask in faith we may truly obtain. Through Christ our Lord.
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