Tuesday, December 31, 2024

December 31 2024 - The Eternal Word accompanies us through time

 December 31 is a retrospective day for many people.  A day to look back on the experiences of the year: to recall God’s blessings and interventions in our lives and to give thanks and to look forward that next year be better than the last.  

Pope Benedict XVI wrote: “It is our duty, as well as a need of our hearts, to praise and thank the Eternal One who accompanies us through time, never abandoning us, and who always watches over humanity with the fidelity of his merciful love.”

How has the Lord accompanied us through 2024?  Three hundred sixty-five days this year, Jesus has offered himself to us—in his teaching, in his Sacraments, most especially in the Eucharist.  365 days he has offered to forgive our sins, and invited us to make a new beginning in the life of grace—turning to him for strength in times of temptation, turning to him for guidance in times of confusion. In the darkest moments of 2024, he was there. Did we turn to him? Did we turn to the Christ, or did we turn to the voices and empty promises, of those St. John calls in our first reading, the anti-christs.

“Many anti-christs have appeared” John writes. What constitutes an anti-Christ? Any person, any philosophy, any institution who stands in opposition of Christ and the good news he offers, would be considered an anti-Christ. 

And just as many anti-Christs appeared in the early Church, anti-Christs are in abundance in the modern day. And the modern anti-christs continue to oppose Christ by swaying us to be selfish, to ignore God’s commandments, to hold on to grudges, to snub the poor. They seek to convince Christians to leave the Church, to dismiss godly wisdom, and persuade non-believers to look elsewhere for salvation. But they only offer the short term salvation of instant gratification, rather than authentic salvation that endures unto eternity. 

As we conclude one year and enter another, we do well to reflect upon and give thanks for the blessings of the year. But we also pray to God to gird us to continue the spiritual battle ahead and our Gospel mandate. 

Whatever may happen in 2025, Christ’s “light shines in the darkness; the darkness has not (and will not) overcome it.” 

Again, let us praise and thank the Eternal One who accompanies in time, and let us face today and tomorrow with the grace and truth he brings, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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Mindful of God’s faithfulness, let us offer our prayers and petitions with grateful hearts:

For the Church That all believers may enter the new year with renewed faith, bearing witness to Christ’s light in a world often darkened by selfishness and division. 

For those who lead and govern, that in 2025, government and civic leaders may be guided by the wisdom of God, promoting policies that uphold the dignity of every human person and protect the common good.

For all who have experienced hardship this past year That those who have suffered loss, disappointment, or confusion may find in Christ the healing and hope

For protection from modern “anti-christs”, that the Lord may strengthen us to recognize and resist voices that entice us toward selfishness, grudges, and neglect of the vulnerable, so we may remain steadfast in the truth of the Gospel.

In thanksgiving for God’s blessings, that our hearts may overflow with gratitude for the ways the Lord has accompanied us, forgiven our sins, and offered His grace throughout this past year.

For those struggling with illness, addiction or harmful habits: That they may find healing, support, and freedom in God’s grace, and discover the lasting peace Christ desires for them.

That those who have gone before us in faith may rest in the eternal embrace of our Merciful Father.

Presider: Loving and eternal God, you have guided us through the days and seasons of this past year. Hear our prayers as we entrust to you all our joys, sorrows, and hopes for the year ahead. May your grace strengthen us in the truth of Christ, whose light shines forever. 

Monday, December 30, 2024

December 30 2024 - Sixth Day of Christmas - The allurement of the physical world

 During the Octave of Christmas, our first readings are taken from the first Letter of Saint John. 

In his old age, the apostle wrote to his spiritual children to guide them in growing in Christian maturity—that the life and light and “love of God might be perfected” in them.  Like his Gospel, this letter is profound, yet simple.  Mysterious, yet clear enough for a child to understand it.  

John begins his letter speaking of the Incarnation—"what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we looked upon, and touched with our hands.” By taking on our human flesh, the one born for us on Christmas was able to be heard, and seen and touched. 

God who is love, according to his loving plan for our salvation, took on the flesh, entering the material physical world. And yet, in today’s readings, John speaks of the continued dangers of the physical world—how the flesh can lead us away from God if gone unchecked. He writes, “For all that is in the world, sensual lust, enticement for the eyes, and a pretentious life, is not from the Father but is from the world.” 

Remember, John is writing to Christians because he wants Christians to know and love God. But he is honest that there are certain elements to living in the world that can hinder us.

Not everything that looks good is good for us. In fact, everything in the world has been contaminated. Everything can become an occasion for sin, if we allow our selfishness to prevail over our desires for godliness. 

The world is enticing and seductive. Love of the world keeps us from loving God. Love of the things of the world keeps us from the Christian perfection God desires for us. Thinking ourselves entitled to the things of the world is a pretension deadly to the spiritual life.

Especially as we enter into a new year, we do well to identity an object or an activity or habit or a pastime, that we need to love less, that we may love Christ more. 

To love Christ more: that is the gift God offers to each of us at Christmas. To love him more than the passing enticements of the world. And to allow that love to animate our lives, to form the way we treat others, to deepen our conviction for spreading his Gospel, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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Trusting in God’s loving plan and mindful of the call to draw closer to Christ, let us bring our prayers before the Lord:

That all Christians may recognize and turn away from any worldly attachments that hinder our relationship with Christ, and embrace a deeper conversion this new year.

For those who do not yet know the love of God: That through our witness and service, they may come to hear, see, and touch Christ’s presence alive in our midst.

For those struggling with illness, addiction or harmful habits: That they may find healing, support, and freedom in God’s grace, and discover the lasting peace Christ desires for them.

For the faithful departed: That through God’s mercy they may enjoy eternal rest, beholding at last the glory of the Incarnate Lord.

Loving Father, you sent your Son into the world so that we might experience the fullness of your love. Hear our prayers, and by your grace, help us cast aside anything that keeps us from you. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Friday, December 27, 2024

December 27 2024 - St. John, Apostle and Evangelist - So our joy might be complete


Yesterday, the Church celebrated the first martyr of the Church, the deacon St. Stephen. Today we celebrate the only one of the faithful apostles not to be martyred, yet one who loved Christ from the depths of his soul, St. John the evangelist, the patron of our Diocese.

And for his feast today, we read two passages of his writings: his Gospel account of running with St. Peter to the empty tomb and also the beginning of his first New Testament letter.

Like the prologue of his Gospel, which we read on Christmas morning, the prologue of his first epistle describes the incarnation of Christ—how the Eternal Word made his dwelling among us. 

St. John laid his head on the breast of the Lord at the last supper, and did you notice how John echoed the Lord’s Last supper discourse in his opening lines? John explains that the reason he is writing is so that our joy might be complete. Here John echoes the Lord’s teaching explaining why it is so important for us to remain united to him as branches to the vine. We are to remain united to Him by following his commandments, by loving one another, so that his joy might be in us, and our joy might be complete.

And now in the opening lines of his letter, John claims that he is writing for the same purpose. John sees his vocation as apostle and evangelist for the purpose of helping souls become and remain united to Christ, that life and joy might full our lives. John writes so that we may know Christ, and believe in Christ, and understand his teachings, and obey his commands, so that the life of Christ may animate us. 

During Advent we considered the Church’s mission: to help souls prepare for Christmas. Now, we might consider the Church’s Christmas mission: to help souls draw near to the one born for us, to love him and be ever-more united with Him.

Therefore, we do well to invoke St. John to aid us in our Christmas mission: to help us, like him, to proclaim the Word-made-flesh with integrity and courage, to grow in loving union with the Word through prayer and charity, to help us run with great effort in the Christian life, that we may come to see his glory, that the Lord’s joy might be in us, and our joy might be complete for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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We bring forth now our prayers of petitions.

For the Church of Cleveland under the patronage of St. John, apostle and evangelist, for Bishop Malesic all the clergy, religious and lay faithful, that together we may witness faithfully and tirelessly to the truth of the Gospel

That the birth of the Prince of Peace may bring renewed unity and healing for the people and leaders of our nation; and for the protection of our armed forces, police and firefighters, and all those who risk their lives to preserve our security and freedom. 

For those burdened by illness, depression, joylessness, mental distress, or any other difficulty: that they will experience the tenderness and compassion born for us on Christmas. 

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

Incline your merciful ear to our prayers, we ask, O Lord, and listen in kindness to the supplications of those who call on you. Through Christ our Lord

Monday, December 23, 2024

December 23 2024 - Silence and Acclamation


Two days before Christmas, today, we hear in our Gospel, Zechariah breaking his silence at the birth of his son, John. “Immediately his mouth was opened, his tongue freed, and he spoke blessing God.”

The Christian life oscillates between silence and acclamation. On one hand, Christians do not dread silence, we welcome it. Our Lord himself had many moments of quiet prayerful solitude in which he conversed with his Heavenly Father. God is met in silence. Each day, we need periods of silent prayer. Psalm 46 commands, “be still, and know that I am God.” Our culture doesn’t understand silence, and consequently misunderstands the meaning of Christmas. 

But we know, that we must quiet down our lives in order to make room for Christ.

On the other hand, Christmas marks an end of the silent night of Advent, leading the Church to jubilant and joyful acclamation that a Savior is born for us, Christ the Lord. Like God loosening the tongue of Zechariah, Christmas loosens our tongues to sing carols and joyful songs and to proclaim that Christ is born.

With the hours of Advent we have left, we do well to enter into the silence, to quiet ourselves, in order to prepare a place in our heart to celebrate with new enthusiasm and joy, the birth of Christ the Savior. Be generous with the silent time you give to God, you will not regret it.

In our noisy and frantic world, cultivating silence may feel unnatural, putting down the technology and noise that is so omnipresent these days. Yet, turning this stuff off and entering into quiet, allows us to perceive God’s gentle whisper which we long to hear. Consider carving out a time each day to sit quietly, even if only for a few minutes, focusing solely on the presence of our Creator. Silence is not a void, but a sacred room of encounter. It grants us the clarity to hear God’s guidance, the peace to surrender our troubles, and the courage to live more authentically our Christian calling. As we move from waiting to rejoicing, let holy silence shape our hearts, opening us to the true gift of Emmanuel—God with us—for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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Let us bring our prayers before the Lord who hears us in every stillness and in every song.

For the Church: That the People of God may find moments of holy silence in prayer and contemplation, preparing our hearts for the proclamation of the Good News. 

For leaders of government: may they work to protect and promote the common good, especially for the marginalized and vulnerable, with humility and reverence for the dignity of every human life.

For families and communities burdened by secular noise, stress, materialism or conflict.

For those struggling to believe in God’s presence or who feel distant from Him:

That, like Zechariah, they may experience God’s power breaking into their lives and freeing them to speak and live the truth of the Gospel.

For the sick, the lonely, and the grieving: That in contemplation of Christ’s coming, they may find comfort and the strength to trust in God’s loving plan and to receive the healing only God can give.

For all who have died, for our deceased family members, friends, fellow parishioners and benefactors, that they may rejoice forever in the heavenly kingdom, especially…

Heavenly Father, You speak to us in the quiet of our hearts and invite us to echo Your goodness with words of praise. Hear the prayers we have voiced today. Guide us from the silence of Advent into the joyful song of Christmas. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

4th Sunday of Advent 2024 - Two Visitation Surprises

 The past two weeks, our Gospel readings have focused on John the Baptist helping Israel repent and prepare for the coming of the Savior. Hopefully, we’ve been meant to take his words to heart to make straight the paths of our lives, to turn away from all the sinful and selfish attitudes and behaviors that deprive us of Christian joy, and to consider how each of us is called to engage in works of charity that brings joy to others. His message is of vital importance for our spiritual preparation for Christmas. 

This week, our focus shifts from the John the Baptist’s message of repentance to the meeting of John the Baptist’s mother, Elizabeth, and the mother of our Savior, the Blessed Virgin of Nazareth. And this encounter has deep spiritual significance for us as well in our Christmas preparations.

Remember last week, I talked about a book by C.S. Lewis called “Surprised by Joy”. Well, our Gospel today certainly contains a few surprises.

The first is what we might consider to be a social surprise—a surprise from a social perspective. Between these two women, it was Elizabeth who had a much higher standing than her lowly cousin Mary. Recall that Elizabeth was the wife of a high-ranking priest in the Jerusalem Temple, Zechariah, who had the privilege of entering the sanctuary of the Temple to offer incense. Elizabeth too had the social honor of old age. She was Mary’s elder, and that meant something in Jewish society. You show deference to your elders.

And Mary was young and betrothed to an otherwise unknown craftsmen from a poor and distant region of Israel, Nazareth. According to social convention, all honor and deference should have flowed from Mary to Elizabeth.

But the Gospel account describes the reversal of these social conventions. The high-ranking Elizabeth falls all over herself to express honor to Mary, her unwed, pregnant teenage cousin. Mary had been venerated already once in the Gospel now, first by the angel, who calls Mary God’s favored one, full of grace. And now Elizabeth calls Mary, “most blessed of all women”—most blessed of all women of all places of all time. There could be no higher honorific.

Why does Elizabeth make this claim? Because she recognizes that Mary’s child is her king. “What have I done to earn such a great honor that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” She asks. Elizabeth refers to Mary as “the mother of my Lord”, and that is the title of a queen of Israel. For remember, in ancient Israel, it was not the king’s wife who reigned as queen, but his mother. The queen-mother’s honor and influence were second only to the king himself. 

Through the holy Spirit, Elizabeth recognizes Mary as the Queen Mother, the “First Lady” of the kingdom of Israel, and so she treats her as such, showing her all deference and veneration. 

So, the first Gospel surprise, we could say, teaches us that the tradition of venerating Mary is deeply scriptural. The custom of showing honor to the Mother of Jesus began in her lifetime by both angels and humans. 

This is an important Advent lesson. Honoring Mary prepares us for Christmas. After all, in preparation for that first Christmas, she was honored by both angels and humans. Honoring mary leads us to ponder the meaning of Christmas. Honoring Mary honors God who made her, and brings us more deeply in union with God and the way God has chosen to act in salvation history. 

Mary was a woman of incredible faith who believed the prophets and trusted the angelic messengers, even when the message seemed beyond human credibility. She is an example to all of us on how to respond to God with faith.

St. Josemaria Escriva has a beautiful prayer asking God to help make Mary’s faith our own. He liked to pray, “O Lord, I wish to receive you with the same purity, humility, and devotion, that your Blessed Mother received you”.

We are able to receive the Lord more deeply when we emulate her purity, humility, devotion, faith, hope, and love. So, don’t let a day go by without showing honor to Mary. A hail mary or the angelus upon waking, at noon, and in the evening. A daily rosary. The wearing of her miraculous medal. The devout keeping of a statue of Mary. Meditation on her virtues. The singing of a marian hymn before bed. These devotions help us to be ever-mindful of our Lady’s never-failing intercession and to emulate her holy example.

The second Gospel surprise is the magnificent detail of John the Baptist leaping for joy in his mother’s womb. What a joyfully surprising detail! Who would have thought that an infant in the womb of one woman, could be attuned to the presence of Christ in the womb of another. And recall it was just mere days after Christ’s conception through the power of the Holy Spirit.

How does this joyful surprise speak to our own preparation for Christmas? John the Baptist, even before he was born, showed us the proper response to encountering the presence of Christ: a leap of joy. We are reminded that Advent isn’t about frantic busyness or mere surface-level festivities. It is about allowing our hearts to recognize and rejoice in the Lord’s nearness. 

As we enter into these final days of Advent, may we imitate John’s interior response to Christ’s presence. Let us discard any and all forms of self-absorption and sinful distractions, so that our souls can “leap” with pure, unrestrained joy at our celebration of the Lord’s birth. In this way, our hearts will be truly ready to celebrate the marvel of Christmas, the greatest surprise of all, that the God of all creation, the ancient of days, takes on the flesh to save us from our sins, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

Friday, December 20, 2024

December 20 2024 - The choice for God (school mass)

 This morning’s Gospel should sound familiar to all of us. We heard it just last week, when we were all gathered together for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. 

In the Gospel, Mary of Nazareth is visited by the archangel Gabriel. She is called “full of grace”. Hail Mary full of grace, we pray, echoing the words of the angel. These words signify how God had prepared Mary by his grace from the moment of her conception. 

And now she is presented with a choice: will she consent to God’s will and become the mother of Jesus or not? Of course, Mary chooses God’s will because she has always chosen God’s will in her life. “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord”—she has served God in every way she could from the moment of her existence, and now she will continue to serve God. Thanks be to God that Mary made the best choice she could possibly make in that pivotal moment.

Like Mary, each one of us is given a choice, every day. Will I choose to follow God’s will or not?

Will I treat others in a Godly way, or not. Will I pray today as I should, or not. Will I respect my parents, or not. Will I refrain from what is harmful to my mind and my body, or not. Will I use the time I’ve been given to cultivate my intellect, or not. Will I help others who are in need, or not. Will I do what I can to make the world a better place, or not.

Choice. Each of us, every day, are given choice. Our students might not feel like they have a lot of choices about a lot of things. But you do. Will you be kind, or not. Will you be patient, or not. Will you use your gifts and talents in a constructive way, or not. 

Mary trusted God, that choosing God’s will is always what is best. And so, we have this example of the blessed Virgin choosing God’s will just days before Christmas now to remind us of the importance of making good choices, godly choices, with the time we have before Christmas, and the time we are given every day.

We might not be able to control a lot of things about our world and our families or our places of work, but, we always have a choice to grow in holiness or not, to seek God’s will or not, to go through our day prayerfully or not.

May your Christmas break be filled with holy choices—choices to seek and surrender to the Holy Will of God in the circumstances of your life for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

December 18 2024 - O Adonai - Lord God and Lawgiver


Yesterday, began that wonderful part of the church year called “late Advent” the seven days leading up to Christmas. And on each of the days of late Advent, we use one of the ancient chants known as the O Antiphons. 

Each of the O Antiphons highlights a title for the Messiah—and an important aspect of his identity and mission: O Sapientia (O Wisdom), O Adonai (O Lord), O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse), O Clavis David (O Key of David), O Oriens (O Rising Sun), O Rex Gentium (O King of the Nations), and O Emmanuel ( God with us). 

Today we sang, O Adonai, O Lord, and Ruler of the house of Israel, Who appeared to Moses in the burning bush, and gave him the law at Sinai, come to redeem us with an outstretched arm!

Adonai is the Hebrew word for the Lord God. When you are reading the Old Testament in Hebrew, and you come across the word ‘Lord, the Hebrew word is Adonai. 

So today’s O Antiphon highlights something of great importance about the child born on Christmas. He is God. He is the God who appeared at the burning bush—the one who heard the cries of the Hebrew people enslaved in Egypt, who delivered them out of the land of Egypt, who gave the Law at Sinai to help them to be a holy people. 

Again, this O Antiphon helps us to remember that Jesus Christ is born to deliver us, to save us. We heard this from the lips of the angel in the Gospel this morning. The angel tells Joseph that Mary will bear a child and he is to name the child Jesus because he will save his people from their sins. 

And just as God freed the people from physical slavery in Egypt, he gave the 10 commandments at Sinai to help people live free from slavery to the ways of evil and sin. In his teaching, the Lord Jesus stresses the importance of following the commandments of God through which we attain to the moral and spiritual perfection befitting of the sons and daughters of God. 

Knowing how difficult this is, the O Antiphon cries out to God, asking him to “come to redeem us with an outstretched arm” 

These final days of Advent help us to draw near to the Lord in wonder and awe, and continue to seek that deliverance from evil through our obedience to him, that transformation of our mind and heart and life that he desires for us, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

That the Pope Francis, all bishops and priests, religious and laity may shine with the Light of Christ’s love for the scattered peoples of the earth. 

That world leaders may look upon the Son of God, believe in him, and seek the peace and justice that only he can bring.

For those who have fallen away from the Church, who have become separated from God through error and sin, for those who reject the teachings of Christ, for their conversion and the conversion of all hearts.

That our young people will turn away from the evils of our culture to spread the good news of Christ’s eternal kingdom.

For those experiencing any kind of hardship or sorrow, isolation, addiction, or illness: may they experience the healing graces of Christ. 

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

O God, you know that our life in this present age is subject to suffering and need, hear the prayers of those who cry to you and receive the prayers of those who believe in you. Through Christ our Lord.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

December 17 2024 - God's Wisdom orders all things

 Today, December 17, begins late Advent. The O Antiphons begin to be used in the Church’s liturgy, the countdown to Christmas intensifies.

During Deep Advent the Church also sings the ancient O Antiphons both in her official evening prayer and also during the Gospel Acclamation at Mass. Today we sung of the Sapientia, the wisdom, that comes from the mouth of God, by which we are to order our life. O Wisdom, coming forth from the mouth of the Most High, reaching from one end to the other, mightily and sweetly ordering all things: come and teach us the way of prudence

The Church’s liturgy sings of wisdom to help us understand that all time and history has been ordered according to God’s wisdom—from the beginning of history to its end—God has arranged creation for its greatest good. And even when Adam and Eve introduced discord and death into creation through Sin, God’s wisdom included a plan for salvation. 

Deep Advent enters deeply into a reflection of this plan. Our first reading is taken from the very end of the first book of the bible, the book of genesis. Late in the life of Jacob, Jacob, son of Isaac, lays on his death bed, and speaks to his sons. And he lays out a plan for his twelve sons who will become the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel, Jacob issues a series of prophetic oracles about their futures and the future of their tribes. 

One would expect Jacob to predict the greatest blessings to be upon his first-born son. But God had other plans. It is not for Jacob’s first born, Rueben, nor his second or third, Simeon or Levi, that he predicts the most exalted future. But, as we read today, it is for Judah that Jacob foresees a royal future. Jacob calls Judah a lion, the king of beasts, and from Judah shall come a ruler, a king.

In our Gospel, today, St. Matthew traces the royal lineage through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and then Judah, leading to the great kings of Israel, David and Solomon, and then generations later, to the king of kings, Jesus who is called the Christ.

As a King wisely orders his kingdom, God wisely ordered the generations of Abraham to make way for the Christ. So too, God will order our lives, when we conform our lives to his wisdom.  

God has a plan for our lives, just as He had a plan for Jacob and Judah and for the generations of Israel, and when we surrender to that plan our lives become ordered mightily and sweetily from end to end and begin to resound with his glory. May we open our ears to receive His wisdom, our hearts to receive His Christ, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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We raise up our prayers of petitions, as we await with longing the Advent of Christ the Lord.

That the Pope and all the clergy may always be guided by the Wisdom of God. 

That our president and all civil servants will carry out their duties with divine wisdom, justice, honesty, and respect for the dignity of every human life.  We pray to the Lord.

That the wisdom of God may direct the hearts of non-believers to the truth of the Gospel.

For those experiencing any kind of hardship or sorrow, isolation, addiction, or illness: may they experience the healing graces of Christ. 

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

Almighty ever-living God, who brings salvation to all and desire that no one should perish, hear the prayers of your people and grant that the course of our world may be directed by your peaceful rule and your Church rejoice in tranquility and devotion. Through Christ our Lord.

Monday, December 16, 2024

3rd Week of Advent 2024 - Monday - Star and Staff

 During the first two advent weeks, we read predominately from Isaiah, the prophet of the Babylonian exile, and his promises to captive Israel of the coming Messiah. Well, our old testament readings over the next week will include a smattering of prophecies from the Old Testament; for Isaiah was neither the first nor the last of the prophets to foretell the Messiah’s coming.

We read today from one of the most ancient books of the old testament, from the Pentateuch book of numbers, one of the five books of moses. Numbers describes the wilderness experience of the Israelites as they wandered 40 years in the desert after departing Mt. Sinai. And after wandering for 40 years, the Israelites come to the plains of moab, on the east bank of the Jordan river. And there, a group of Israelite elders encounter a Moabite prophet named Balaam, son of Beor. And it is through Balaam, this non-Israelite, as we heard this morning that the God of Israel issues one of the very first prophecies of the Messiah in the Old Testament.

Balaam prophecies of a king who will defeat the enemies of Israel, who will know the thoughts of God, whose wells shall be over-flowing. 

Then, Balaam speaks of the king’s birth: “A star shall advance from Jacob, and a staff shall rise from Israel.” Here of course is a prophecy of the star of Bethlehem which would guide the Magi to the newborn Messiah. 

The “staff” signals that the Messiah would come from the lineage of a king of Israel—certainly an interesting prophecy, since Israel would not even develop a monarchy for hundreds more years. Additionally, to many of the ancient peoples, like the Moabites, stars were themselves considered divinities that watched over the earth. The coming of a star, then signaled a divinity being involved in the rise of this king. 

Little did Balaam or Moses know that this was in reference to the fact that the Messiah-King would also be God himself in the flesh. 

A star which would lead them to the presence of the one true God-made-flesh, the king of kings that would defeat the most ancient foes of Israel—sin and death. 

In the Gospel passage, the chief priests and elders question Jesus about the authority by which He acts and teaches. While they are unable—or unwilling—to recognize His divine commission, the earlier reading from Numbers reminds us that true authority comes from God and that God’s chosen one was prophesied long ago. The star from Jacob and scepter from Israel signify that God will raise up a ruler with legitimate authority, one who does not need to rely on human endorsement. Jesus, in refusing to disclose the source of His authority to the questioners, indirectly highlights that His authority is neither borrowed nor dependent on human recognition. Instead, it is rooted in the divine plan revealed through the centuries. 

In these final Advent days, let us grow in wonder and awe at the God’s plan to deliver us, and deepen our love for Jesus the Messiah, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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For the Church: That in these remaining days of Advent, the Church grow in  greater wonder and awe at God’s saving plan.

For all peoples and nations and that leaders may be guided by divine wisdom, working to bring about justice, peace, and the dignity of every human person, as they acknowledge the true authority that comes from God alone.

For those who struggle to believe: That the star of God’s truth may shine upon all who wander in doubt or darkness, leading them to encounter the Messiah who fulfills the deepest longings of the human heart.

For our parish: That as we reflect on the divine authority and kingship of Christ, we may grow in reverence, deepen our love for the newborn King, and await His coming with joyful expectation.

For those who are sick, weary or burdened: That in moments of hardship and uncertainty, they may draw strength from the promise of a Messiah-King who defeats sin, brings overflowing blessings, and comforts those who suffer.

For the faithful departed: That they may be welcomed into the fullness of God’s kingdom, especially, N. for whom this mass is offered. 

Gracious Father, you have guided your people through centuries of waiting and longing. Hear our prayers today, and lead us ever closer to your Son, the Messiah foretold by prophets and revealed in the humble stable of Bethlehem. Through Christ our Lord. 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

3rd Sunday of Advent 2024 - Surprised by Joy

 Happy Gaudete Sunday, everyone. Today, we rejoice because the Lord is near.

Joy is certainly one of the virtues we most associate with Christmas. I can hardly wait to hear the choir burst into “Joy to the World” at Christmas Mass.

The mid-20th century author C.S. Lewis wrote about joy. Though he is best known for his children’s books like The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and his Christian apologetics like Mere Christianity, he also wrote a remarkable book on joy titled "Surprised by Joy."

In it, Lewis reflects on how the virtue of joy, which we all desire and crave, seems so elusive. We are all searching for it, yet few find enduring joy because, as Lewis explains, most people make the mistake of looking for joy “out there” in material things, as if it can be purchased, accumulated, or obtained from the correct alignment of earthly circumstances. Rather, true joy, he insists, is not found in externals. Rather, joy is found in God who is near to us.

And Lewis wrote from experience, for “Surprised by Joy” is, in part, a spiritual autobiography that chronicles key periods of his childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood. Rather than a straightforward life story, it focuses on the inner intellectual and emotional currents that led him first away from his childhood faith into atheism, and then—much later—back to Christianity.

Lewis identifies several factors that contributed to his youthful rejection of faith. First, the death of his beloved mother shook his trust in God. He had prayed desperately for her recovery, but she died despite his pleas, leaving him feeling abandoned by the God he was taught to trust. Like many Christians who fall away, grief and personal tragedy often play a role in the loss of faith.

As Lewis grew older, he encountered philosophical and literary works that challenged the existence of God and the truth of religious beliefs. Exposure to rationalist and materialist thought—through peers, teachers, and the books he read—cultivated a mindset that prized logic, scientific explanation, and empirical evidence over openness to infinite mystery.  

Moreover, the Christianity of his childhood seemed sentimental and shallow to him—little more than comforting stories and moral lessons. Without deep theological grounding, he began to see this early faith as naïve and unexamined. Disillusioned, he turned to what he perceived as a more mature, intellectually honest worldview: atheism. But, though atheism appeared more rational, it did not address the persistent ache he would later recognize as a clue pointing beyond himself.

In time, however, a series of influences and experiences led Lewis to reconsider his atheism and open himself to authentic Christian faith. As the title of his book suggests, joy played a central role in this transformation.

Lewis confesses that he had long been haunted by “Joy”. Though he experienced glimpses of joy in his childhood, and reading, traveling to beautiful vistas, and time with family. Initially, he tried to satisfy this longing through art, philosophy, and pleasures of various kinds, but nothing gave him lasting fulfillment. Over time, he began to suspect that this longing pointed to something real and transcendent—something beyond the merely material world.

He started reading Christian authors like G.K. Chesterton, who presented a version of Christianity that was robust, imaginative, and intellectually stimulating, far different from the simplistic faith of his childhood. Christian friends at Oxford—such as J.R.R. Tolkien—helped guide him toward a Christianity that addressed both heart and mind. In the end, the surprise was that “Joy” itself served as a clue leading him to God. All his earlier attempts to find joy in art, nature, stories, and entertainment revealed themselves as signposts, not the source. The true source of joy was something far greater and more real than he had ever imagined—God Himself.

I mention Lewis’s journey because each of us is searching for joy. We are not imagining this longing. We crave more than ordinary pleasures because even the best things in this world leave us wanting something deeper.

This is why Lewis’s insight is an important lesson for Advent. We should seek the joy our hearts truly desire—the joy that can only be found in Jesus Christ who is near. “Rejoice, the Lord is near,” St. Paul tells us this weekend. It answers Lewis’s question: Where can joy be found? Joy is found in the Lord, who draws near to us.

So, how do we draw close to the Lord that we may come to experience Christian joy more deeply? What can we learn from Lewis? His conversion did not come through blind emotion or unthinking acceptance. Instead, he engaged reason, logic, and remained open to mystery. He wrestled with hard questions, examined his doubts honestly, and allowed Truth to guide him. He opened himself to beauty, music, and art. He read Christian thinkers and spent time with intellectually honest Christian friends. He engaged his whole person to seek a mature faith. Honest inquiry, deep longing, humble listening, appreciation of beauty, engagement of his whole self, and supportive community all led him, despite life’s tragedies, to discover that God was nearer than he ever thought possible.

On this Gaudete Sunday, let’s refuse to settle for cheap imitations of joy. While we may be tempted to seek to satisfy our longing for joy in the materialism of this season, our hearts are made for something—and Someone—far greater. In these final days before Christmas, seek the One who meets us in the stillness and poverty of Bethlehem. His is birth in straw poverty remains us that HE is the only thing necessary. HE is the source of joy. So, we must seek Him in heartfelt prayer, in the beauty of sacred music and quiet reflection, in friendships that nurture our faith, in works of charity, in the Word that lights our way.

Prayerfully and intentionally open your heart to the Christ Child, the only one who can satisfy our insatiable longing for true and lasting joy. This Advent, our longing for the joyful encounter with Christ can be a bright star in the darkness leading us to the stable where Joy Himself—the Lord who is near—awaits, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

Friday, December 13, 2024

December 13 2024 - St. Lucy - The light of the consecrated virgin martyr


The Church has honored Saint Lucy for almost fifteen hundred years.  Her name, Lucy, Lucia, comes from the latin word “Lux” which means, light of course, and her light continues to shine for us in many ways.

There are a few different legends about St. Lucy’s martyrdom. maladies. In one story, Lucy, arrested for her Christian faith, had her eyes gouged out by soldiers prior to her death. In another story, it was Lucy herself who removed her own eyes, as a way to protect her virginity which she had consecrated to Christ. No matter which version of her martyrdom is accurate, it is not hard to difficult to understand why St. Lucy is the patron saint of eye maladies and blindness.

Like St. Cecilia, St. Agnes, and St. Agatha, we honor St. Lucy as a consecrated virgin.  

As a consecrated virgin, Lucy gave her life entirely to God, consecrating her heart and body to Him. Her purity was not simply an avoidance of sin but an active, joyful embrace of a life wholly directed toward God’s will. In Advent, we, too, are called to purity—not only in body but in mind, heart, and intention. This purity allows us to see God more clearly and reflect His light to the world.

The light of St. Lucy’s martyrdom reminds us, too, that true discipleship often requires sacrifice. Her willingness to endure suffering for the sake of the faith shows us that the light of Christ shines most brightly in acts of self-giving love. According to legend, St. Lucy brought food and aid to Christians hiding in the Roman catacombs, wearing a candle-lit wreath on her head to light her way and leave her hands free to carry as much food as possible. During Advent, we are called to shine with the light of charity in acts of selflessness in our daily lives.

In a world often marked by spiritual blindness and moral confusion, St. Lucy radiating with the light of Christ shines in our present darkness. 

Purity, discipleship, courage, self-sacrifice, self-giving are the lights our world desperately needs. May her example inspire us to live as children of the light, preparing our hearts to welcome Christ, the true Light of the World, this Christmas, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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Trusting in God’s light, let us bring our prayers before the Lord.

For the Church, that she may be a radiant beacon of Christ’s light in the world, guiding all people toward truth and salvation.

That our president and all civil servants will carry out their duties guided by the light of truth, justice, and respect for the dignity of every human life.  

For all who suffer for their faith, that they may find strength in the courage of the martyrs and remain steadfast in their love for Christ.

For those struggling with physical or spiritual blindness, that through the intercession of St. Lucy, they may be healed and come to see the light of Christ more clearly.

For consecrated virgins and all who have dedicated their lives to God, that they may be strengthened in their vocation and shine as witnesses to His love and purity.

For those experiencing darkness or despair, illness, or affliction, that they may be comforted by the hope of Advent and the promise of Christ’s coming.

For our departed loved ones, especially those who have lived lives of faith and service, that they may rejoice forever in the light of God’s presence. 

Heavenly Father, You are the source of all light and life. Through the intercession of St. Lucy, hear and answer our prayers, that we may walk always in Your light and prepare our hearts to welcome Your Son. Through the same Christ Our Lord.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

2nd Week of Advent 2024 - Wednesday - Strength and rest for the weary

 Yesterday, we began reading from chapter 40 of Isaiah and  we heard God’s promise of comfort and renewal to a people who had endured long seasons of exile and suffering. Today, the Word of God continues that message. 

The reading even began acknowledging our doubts.  “Why, O Jacob, do you say… ‘My way is hidden from the LORD’?” 

Sometimes life is so difficult we feel like we have been overlooked or forgotten by the One who created us. Yet, in the midst of doubt, God directs His people’s eyes upward: “Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these things.” Before we allow fear or despair to have the final word, we must remember who God is: the Eternal Creator of the ends of the earth, who does not grow tired or weary. His strength is inexhaustible, and His knowledge is beyond our understanding.

Isaiah reminds the faint-hearted that if they hope in the LORD, they will “renew their strength” and “soar as with eagles’ wings.” What a powerful image! Eagles, known for soaring above storm clouds, teach us that placing our hope in God gives us the grace not merely to endure hardship but to rise above it. In a world that often leaves us depleted—emotionally, physically, and spiritually—God’s promise stands: if you trust in Him, you will find new vigor to run without growing weary, to walk without fainting.

Our Gospel continues this theme in perhaps the most comforting promises in all of the Gospels: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” Here is the ultimate fulfillment of Isaiah’s promise. The same God who promised new strength to the weary now speaks to us through His Son, Jesus Christ, saying, “Come,” and we discover that the comfort Isaiah proclaimed is no longer just a future hope. In Jesus, comfort is a present reality. He invites anyone struggling under heavy burdens—worry, grief, guilt, loneliness—to bring those burdens to Him. When we accept His invitation, the endless striving that leaves us exhausted begins to give way to rest in His loving arms.

Additionally, Jesus encourages us, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart.” The “yoke” here means choosing a life aligned with Jesus, guided by His teachings, His virtues, His way of love. In ancient farming, a yoke paired a stronger, more experienced animal with a weaker one. The stronger bore the weight and guided the weaker. In the same way, Jesus is that stronger partner who carries the weight we cannot carry alone. Because He is humble and gentle, drawing near to Him does not crush us; it makes our burdens lighter. Under Christ’s guidance, what seemed impossible to bear can become manageable because we are no longer carrying it by ourselves.

During this Advent season of waiting and longing, we consider the ways that we long for the Lord’s strength to become manifest in our lives. And the scriptures resound clearly, in that waiting, seek the Lord all the more, to uplift, renew, and strengthen. 

During Advent, we are not waiting for an idea or a philosophy. We are awaiting a person—Emmanuel, “God with us.” In our weariness, may we come to discover more deeply his comfort, strength, forgiveness, and rest for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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Confident in God’s never-failing presence and strength, we bring before Him our prayers for the Church, for the world, and for all in need.

That, during this season of Advent, the Church may echoes God’s invitation to all people to “lift up their eyes” to God, especially in times of difficulty and doubt.

For world leaders and those in positions of authority: That they may govern with wisdom, compassion, and a spirit of service, working tirelessly to relieve the burdens of the poor, the oppressed, and the weary. 

For those who labor under heavy burdens—illness, grief, worry, or guilt:

That they may discover in Jesus their strong partner who carries the weight they cannot bear alone, granting them strength and peace.

For those who have died: That they may find eternal rest in God’s loving embrace, especially N.

Heavenly Father, You are the Eternal God who neither grows weary nor fails in love. Hear the prayers we bring to You today. Grant us the grace to trust in Your unfailing care, that we may find rest, strength, and hope in You. Through Christ, our Lord. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

2nd Week of Advent 2024 - Tuesday - Comfort my people


“Comfort, give comfort to my people.” These words from Isaiah 40 come at a pivotal moment in the story of Israel—indeed, in the story of all who seek hope amid hardship. Here, God’s voice breaks the silence after long seasons of despair, exile, and weary struggle. 

When Isaiah spoke these words, the people of God were in the shadow of national trauma. They had suffered exile, displacement, and the humbling realization that their collective sins—turning away from God’s commands and worshiping idols—had resulted in a grave departure from their calling to be a people of faith.

We cannot begin to imagine Israel’s relief, when they hear the prophets message. God has not abandoned or forsaken you, rather, your iniquity will be pardoned. The time of estrangement and suffering is passing; forgiveness and peace is at hand.

For us who believe in the God of Israel, who place our faith in the promises carried forward by the prophets and fulfilled in Jesus Christ, this text transcends its ancient setting. 

This same God knows the contours of each human heart, the weight of burden each of us carries, the guilt we bear for our sins, our unique challenges. And the message to all of us is the same as it was to Israel. Comfort, peace, and relief are promised to those who turn their hearts to Jesus Christ--to a living relationship with Jesus Christ.

This is the message we are to shout from the mountains Go up onto a high mountain, and cry out at the top of your voice. 

This is a comfort meant not only for the collective but also for the individual seeking relief from suffering. God will lower the mountains of your despair, raise up the valleys of your desolation, and smooth out the jagged edges of your life’s journey. As you stand in the uncertainty of the desert, He prepares a way—a road to healing, restoration, and peace.

As our Lord says in the Gospel today, the Heavenly Father wills that not a single one of his children be lost, which is why we are to carry this Advent message of comfort to all people. 

“Comfort, give comfort to my people,” God says. May these words find a home in our hearts today, guiding each of us—to make room in our lives for the Comforter of God, and to announce that comfort to those we meet, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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Let us place our needs and the needs of the whole world before our merciful and comforting God.

That all believers may proclaim God’s promise of comfort, forgiveness, and peace with courage and clarity, helping all people find hope in Jesus Christ.

For leaders of nations: That they may guide their peoples toward justice and reconciliation, working tirelessly to heal divisions, relieve suffering, and rebuild trust.

That strengthened by the Holy Spirit, we may courageously climb the “high mountains” of our daily lives, proclaiming the Good News of comfort and salvation to those we encounter.

For those burdened by despair, grief, illness or guilt: that they may be led on the path of the healing and peace of Jesus Christ. 

That those who have gone before us in faith may rest forever in the comforting embrace of our Heavenly Father’s eternal life and peace, especially N.

Heavenly Father, you know the burdens we carry and the longing we have for Your comfort. Hear these prayers we bring before You. Renew, restore, and guide us along Your path of peace. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Immaculate Conception 2024 - Preparation for a life of grace

 Now in our second week of the Holy Season of Advent, we celebrate this great solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

We celebrate today, how from the very first moment of her existence, from the moment she was the tiniest of babies in the womb of her mother, God gave Mary a special gift: God protected Mary from the corrupting influences of evil—what we call the stain of sin. That’s what the word immaculate means—without sin. God made Mary immaculate—without stain. 

Why did God do this? Out of all the human beings in history, why did God give this special grace to Mary?

He did it to prepare her for the special role she would have in our salvation. God preserved Mary from the stain of sin to prepare her to be his earthly mother—when he would take on our human flesh in order to save us from our sins.

For remember, in God there is no evil. In God there is no selfishness, no spite, no hateful intentions, no pride, lust nor greed. There is only goodness and love. God is entirely holy. 

And God wants us to be holy as well. This is why he took our flesh—to save us from the sin that corrupts and debilitates us and causes us to be separated from Him and hinders his life of goodness and love in us. Sin weakens our wills, darkens our intellect, and diminishes the unity of body and soul. Sin is never good for us. Sin sets our minds and our hearts and our bodies and our willpower at odds with God who is the highest good. 

And so God, saving Mary from the stain of sin, is like a beautiful glimpse of what He desires to do in the life of every person. Through Jesus, God wants to save us from the terrible effects of sin—sin that causes us to fall so short of what God designed us to be—beacons of his goodness, love, and glory.

So God made Mary immaculate from the moment of her conception to prepare her to be the mother of the savior. 

This is a wonderful feast to celebrate during Advent, which itself is a season of preparation. Mary’s Immaculate Conception reminds us that God is at work in our lives to prepare us to more deeply receive Jesus, to celebrate his birth, for a life of grace, and to prepare us from his second coming 

The question is, will we make use of the graces God gives us or not? That’s up to us. Will we make good use of this sacred time? Or will we squander it on selfish pursuits?

Pope John Paul II, nearly 30 years ago now, spoke about how Mary’s immaculate conception helps us during Advent to prepare for Christmas. He said,  “This important Marian feast occurs during Advent, a season of watchful and prayerful preparation for Christmas. She, who knew better than anyone how to wait attentively for the Lord, guides us and shows us how to make more vital and active our journey to the Holy Night of Bethlehem. With her, we spend these weeks in prayer and, guided by her bright star, hasten to make the spiritual journey that will lead us to celebrate the mystery of the Incarnation with greater intensity.”

To prepare well for Christmas by imitating the Blessed Virgin Mary, we can focus on three key aspects of her life: her purity, her faith, and her availability to God's will.

Firstly, Mary’s Immaculate Conception reminds us of the importance of purity—not just physical purity, but purity of heart. This Advent, we can strive for greater purity by seeking God’s forgiveness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Removing the stains of sin from our own souls allows us to be more open to God’s grace. Like Mary, we are called to be temples of the Holy Spirit, radiating God's love and goodness to those around us. So, set aside time for a thorough examination of conscience and make a good confession before Christmas.

Secondly, Mary’s life was marked by her unwavering faith in God’s promises. She trusted that God’s plan for her was good, even when it seemed beyond her understanding. We, too, are invited to deepen our trust in God’s providence, especially in the midst of uncertainty. During Advent, as we await the coming of the Lord, let us renew our confidence that God is working in our lives, even in hidden ways. Spend time each day in Scripture, particularly the Gospels, meditating on God’s promises and allowing His Word to strengthen your faith.

Thirdly, Mary’s fiat—her “yes” to God—which we heard in today’s Gospel, is the model of Christian discipleship. She was completely open to God’s will, setting aside her own plans to serve His purpose. During Advent, we can imitate Mary’s availability by listening more attentively to God in prayer and being willing to say “yes” to the opportunities He places before us to love and serve others.  Begin each day with a prayer of surrender, asking God to show you how you can serve Him and others that day. Look for concrete ways to be generous, especially toward those in need.

In this season of preparation, let us ask Mary, the Immaculate Conception, to guide us. Through her intercession, may we open our hearts to God’s grace, grow in holiness, and be ready to welcome Jesus with joy at Christmas and at His second coming. By imitating her purity, faith, and availability, we can make our lives a dwelling place for Christ, just as Mary did. Amen.

2nd Sunday in Advent 2024 - Rhapsody in Blue and the voice in the wilderness


For a number of years, on the day after Thanksgiving, I've had the tradition of gathering together with my brother priests for a nice meal and some time together. So last Friday, the day after Thanksgiving this year, a number of us went out for a succulent Chinese meal, and then to a concert at Severance Hall. The Cleveland Orchestra played a number of pieces from American composers Aaron Copeland, Duke Ellington, and George Gershwin. The highlight of the concert for me was certainly Gershwin’s famous “Rhapsody in Blue”.

You may be familiar with this piece as it’s been played in United Airlines commercials since the 1980s. It also began Woody Allen’s famous movie, Manhattan. 

Rhapsody in Blue begins with a lone clarinet, a glissando over two and a half octaves from a rich low g at the bottom of the clarinet’s range to high soaring c. The opening phrase is among the most iconic in all of American concert music and encapsulates the entire spirit of the work: it is simultaneously playful yet ambitious, simple yet sophisticated, and undeniably modern.

In this one opening phrase Gershwin declares the piece’s departure from the staid expectations of European classical music. Instead, it offers a distinctly American voice—one reflective of the thriving jazz clubs of Harlem, the gritty energy of Manhattan, and the confident optimism of a country forging a new cultural identity in the early twentieth century.

Consider that lone clarinet—its single, pure tone emerges out of the silence, then stretches and bends upward in a way that was new, surprising, and full of possibility. It captures not only Gershwin’s vision of a fresh, uniquely American sound, but also something that touches upon our religious experience: the way that God uses prophetic voices, often standing alone, apart from the rest of the noise, to announce something new, transformative, and deeply vital.

In today’s Gospel, we encounter the lone voice of John the Baptist. Like the clarinet in “Rhapsody in Blue,” John stands at the edge of the old and the new, bridging the silence of centuries with a resonant cry that invites humanity into something greater than we’ve ever known. 

John, out in the desert, echoes a familiar theme of the prophets: repentance. Throughout Israel’s history, the call to turn back to God was a constant theme. Repent, turn away from your sinful ways back to God, back to the path of holiness. The prophetic call rouses God’s people out of spiritual slumber to a new reinvigorated and renewed life of faith. And thankfully, God sends us prophets, because he knows how easy it is to fall asleep.

But John’s preaching bridges the old and the new, announcing that God is about to burst onto the scene in a new and unexpected way in the coming of Christ—the in-breaking of the Son of God into human history.

Again, I think of what Gershwin was doing with that clarinet. The clarinet in Gershwin’s piece doesn’t apologize for its boldness; it’s unabashedly confident, and in a sense it’s almost a referendum on the past. With that clarinet, Gershwin is saying that he’s not just going to write music in the same way as Europe has always done it. 

Similarly, John the Baptist arrives on the scene and begins boldly proclaiming that God is about to do something new. And he sort of sets the stage for a key theme in the preaching and teaching and miracles of Our Lord himself. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus often breaks with certain conventions, not because he is some hippy radical who just wants to tear down the old, but because he wants to usher in something profoundly holy, so all people, of all places, and all times may encounter God.

But we must be willing to change, to leave behind those ideas, behaviors, and attitudes that hinder us from growing in our relationship with God. The Lord is constantly condemning the Pharisees in the Gospel due to their unwillingness to set aside their way of doing things. But the old must give way to the new, and the world must give way to heaven, the flesh must give way to the Spirit.

Like John, like our Lord, the Christian is often required to do things differently than the rest of the world. Like I said last week, we must prepare for Christmas not simply in the way the world teaches us to do so, but according to divine wisdom, the wisdom of the saints, the wisdom of the Word of God.

Like Gershwin’s clarinet, like John’s voice in the wilderness, the Christian vocation is to rise above the noise of our world and give witness to something greater, something that transforms lives: the truth of God’s love. 

But also, like Gershwin’s clarinet invites the audience to lean in and listen more closely, Christians are to live our faith in such a way that others are drawn to its beauty and vitality. Sometimes this means speaking a challenging word, calling out injustices and sins in our lives and our communities. Sometimes it means daring to be hopeful in the midst of cynicism, to be loving in the midst of hate, to be joyful even as the world groans. Sometimes it means reaching out to someone the rest of society treats as unlovable, untouchable, with gentleness, compassion, and genuine aid.

We, who are preparing for the Lord’s coming, have such a privileged vocation—announcing that Christ is near, that mercy and forgiveness are possible, and that God offers us an opportunity to live a new life—one shaped by God’s grace. 

Again, I invite you, to really get into the Advent spirit, we need to be attentive to the Word of God. Don’t let a day go by without spending time with the scriptures, particularly the Advent scriptures. If you want the music of God to resonate in your life, if you want your life to be guided by his wisdom, if you want your life to be filled with God’s gifts, you must open yourself and attune yourself every day through scripture, through prayer, through good works, and repentance, sincere repentance.

Make a good Sacramental Confession this Advent, to identify and amend the dissonant notes, the willfulness that so often disrupts the flow of God’s grace.

As we repent and prepare, may our hearts become tuned to the key of divine love, so that the world may hear in us a beautiful, unmistakable invitation: The Lord is coming. Let us make ready our hearts and sing His praise, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

1st Week of Advent 2024 - Wednesday - Promise and fulfillment

 Advent invites us to marvel at a profound mystery: the mystery of how the promises of God in the Old Testament are revealed and accomplished in the person and work of Jesus.

In our first reading from Isaiah, the prophet speaks of a vision of extraordinary hope. He proclaims that on God’s holy mountain, the Lord will provide a feast of rich food and choice wines—not just for Israel but for all peoples. This feast symbolizes abundance, joy, and the fulfillment of all human longings. But it is more than just a meal. It is the promise of salvation itself: The Lord will destroy death forever. He will wipe away every tear. He will remove the reproach that veils all peoples.

This prophecy is a vision of a world redeemed, a world where the burdens of sin, death, and sorrow are no more. It is a promise of God’s boundless care for humanity, a care that embraces every nation and every person. Isaiah calls us to rejoice and trust in this God who has pledged to save us.

In today’s Gospel, we see the fulfillment of Isaiah’s promise. Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, ascends a mountain—just as Isaiah foretold. There, great crowds gather, bringing with them the lame, the blind, the mute, and the sick. Jesus heals them all, restoring not only their bodies but also their dignity. The crowds are amazed, and they glorify the God of Israel. Here we see Isaiah’s prophecy in action: the removal of suffering and the transformation of lives.

But Jesus doesn’t stop there. He turns to his disciples and expresses compassion for the crowd, saying, “I do not want to send them away hungry.” With seven loaves and a few fish, Jesus provides an abundant meal, satisfying the hunger of thousands. This miraculous feeding is a foretaste of the eternal banquet promised by Isaiah, the feast where all will be satisfied.

Advent is a season of promise and fulfillment. It is a time to reflect on how God’s promises are being fulfilled in Christ and in our lives. Isaiah’s vision and Jesus’ actions call us to trust in God’s providence, to open our hearts to His abundant care, and to respond with gratitude and faith.

But there is more. Just as Jesus involved his disciples in the feeding of the crowd—asking them to bring the loaves and fish and distribute the food—so too does He involve us in His mission. We are called to be participants in the fulfillment of God’s promises.

How can we bring healing to the suffering? How can we share what we have with those in need? How can we reflect the compassion and generosity of Christ in our daily lives? How can we bear the message of salvation to others?

As we journey through Advent, let us rejoice in the God who fulfills His promises, who provides for all peoples, and who calls us to share in His mission of love and salvation for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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Trusting in God’s abundant care and the fulfillment of His promises in Jesus Christ, let us bring our prayers and petitions before Him.

For the Church: That she may always proclaim the hope of God’s promises and lead all peoples to the abundant feast of Christ’s love and mercy.

For world leaders: That they may work to remove the burdens of suffering, poverty, and division, and foster a world of justice and peace where all can flourish.

For the poor and hungry: That they may experience the providence of God through the generosity and compassion of His people, especially during this Advent season.

For the sick and suffering: That they may find healing and comfort in the care of others and in the compassionate love of Christ, who restores all things.

For all disciples of Christ: That we may trust in God’s promises and actively participate in His mission by bringing healing, hope, and abundance to those in need.

For our departed loved ones: That they may rejoice forever in the eternal banquet of God’s heavenly kingdom, especially N.

Loving Father, you are faithful to your promises and generous in your care for us. Hear our prayers and grant what we ask in faith, through Christ Our Lord.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

December 3 2024 - St. Francis Xavier - The Advent Mission

 On just the second weekday of Advent this year, we wear not Advent purple, but white, as we celebrate the obligatory memorial of a saint of the Church, St. Francis Xavier: a reminder, that the purpose of the season of Advent is to make us saints. The purpose of the Advent solemnity—Advent prayer, Advent charitable-giving, is to make us saints, to curb and convert our selfishness and self-absorption, into Christ-like selflessness and concern for the Other.

St. Francis Xavier was filled with zeal for what we might call, the Advent mission—helping others prepare their hearts to receive Christ. Francis Xavier was a Jesuit priest sent by the founder of his Order, St. Ignatius of Loyola, to evangelize pagan India. There he worked in hospitals, taught the catechism, and preached the Gospel. He also traveled to many of the islands around India, and as far as Japan and the Philippines, and is called the first apostle to the Philippines.  

In the course of only 10 years of missionary work, he baptized over 80,000 people. 

Francis Xavier engaged in missionary work because Christ himself was sent as a missionary by the Father for the work of salvation. This is the Advent mission—to prepare our hearts to receive Christ and to help others prepare their hearts as well. 

Consider how our readings today speak to the missionary dimension of the Christian life.

In our first reading, Isaiah speaks of a world transformed by the coming of the Messiah, a world where natural enemies live in harmony, and peace reigns over the earth. The Messiah was sent as a missionary to inaugurate a new reign of peace. St. Francis Xavier continued that mission, and all Christians are called to continue that mission, of leading souls to the peace of Christ. 

The psalm deepens this theme by extending the reign of God’s justice and peace. “He shall rescue the poor when he cries out, and the afflicted when he has no one to help him.” St. Francis Xavier cared for the sick and the poor, he preached to the unevangelized to help rescue those in the poverty of sin. Likewise, we extend the reign of the Prince of Peace, when we teach and preach and attend to the poor and afflicted.

In the Gospel, Jesus rejoices that the mysteries of God are revealed to the childlike. Here again is the missionary work—to reveal to the childlike the mysteries of God. But at the same time, we must maintain that childlike spirit—that joyful trust in the Lord which is cultivated through Advent prayer and Advent charity.

It was this childlike faith—a trust in the Father’s plan and a willingness to go wherever the Spirit led—that made St. Francis Xavier such a powerful missionary. He rejoiced in his share of Christ’s mission, seeing each soul brought to baptism as a fulfillment of the Father’s gracious will.

The word of God, and the holy example of this missionary saint, should deepen our desire to share the peace and goodness of Christ with others. May our hearts burn with zeal for the spread of Christ’s kingdom—his justice and peace, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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Confident in the Lord’s love and inspired by the example of the saints, let us offer our prayers and petitions for the needs of the Church and the world.

For the Church, that during this Advent season she may inspire all the faithful to embrace missionary zeal, preparing their hearts and the hearts of others to receive Christ.

For an increase in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated religious life, for the Jesuit Order’s faithfulness to the mission of Christ, and through the intercession of St. Francis Xavier, all missionaries and those who proclaim the Gospel, may may be strengthened by the Holy Spirit to carry forward the mission of Christ with courage, faith, and love.

For peace in our world, that the reign of Christ’s justice and harmony, foretold by the prophet Isaiah, may be realized in every nation and among all people.

For all who have yet to encounter the joy of the Gospel, that through the witness of faithful Christians, they may come to know the peace and goodness of Christ.

For those who are poor, sick, or afflicted, that they may experience the healing and comforting presence of Christ through the care and compassion of His followers.

For the souls of the faithful departed, that they may rejoice forever in the glory of God’s kingdom.

Heavenly Father, through the intercession of St. Francis Xavier, grant us the grace to embrace our Advent mission, deepening our faith and extending Your love to the ends of the earth. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Monday, December 2, 2024

1st Week of Advent 2024 - Monday - Climbing the Mountain

“Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the world and my soul will be healed.” 

How appropriate, that right at the beginning of Advent, we have this profound statement of humble faith of the Roman Centurion. “Lord, I am not worthy”

On one hand, these words confess our unworthiness to receive the holy one. Our lives our full of so many imperfections, so much weakness, that the words of St. Peter would be more appropriate, no? “Depart from me Lord, for I am a sinful man.” I have so often turned away from grace, turned away from goodness. I am not worthy.

And yet, Advent celebrates that the Lord comes to us, draws near to us, not only despite our unworthiness, but because of it. We celebrate that God desires not that the sinner should perish, but that he might have eternal life. And so rather than turning away from us in disgust, God draws near to us, and becomes one of us.

In the reading from Isaiah, not only Isaiah, but all nations joyfully stream toward the Lord who has made his dwelling upon the holy mountain. During Advent, we celebrate how the Lord draws near to us, but also recognize that we must do our part to climb the Lord’s mountain, in order to draw near to him, and that is a source of great joy.

What are some ways we can draw near to the Lord this Advent?

Like the Centurion, we do well to make a confession of our unworthiness. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a beautiful way to prepare for the coming of Christ. By acknowledging our sins and receiving God’s forgiveness, we make room for His grace.

The words of the Centurion are also echoed in every Mass: “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof”. Participating in every daily mass we can is one of the most profound ways we can enter climb the mountain of the Lord during Advent. For at Mass, we hear the voice of the Lord in our Advent scripture readings, and we are able to draw as close as we possibly can to the Lord while we are still on earth, in the worthy reception of Holy Communion.

Isaiah speaks of all nations streaming toward the Lord. We certainly grow in the Advent spirit when we help others draw near to the Lord as well: inviting them to mass, to prayer, to scripture study, and reaching out in love and generosity and small acts of kindness.

Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord, that we may meet the Lord in love and joy, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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As we await with longing the Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, we raise up our prayers of petitions.

That Christ may visit his holy Church and always find her repentant of sin and watchful in prayer.

That Christ may fill the Pope, our Bishop, and all the clergy with spiritual gifts and graces.

That Christ may guide the minds of those who govern us to promote the common good according to His Holy Will.

That Christ may banish disease, drive out hunger, and ward off every affliction.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

Almighty ever-living God, who bring salvation to all and desire that no one should perish, hear the prayers of your people and grant that the course of our world may be directed by your peaceful rule and your Church rejoice in tranquility and devotion. Through Christ our Lord.