Wednesday, November 27, 2024

34th Week in Ordinary Time 2024 - Wednesday - Song of the Saints in heaven


As we come to the end of the liturgical year, the Church places before us the dramatic and awe-inspiring visions of the Book of Revelation. Today, John describes a magnificent yet, sobering scene: angels ready to deliver the final plagues that bring God’s judgment to completion, the sea of glass mingled with fire, and the victorious song of the saints.

This vision connects us to the overarching theme of the Book of Revelation: God’s ultimate victory over sin and evil. The seven plagues remind us of the ten plagues in Egypt, where God delivered His people from slavery. Just as the plagues in Exodus were not random acts of destruction but signs of God’s power and justice, so too are these final judgments in Revelation. They signal the completion of God’s work, echoing Christ’s triumphant cry from the cross: “It is finished.”

The image of the sea of glass mingled with fire is a potent image. In John’s earlier vision of heaven, which we read last week, this sea was crystal clear, symbolizing the calm and majesty of God’s reign. Now it is mingled with fire, foreshadowing the divine judgment about to take place. Yet, it is here, by this sea, that we see those who have been faithful to God standing in victory.

Who are they? They are those who remained steadfast in their faith, even in the face of persecution and temptation, like that described by our Lord in the Gospel today. What are they doing? They are standing and singing. Their song is one of praise for God’s mighty works, recalling the song of Moses and the Israelites after their deliverance through the Red Sea. The saints in heaven celebrate a greater deliverance—not just from earthly oppression but from sin and death itself.

What is particularly striking is the vision of all nations coming to worship God. This is a recurring promise in Scripture. The Psalms and prophets proclaim that all nations will one day acknowledge the Lord. In a sense, this is already fulfilled in the Catholic Church, which is universal by nature, drawing people from every nation to worship God.

As we approach the end of the liturgical year, this vision inspires us to live with hope and readiness, praising God for His mighty works and trusting in His plan for the salvation of the world. May we, too, one day join the saints in the song of the Lamb, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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Let us bring our prayers to the Lord, who is holy and just in all His ways.

For the Church, that she may remain steadfast in proclaiming the Gospel and guiding the faithful to live in readiness for Christ’s return.

For all nations, that they may come to acknowledge the Lord as the source of justice, peace, and salvation.

For those who face persecution and temptation, that they may persevere in faith and find strength in the example of the victorious saints. 

For our community, that we may always praise God for His mighty works and trust in His plan for our lives and the world. 

For those who are sick and suffering, especially those enduring trials of faith, that they may experience the Lord’s presence and be delivered from their struggles.

For the faithful departed, that they may stand among the saints, singing the song of the Lamb in eternal praise.

Almighty and eternal God, You are the ruler of all nations and the source of salvation for Your people. Hear the prayers we offer in faith and bring us to share in the victory of the saints through Christ our Lord.

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