Wednesday, December 6, 2023

December 6 2023 - St. Nicholas - An Exemplary Advent Saint

Today we honor a saint whose feast always falls early on in Advent, the great bishop of Myra, St. Nicholas. Nicholas is a wonderful Advent saint for us to celebrate, for Nicholas exemplifies some of the important Advent virtues—virtues that we are to cultivate and practice throughout Advent.

Firstly, Nicholas was known for his generosity. There is the well-known story of how Nicholas threw bags of gold through the open window of an impoverished family. Here are certainly the origins of our modern day notion of Santa Claus with his bags of gifts. But Nicholas didn’t have magical elves to fabricate gifts or money out of thin air. Nicholas gave of his own earthly treasure, to ease the sufferings of others. He was attentive of the needs of the poor, he showed concern for strangers, he gave of his own livelihood, and he did so, anonymously, without the expectation of being thanked or praised. We too are to practice Nicholas-like generosity during Advent.

Secondly, Nicholas was known for his dedication to truth, his sound doctrine. As a bishop, Nicholas was present at the Council of Nicaea, when the Church was gathered to address the growing error of Arius, who claimed that Christ was not fully God, neither coeternal nor consubstantial with the Father. 

But Nicholas had sought the truth and knew his duty to proclaim the truth. On the floor of the Council of Nicaea, in front of all of his brother bishops, even knowing that some of them had been persuaded by the errors of Arius, Nicholas defended the true faith that Jesus Christ, is the Word Made Flesh, and true savior of the world.

During Advent, we too are to seek the truth and proclaim the truth. We pray that people without faith, through our example, will come to seek the truth of the one born in Bethlehem, who He truly is. For, Advent and Christmas for so many people have become Christ-less. Advent is filled with everything but Christ. The world is impoverished, spiritually, due to its faithlessness and error. 

And so during Advent, the Church, by her prayer, and worship, and good works, and study of the scriptures, helps the world rediscover the reason for the season, to reclaim the riches of preparing for Christ to enter more deeply into our lives. But like Nicholas, we must be people of sound doctrine, committed to the truth of Christ—true God and true man, savior, and Lord. 

The prayers of the Mass today refer to St. Nicholas as a powerful helper.  In the Opening Prayer we prayed that “by the help of St. Nicholas keep us safe from all danger.”  His example, his virtues, and his heavenly intercession help to protect us from the dangers of selfishness, self-absorption, and error. By his help may we be filled, like him, with the generosity, love, compassionate concern for others, sound doctrine and truth of Christ for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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As we await with longing the Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, we raise up our prayers of petitions.

That Christ may visit his holy Church and always find her repentant of sin and watchful in prayer.

That Christ may fill the Pope, our Bishop, and all the clergy with spiritual gifts and graces.

That Christ may guide the minds of those who govern us to promote the common good according to His Holy Will.

That Christ may banish disease, drive out hunger, and ward off every affliction.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

Almighty ever-living God, who bring salvation to all and desire that no one should perish, hear the prayers of your people and grant that the course of our world may be directed by your peaceful rule and your Church rejoice in tranquility and devotion. Through Christ our Lord.

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