Monday, May 15, 2023

May 15 2023 - St. Isidore the Farmer - Pray without ceasing

 At the beginning of this month on May 1, we celebrated the feast of Saint Joseph the worker.  Today we celebrate the feast of another laborer, a farmer. 

Not to be confused with Saint Isidore of Seville, Isidore the Farmer was born in Madrid, Spain in 1070.  He spent his whole life working as a farm laborer.  He married a girl as poor and holy as himself, and after their first and only son died in infancy, they lived the rest of their married life in perfect continence in imitation of the Holy Family.  His wife Maria de la Cabeza is also a canonized saint.

This holy couple also practiced great generosity towards the poor despite their limited circumstances.  The poor would often follow Isidore home from the farm, and would enjoy greater portions of food than Isidore and his wife.

Despite his poverty, his intense labors, and his life of charity, Isidore was a man of intense prayer. He would attend Mass daily, and all day long, as he walked behind the plow, he communed with God.  He made his day an offering to God in a simple, but heroic manner.  As he plowed the field and planted seeds in the soil, Isidore offered simple prayers for others.  

St. Isidore is a wonderful model of prayer. As we sit at our desk, walk or drive from one place to another, as we work in the kitchen, garden or garage, we can call to mind the presence of God. I’m reminded of a family friend from my hometown, who told me that as he worked his vineyard, he would sometimes drop to his knees and thank God for the wonderful gift of creation; or how he prayed as he tended his vines, and was then able to rightly thank God as he drank the fruit of his labors. 

Routine work can be turned into a beautiful prayer to God by saying a prayer with each piece of clothing folded, or each potato peeled, or praying the rosary while driving. In this way, we can grow in experience of God’s presence with us and to commune with Him and to “pray without ceasing”, as St. Paul exhorts Christians to do.

God calls farmers to be saints, as he calls doctors, teachers, retirees, priests, and the unemployed. By the heavenly intercession and holy example of St. Isidore, may we seek to make the whole of our day, our work and our rest, an offering to God for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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For ever deeper faithfulness in following the commandments of Christ and for the grace to love those who are difficult to love. We pray to the Lord.

For lasting peace throughout the world: that Christ, the Prince of Peace will put an end to all enmity and division, and unify the peoples of the world.

That those chosen to represent us in government will use their authority to protect the dignity of human life and the welfare of the most vulnerable. 

For those experiencing any kind of hardship or sorrow, isolation or illness: that the Lord may grant his gift of peace to those most in need of it.

For all souls who await the resurrection, for all our departed loved ones and all of the souls in purgatory, and for N. for whom this Mass is offered. We pray to the Lord.

O God, who know that our life in this present age is subject to suffering and need, hear the prayers of those who cry to you and receive the prayers of those who believe in you. Through Christ our Lord.

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