Monday, December 18, 2017

December 18 2017 - O Adonai

Yesterday began what is often called “Deep Advent” or “Late Advent”.  Where the first two weeks of Advent focus on the Second Coming of Christ at the End of Time, the second half of Advent focuses on his first coming at his birth and his abiding with us.  The scripture and the prayers of the Mass help us to focus on the identity of the Christ Child, and the mission for which he is born.

The Gospel acclamations during these last few days of Advent are the ancient “O Antiphons.” Each Antiphon begins by addressing Christ by one of His messianic titles from the Old Testament. O Sapientia, O Adonai, O Radix Jesse, O Clavis David, O Oriens, O Rex Gentium, and O Emmanuel. The antiphon ends with a heartfelt plea for his coming.

The archangel in the Gospel refers to the Christ Child as a child with many names. He will be called Jesus, who name means “God saves”. His name signifies his identity and mission. Mary’s son is God in the flesh born to save us from or sins.

Archangel Gabriel explains this fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah: “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means "God is with us."

Today, I chanted “O Adonai et dux domus Israel”.  O Adonai and leader of the House of Israel, who appeared to Moses in the fire of the burning bush and gave him the law on Sinai: Come and redeem us with an outstretched arm.

The Christ Child for whom we prepare is identified with the Lord of Israel and the giver of the law. The O Antiphon refers to the giving of the Law on Mt. Sinai and also the prophet Isaiah who says, “Adonai is our lawgiver, Adonai is our king: he will save us.”

Again, preparing well for Christmas isn’t simply about making sure our presents are wrapped and cookies are made. We do well to meditate deeply on the identity and mission of the Christ Child.

Recognizing that the Christ Child is Lord, Adonai, means that we belong to him, we owe our loyalty to Him as subjects to a king, we owe our obedience to his law, and we owe worship to his glory, bringing to him the pure and acceptable offering of the total submission of our minds, hearts, and lives.

May our honor of him help every tongue to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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We raise up our prayers of petitions, as we await with longing the Advent of Christ the Lord.

That the witness of the Church may help all nations come to believe in the Lordship of Jesus.

That our president and all civil servants will carry out their duties with justice, honesty, and respect for the dignity of every human life.  We pray to the Lord.

For an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life and a strengthening of all marriages in holiness.

That Christ may banish disease, drive out hunger, ward off every affliction, and strengthen all who suffer persecution for the sake of the Gospel.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

Incline your merciful ear to our prayers, we ask, O Lord, and listen in kindness to the supplications of those who call on you. Through Christ our Lord.

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