Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Homily: Jan 26 2016 - Sts. Timothy and Titus - Stirring the flame of faith

In the Gospel we heard how Jesus trained the 72 (LK 10:1-9) to be preachers of his word, to cure diseases and cast out demons, to be like Him, to be living, breathing, walking, speaking icons of the Gospel. He trained them, like Him, to have a real trust in God—hence, no moneybag, no sandals, no second tunic, teaching them to be bearers of God’s peace and truth.

The Lord himself trained people to carry out the mission of the Church, likewise, St. Paul trained coworkers.  As Paul was going about preaching, he knew he needed help—if the Church he was working to build up was going to have any chance, she needed leaders.

So we celebrate today, two of St. Paul’s spiritual sons Saints Timothy and Titus, whom he called to be his coworkers in the vineyard of the Lord. He trained them to continue to pass on the faith. Listen to the words he wrote to Timothy: “I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God” you have received. St. Paul was the one who first placed the fire of faith in Timothy’s heart, but Paul realized that faith needed to be stirred up, nurtured, revitalized.  So too with us, receiving the flame of faith and gifts of God in baptism, we need to stir up that fire every once and a while, to make extra effort to ensure that we are using God’s gifts to our fullest extent.  Sometimes fear, what St. Paul called “cowardice”, can cause that fire to die down; what do you need to do to stir it up, so that our little flames might become bonfires of love for God?

It is one of the most important things for the future of the Church, that we are each doing our part to spread the fire of faith, but again, we can’t give what we don’t have, if you aren’t on fire, how can you set others on fire? Do we treasure the faith as much as it ought to be treasured?

We do well to identify those people in our life whom God has given us to set on fire, who are my Timothy and Titus, who has God given to be to build up, encourage, strengthen, challenge in the faith? Who am I called to help treasure the faith and live the faith, to fan into flame the gifts they have received from God? Just because the kids are moved out of the house doesn’t mean you aren’t still called to stir their faith into a fire. Pray for these people, reach out to these people, challenge them, remind them of who they are meant to be and the faith they are called to live, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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