Friday, February 22, 2013

Homily: February 22 - Chair of Peter


Throughout the Church year, special days are set apart to honor particular saints, like St. Peter Damian, yesterday; or important moments in the life of Christ or his Mother, like the Feast of the Resurrection of the Lord, the Feast of the Transfiguration, the Feast of the Assumption; twice we celebrate the dedication of two major basilicas: the basilica churches of St. John Lateran and Saint Mary Major.  Well today, we celebrate a chair.

Every diocese has a “cathedra”; the “cathedra” is literally, the fixed seat of the Bishop, found in the mother church of a diocese, which for this reason is called the “cathedral” and is the symbol of the authority of the Bishop and of his teaching and preaching office.  Bishop Lennon is a successor of the twelve Apostles, called by Christ to maintain and govern the Church.

When the Bishop takes possession of the diocese entrusted to him, wearing the miter and carrying the pastoral staff, he sits on the cathedra. From that seat he will guide his flock, as teacher and pastor.
The Bishop who sits on the “cathedra” of the Church of Rome has a very important mission, not only to the Christians of the city of Rome, but in the mission of watching over the entire People of God.  The ancient church fathers attest to the importance of the church of Rome.  Rome, the city of Peter’s death, became recognized as the church of the successor of St. Peter. 

Today we celebrate the feast of the Chair or Peter with a little sadness in our hearts.  In less than a week’s time, the chair of peter will be vacant, as Pope Benedict abdicates the Papacy. 

No matter who is elected as Pope Benedict’s successor in the weeks to come, today’s Feast reminds us that the Pope of Rome is the successor of the Apostle Peter, the rock, upon whom Christ built his Church. 
We’ve been blessed in the last hundred years to have tremendously holy Popes, so wise in guiding the Church as the world changes so rapidly.

And we pray today that we may always remain in communion with him who sits on the “cathedra” of Peter, so that we may always remain in communion with He who sits on the throne of heaven. 

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