Friday, August 16, 2024

August 16 2024 - St. Stephen of Hungary - Apostolic King

 Around the year 1000, the disparate and often warring tribes of Celts, Romans, Huns, and Slavs were united into a Christian Kingdom under St. Stephen, first King of Hungary. 

Even though these tribes were united under a Christian king, most of them were still pagan. St. Stephen, himself, came from a non-Christian tribe and his family only converted to Christ when he was around 10 years old. 

In order to establish peace among his offering violent and warring people, Stephen sent for Christian missionaries from Bavaria to evangelize the people. 

This attempt to bring Christianize his people was initially met with resistance—each of the tribes had their own pagan gods and practices. But Stephen fasted and prayed; he established monasteries and built churches. And he outlawed blasphemy and adultery. 

Through his strict, yet benevolent rule, King Stephen brought about order and peace. He was a true evangelizer of his country.  He consecrated the nation to Mary, whom he called “the Great Lady”. He fasted and prayed for his people. He, himself gave religious instruction to the poor. And in view of his efforts, the pope bestowed on him the title “Apostolic King.”  

By the way, 900 years later, Cleveland, Ohio became home to so many good Catholic Hungarian Immigrants. Cleveland was known as “Little Budapest” for many years, having the second largest Hungarian community outside of Budapest itself. 

Listen to these powerful words, St. Stephen wrote to his son, St. Emeric: “I urge you above all things to maintain the catholic and apostolic faith with such diligence and care that you may be an example for all those placed under you by God.”

St. Stephen, the Apostolic King used his temporal power to build up the kingdom of God. We may not be kings, but each of us are called to follow the same program: to use whatever influence, ability, time, talents, and treasure we have, to build up the kingdom. 

May we be inspired and strengthened by St. Stephen’s holy example for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. 

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For the Church, that like St. Stephen of Hungary, we may be bold evangelizers, using our talents and resources to spread the Gospel and build up the Kingdom of God. Let us pray to the Lord.

For world leaders, that they may follow St. Stephen's example of just and benevolent rule, prioritizing peace, unity, and the spiritual welfare of their people. Let us pray to the Lord.

For the flourishing of spiritual gifts in the Church and in our parish; and for the grace during this month of August to practice the virtue of humility in all of our relationships and interactions. 

For our young people preparing to return to school and for their teachers: that the Word of God might be cherished, studied, and practiced in every classroom and home. 

For those beset with any sort of trial, illness, or burden: that the Lord will build up his strength within them and assist them in their needs. 

That those who have died may share in the joy of life-everlasting with the Risen Lord,

especially the deceased members of our families, friends, and parish, and all the souls in purgatory...

Almighty and eternal God, you blessed St. Stephen of Hungary with wisdom and courage. Grant our prayers, that we like him may use our gifts to build your kingdom on earth. Through Christ our Lord.

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