Friday, August 16, 2024

Assumption 2024 - Imploring Mary's Heavenly Intercession

 In a little discourse on the Assumption of Mary, the great doctor St. Alphonsus Ligouri opines that “it would seem just that the holy Church, on this day of the Assumption of Mary to heaven, should rather invite us to weep than to rejoice, since our sweet mother has quitted this earth, and left us bereft of her sweet presence…”

Many of us here, have experienced the end our mother’s earthly life, and no doubt, there were tears shed. And justly so, for the passing of the woman who nurtured us, fed us, bathed us, taught us and consoled us is cause for tears.

And on this day of the Assumption, it would seem that we would be sorrowful, that both heaven and earth would be sorrowful. That we would don earthly purple vestments, and fast in grief at the anniversary of our spiritual mother’s earthly life.

But Alphonsus goes on, he says, “ But no, the holy Church invites us to rejoice. The official entrance antiphon for the Assumption says, "Let us all rejoice in the Lord, celebrating a festival in honor of the Virgin Mary at whose Assumption the Angels rejoice....” For, “What child wouldn’t rejoice, although separated from his mother, if he knows that she is going to take possession of a kingdom?”

Today is the celebration of Our Lady, entering that blessed country, heaven. The Queen takes her place at the right hand of the King, where she continues to exercise a very important role in the dispensation of grace. 

Our Scripture readings point emphasize her unique role as loving queen of heaven. In the First Reading, we read of the woman of heaven, crowned with twelve stars, as a queen embracing the Christ child in love. The Psalm spoke of a queen charitably turning her ear to the people of the father’s house. And in the Gospel we read of Mary going in haste to the charitable assistance of her kinswoman Elizabeth.

Mary is assumed into heaven and crowned as Queen by the Holy Trinity--the Queen who continues to turn her ear to the needs of God’s people who cry to her in our need. Her assumption does not mean an absence from the needs of humanity, rather, since she is now closest to God in heaven, she is close to us as well—close enough to hear our every plea, and to bring that petition to the throne of God.

Today is a marvelous day to consider the importance of a vibrant Marian devotion. Each day, we do well to turn to the heavenly intercession of Our Queen—to bring to her our needs, the needs of our family and friends, the needs of our nation, our leaders, the needs of the Church, the needs of the sick and the poor, the needs of the unevangelized to be open to the word of God, and the needs of those who have turned away from Christ in sin and error.

Our Lady is the most powerful intercessor, and not a day should go by where we do not seek her aid by imploring her intercession. But especially today. Today is a day for honoring our Lady, on the day that she is brought closer to God than she ever was before in order to be brought closest to us as our most powerful intercessor. Blessed Mother, assumed into heaven, pray for us, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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For the Church, that like Mary, we may always be ready to serve others in their need and bring Christ to the world, and for an increase in Marian devotion among all Christians, that we may daily seek Our Lady's aid and strive to imitate her virtues. Let us pray to the Lord.

For all leaders in government and public service, that they may be guided by wisdom and compassion in their decision-making, and for the renewal of our nation and our world, that under the patronage of Mary, we may work towards a society of justice, peace, and reverence for all human life. Let us pray to the Lord.

For the unevangelized, that, their hearts may be opened to receive the Good News of salvation, and that those who have turned away from the faith, through Our Lady's prayers, may rediscover the joy of a relationship with Christ and His Church. Let us pray to the Lord.

For the sick, the suffering, and the poor, and for those who mourn: may they find comfort in Mary's maternal care and her assumption into heavenly glory. Let us pray to the Lord.

For the dead, especially our departed family members and friends, that they may share in the glory of the resurrection, as foreshadowed by Mary's assumption. Let us pray to the Lord.

We pray, O Lord our God, that the Virgin Mary, who merited to bear God and man in her chaste womb, may commend the prayers of your faithful in your sight. Through Christ our Lord.

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