Saturday, March 30, 2024

Holy Saturday 2024 - Morning Prayer - He will raise us up

Eight centuries before Christ, the kingdom of Israel was in political, social, and moral decline. Israel had turned away from worshiping the true God and instead embraced the pagan practices of neighboring nations, particularly the worship of Baal. Israel also allowed injustice to run rampant; the nation was marked by oppression of the poor, corruption among the leaders, and a lack of justice in the courts. 

In response to Israel’s idolatry and injustice, God sent the prophet Hosea to call Israel to repentance.  Hosea urged Israel to turn back to God and forsake their idolatry and sinful ways. Hosea emphasized God's love and desire to restore his relationship with his people, but also made it clear that continued rebellion would lead to punishment and exile. 

And even though Israel would be afflicted with these consequences of unfaithfulness, Hosea, like many of the prophets, prophecies about God’s promises to save his people. And this morning we heard of that promise: In their affliction, they shall look for me: “Come let us return to the Lord, For it is he who has rent, but he will heal us; he has struck us, but he will bind our wounds. He will revive us after two days; on the third day he will raise us up, to live in his presence.”

What a poignant passage, particularly in light of the commemoration of the Lord’s passion yesterday, on Good Friday. 

In Hosea's time, the Israelites rejected God's message delivered through the prophets, persistently turning to idolatry and disobedience. Similarly, on Good Friday, Jesus, who embodied God's message of love and salvation, was rejected by the religious leaders and the people who cried out for his crucifixion.

The Israel of Hosea's day was characterized by social injustice, corruption, and a lack of moral integrity. Similarly, Jesus faced an unjust trial, false accusations, and a corrupt political system that ultimately led to his wrongful execution.

Despite Israel's unfaithfulness, Hosea's message emphasizes God's persistent love and desire to redeem his people. The promise of restoration and healing in the passage of Hosea this morning foreshadows God's ultimate plan of redemption through Christ. Jesus' death on Good Friday and his subsequent resurrection on Easter Sunday represent the fulfillment of God's plan to save and restore humanity.

For notice, the passage doesn’t just speak of one man being raised on the third day, it says, he will raise US up. Easter, yes, of course, celebrates Christ’s resurrection. But also, the new life and relationship with God, that we fallen sinners, are able to have with God, through Christ, as members of His Body, the Church.

And yet, we still have a few hours of prayerful waiting before we celebrate Easter.  We do well to continue to ponder the events of Good Friday, our own sinfulness for which Christ died to redeem us, and also those hope-filled prophecies throughout the scripture of restoration, renewal, new life, transformation, that comes through the resurrection of Christ the Lord, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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