Friday, March 22, 2024

5th Week of Lent 2024 - Friday - The light of faithfulness to God

 In the 10th Chapter of the Gospel of John, Jesus comes to Jerusalem on the Feast of the Dedication, which is known today as Hanukkah. The Feast of the Dedication commemorates the rededication of the Jerusalem Temple during the second century before Christ, after it had been desecrated by the Seleucid ruler Antiochus Epiphanes. The festival celebrates the triumph of light over darkness and the restoration of Jewish worship in the Temple. When the Maccabees sought to light the Temple's menorah—the seven-branched lampstand—they found they only had enough oil for it to remain lit for one day, but miraculously, the oil lasted for eight days—hence the celebration of light overcoming the darkness.

And it was on this feast, that Jesus, standing in the Portico of that very temple, declares, “The Father and I are one.” And this morning we here the reaction to his words: “The Jews picked up rocks to stone Jesus.” And their reaction is understandable. And if anyone else besides Jesus uttered those words, their action would be justified—the punishment for blasphemy was stoning. But for Jesus, those words, were true—not blasphemy, but revelation.

And consider the significance of his revelation on the Feast of the Dedication. Just as the Feast of Dedication celebrates the triumph of light over darkness, Jesus, is proclaiming his role in bringing God’s light to the world. Just as the Temple radiates with the light of God—Jesus IS the Temple.

And just as the Feast of Dedication celebrates the importance of remaining faithful to God and persevering in the face of opposition, Jesus remains determined and faithful to God His Father, despite the hostility he faces, both in this passage, and ultimately, in his Passion which we celebrate a week from today.

One week from Good Friday, we are challenged by this reading to continue to seek purification from all that keeps us from shining with the light of God. We pray for our catechumens and candidates, for their purification and enlightenment. And then also, we a challenged to embrace faithfulness to God, like our Lord, in the face of the hostility we encounter—from the world, from the devil, from our own disordered passions and fears. 

May the Light of God and the faithfulness of Jesus be seen and detected in our final Lenten penances and preparations for the sacred triduum, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

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That God may be pleased to increase faith and understanding in the catechumens and candidates who approach the sacraments of initiation in the coming Paschal Solemnity. 

For those without faith, those with hearts hardened toward God, and for those searching for Him.

For strength to resist temptation, and the humility to sincerely repent of sin.

That through fasting and self-denial, we may be ever more conformed to Christ.

For all who have died, and for all the poor souls in purgatory, and for X. for whom this Mass is offered.

Mercifully hear, O Lord, the prayers of your Church and turn with compassion to the hearts that bow before you, that those you make sharers in your divine mystery may always benefit from your assistance.

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