Monday, October 17, 2022

October 17 2022 (school mass) - St. Ignatius of Antioch - Powerful Prayers of the Righteous

 Today is the Feast Day of the Patron Saint of our Parish, St. Ignatius of Antioch. Happy Feast Day.

What does it mean that St. Ignatius of Antioch is the Patron Saint of our parish?

That St. Ignatius is the patron Saint of our parish, means that we venerate and honor him in a special way, we look to his holy example and ask for his prayers intercession in a special way.

Every day, when I cele
brate Mass, before I ring the bell and process into the sanctuary, I look up at the crucifix, and I ask for the prayers of four very important saints. I say, “Holy Mary, Mother of God: pray for us; St. Joseph: pray for us. St. John the Evangelist: pray for us. St. Ignatius of Antioch: Pray for us.”

I ask for Mary’s prayers, because she is our heavenly queen and mother, and Jesus told us to take her as our mother. I ask St. Joseph for his prayers because he is the patron of the whole church. I ask St. John the Evangelist for his prayers, because he is the patron saint of Cleveland. And I ask St. Ignatius of Antioch for his prayers, because he is the patron saint of our parish.

I ask for their prayers every day, for one, because the bible says that the prayer of a righteous person has great power. It is very advantageous and beneficial for us to make good friends with holy people. They help us to be better followers of Jesus. And their prayers are very helpful to us.

As you grow older and wiser you come to realize how much we need God’s help. We need God’s help in order to follow Jesus as we should. We need God’s help in order to be as patient as we should, loving, kind, courageous, and strong against the devil’s attacks, strong against temptation. It is a very foolish person who thinks that they can get to heaven on their own, that they can make it in life on their own. We need help.

And God loves giving help to us, especially through other people, and most especially through his heavenly saints.

The fact that you are students at St. Ignatius of Antioch school means that God has arranged your lives to be here. And he has given you a powerful intercessor, a powerful helper to assist you in growing in . faith and holiness. Why should you ask St. Ignatius for his help and his prayers every day? Because God wants you to. And God has help that he wants to give you through him, if you would but ask for help.

St. Ignatius, help us to love the Church and to be devoted to the building up of the Church as you were, as bishop of Antioch. And help us to willingly accept hardships and sufferings like you, in order to help others know and love Jesus. St. Ignatius, help us to be faithful when our faith is under attack. St. Ignatius of Antioch, help us to be courageous like you in spreading the Gospel. St. Ignatius of Antioch, your righteousness makes you a powerful intercessor for this parish, obtain for us the graces we need to be faithful in our mission to make disciples of all nations. St. Ignatius of Antioch, pray for us, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.



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