Monday, October 3, 2022

27th Week in Ordinary Time 2022 - Monday - Asking the right questions

 Of all the questions he could have asked Jesus, the scholar in the law from the Gospel today asks Jesus a pretty good one, likely the most important of all religious questions: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” 

It’s one thing to be focused on worldly prosperity. What must I do to live the American dream? But this expert in the law seems to have his priorities straight. The time we spend in this earthly life is a drop in the ocean compared to eternity. It is very wise to be eternity minded, rather than earthly minded. It profits a man nothing to gain the whole world, if he loses his soul. So, this expert in the law seems to have his priorities straight. He’s turning to Jesus for answers to the ultimate question. Would more of our modern day contemporaries get into that habit, the world would be in a different shape! And perhaps, as people of faith, we would progress in the spiritual life more steadily, if we began asking the Lord the right questions. “What must I do to grow in holiness?” “What must I do to grow in patience?” “What must I do to overcome my habitual sin?”

Now, there are a lot of people who ask Jesus a lot of questions and for a lot of different reasons in the Gospel. The Lord’s disciples ask for clarification on his teachings; Pharisees and Scribes ask Jesus questions to try to trap him or discredit him. But we don’t really know the intentions of this scholar of the law, only that he rightly turns to Jesus for answers. Maybe the scholar of the law is trying to prove himself more learned than this itinerant preacher, but whatever his motives, this encounter ends with the Lord confirming that the greatest commandment is to love God with your whole mind, soul, being and strength and to love our neighbor as ourself, and that our neighbor isn’t just the person that looks like us, acts like us, believes the same thing we believe, our neighbor includes the stranger, the man in need on the side of the street, the one who has fallen victim to unfortunate circumstances, the one that every else is ignoring.

You want eternal life? You must expand your heart to love everyone. You must overcome your tunnel-vision of looking past those in need. You must eliminate the earthly-minded excuses that keep you from exercising mercy. Like the good Samaritan who pays out of his own purse for the lodging and recovery of the poor victim, eternal life will cost us something: our time, our talent, our treasure must be put at the service of our fellow man. 

“Do this and you will live” the Lord says. May we know the divine assistance that makes up for our weaknesses in striving for eternal life, in living out the Gospel mandate of mercy, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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For the grace to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, to love our neighbors and enemies and those who persecute us, and to share the truth of the Gospel with all.  

That during the month of October dedicated to the Holy Rosary, we may be strengthened in devotion to Our Lady and trust ever-more in her maternal intercession. 

For the priests of the Diocese of Cleveland gathering this week with the Bishop at their bi-annual Convocation, may the Holy Spirit guide their time and inspire them for their continued ministry. 

For all the needs of the sick and the suffering, the homebound, those in nursing homes and hospitals, the underemployed and unemployed, victims of natural disaster, and those whose lives are upturned by the terrible storms in florida, for victims of war, and terrorism, for all those who grieve the loss of a loved one, and those who will die today, for their comfort, and the consolation of their families.

For the deceased members of our families, friends, and parish and all the poor souls in purgatory, for those who have fought and died for our benefit, and for N. for whom this mass is offered.

Incline your merciful ear to our prayers, we ask, O Lord, and listen in kindness to the supplications of those who call on you. Through Christ our Lord.

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