Tuesday, January 22, 2019

January 22, 2019 - Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children

Several times in the Gospels Jesus asks those who had spent years studying the Scriptures if they've ever read a certain passage. He asks the Pharisees today, "Have you never read what David did when he was in need and he and his companions were hungry?” Jesus, of course, knew that the Pharisees had indeed read that passage before. However, He also knew they had not grasped the full meaning of the passage, they did not realize how the Scriptures were being fulfilled through Jesus.

They had read the scriptures, but had failed to allow God’s word to take root in their souls, to give them fresh eyes for seeing, fresh minds for understanding and believing. So they were unable or unwilling to believe in Jesus and hardened their hearts toward Him.

A similar hardness of heart afflicts our nation. A hardness of heart which is unwilling to respect human life.

46 Years ago today, the Supreme Court made a decision which has led to the death of ten times more babies than the deaths of U.S. soldiers in all of our nation’s wars including the Civil War, the World Wars, the Vietnam War, and the War on Terror.

Even with science increasingly clear that human life begins with conception, hearts continue to grow harder toward life. I remember as a kid, the slogan was “make abortion safe, legal, and rare”. Now the slogan is “shout your abortion”. They revel in the fact that they have murdered a life.

So throughout the United States today, U.S. Catholics engage in prayer for the restored legal protection of the unborn.  This liturgy for life and justice calls for the wearing of purple vestments: purple, the color of grief and prayerful penance.  We grieve the abundance of sin and murder occurring on a daily basis for 46 years.  And we do penance for the abortionists, for the parents, for the politicians, for all those who further the culture of death, even those who do not repent. We do penance because we love life and we hope for their salvation. And we commit ourselves to praying and working for authentic justice for the unborn.

We pray that the truth of the Gospel of Life will take root in the hearts of every member of the human family, that it will dispel all darkness, and all hardness toward innocent human life, all unwillingness to respect life.

May every life be cherished and held sacred for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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That the leaders and members of the Church may fulfill with joy their calling to proclaim, celebrate, and serve the Gospel of Life, we pray to the Lord…
That Court decisions which permit the destruction of innocent life may be resisted and reversed, we pray to the Lord…
That God may protect all unborn babies, and keep them safe from the scourge of abortion, we pray to the Lord...
That all women facing difficult or unplanned pregnancies may receive compassionate care and the support they need, let us pray to the Lord.
That all medical professionals involved in the practices of abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia, may experience conversion of mind and heart and cease these activities, we pray to the Lord…
For all women who have had abortions, that they may seek out and experience God’s tender mercy, we pray to the Lord.
In thanksgiving for the many children who have been saved from abortion through the efforts of the pro-life movement, we pray to the Lord…
For all the dead, for all the souls in purgatory, for the deceased members of our families, friends, and parish, and for X, for whom this Holy Mass is offered.
Incline your merciful ear to our prayers, we ask, O Lord, and listen in kindness to the supplications of those who call on you. Through Christ our Lord

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