Wednesday, January 30, 2019

3rd Week in OT 2019 - Wednesday - "Whoever has ears ought to hear"

One of the most distinctive and well-known characteristic of Jesus’ teaching is his use of parables.  A parable is a short, memorable story or image, usually drawn from nature or daily life, that conveys profound spiritual truths.

And though we are 20 centuries and thousands of miles removed from ancient Israel, Jesus’ parables and teachings speak right to the heart.  Jesus’ parables are simple enough for a child to understand them, yet they have a hidden depth of meaning that it is not always easy to grasp, and only comes to light upon thoughtful, reflection.

Throughout his ministry, Jesus was quite aware that some people would hear and listen to him, but not understand him.  Even the disciples are often very slow in grasping the message, very hard-headed.

So, in the parable of the sower, Jesus teaches us how to listen to parables.  It is a parable about parables.  When you are listening to the teacher you must do your best that your mind and heart are not rocky, or thorny. He urges his listeners cultivate their souls to be like good soil to receive the seed of Jesus’ Word.

The Gospel is seed that is eaten by birds when we fail to reflect upon the Gospel and seek to understand it. Without deep reflection upon God’s Word, it will be like we never heard it at all.

Our souls are rocky grown when we listen to the Gospel without the willingness to live it out through the rocky times of life. Many give up on the Gospel when it gets difficult.

Our souls are thorny when we have too many worldly attachments, too many distractions, too much regard for earthly pursuits over heavenly pursuits. The thorns of the world choke out the goodness God wants to grow in us.

Our souls however are rich soil, when we hear God’s Word, when we accept its ramifications even with the willingness to suffer for it, when we clear out the thorniness of our worldly attachments so we can be more focused on doing God’s will.

The obstinate heart, the cowardly heart, the worldly and materialistic heart, the slothful heart: these are real enemies to the spiritual growth, the growth in holiness, the growth in understanding and truth, that God wants for us.

May our hearts be cultivated into the rich soil that generously receives God’s word and bear fruit that will last into eternity for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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That every member of the Church may cultivate minds, hearts, and souls to receive the Word of God more deeply and fruitfully.
That leaders of nations may find guidance in the Word of God for proper governance and the pursuit of justice for all.
That Christian families may be places where the Word of God is studied, understood, obeyed, and cherished.
That the word of God may bring consolation to all those who suffer: for the sick, those affected by inclement weather or political turmoil, the indigent, those who will die today, and those who grieve.
For the deceased members of our families and parishes, for all of the poor souls in purgatory, and for N., for whom this Mass is offered.
O God, our refuge and our strength, hear the prayers of your Church, for you yourself are the source of all goodness, and grant, we pray, that what we ask in faith we may truly obtain.

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