Thursday, December 29, 2016

Homily: Dec 29 2016 - St. Thomas Becket - Christmas Courage

In the Incarnation, Jesus became like us that we might become like Him.

Today the Church commemorates St. Thomas Becket. A man, who like Christ, died for the Church.  In 1162 he was chosen as bishop of Canterbury.  He was assassinated on December 29, 1170. So evident was this martyred bishop’s holiness that he was canonized just three years after his death by Pope Alexander III. 

What happened? How is a bishop assassinated in his own cathedral?

Thomas was a good friend of the king of England, King Henry II, and it was the King who nominated Thomas as archbishop of Canterbury.  But archbishop Thomas was a man of integrity and he served God first—this did not please the King. The king wanted a pawn, not a faithful bishop.  In a fit of rage over Bishop Thomas’ opposition to the kings plans to infringe upon the freedom of the Church, the King ordered his assassination.

For the freedom of Mother Church to teach the truth, Becket sacrificed everything.

He said to the hired killers: “I am ready to die for God.  I am ready to die for the defense of justice. I am ready to die for the freedom of the Church. Would only that my lifeblood might purchase Her peace and freedom”.

Like so many of the saints, like Christ himself, St. Thomas Becket was “a sign of contradiction” For though he teaches the world what is most important in life: truth, goodness, and beauty, the world hates him for it.

As we have been reading in the first letter of St. John, though we seek to shine with the light of Christ, the world prefers darkness, but that does not excuse us from our vocation.

To celebrate a saint like Thomas Becket during Christmas time reminds us that Christ was born for us, even though he would suffer, his love being so great; and being born to eternal life in him, we must love Him enough to suffer for Him and goodness’ sake.

So we pray fervently today that like St. Thomas Becket the grace to be true lovers of Christ true lovers of Mother Church and to defend Her as much as we have the strength.  We pray especially for bishops and priests to be champions of Mother Church and her rights at any cost.  And that when we are called to choose between faith or the world, we may choose rightly, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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