Thursday, November 10, 2016

Homily: Nov 10 2016 - Pope St. Leo the Great - When the facing the gates of hell...

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Pope Saint Leo the great is famous for several reasons: he was certainly one of the intellectually gifted Popes we’ve ever had, he’s certainly one of the most prolific writers we’ve ever had as well, and of course he saved Rome from Attila the Hun. 

Rome had been sacked in 410, and the Roman Government was in shambles and incapable of defending the country from invaders. As Attila was making his way toward Rome, sacking city and city along the way, what was left of the Roman Senate begged Leo to dissuade the barbarian warlord from taking Rome.

Pope Leo had no army, he simply had courage and faith. So, the Holy Father rode on horseback to meet the oncoming army. Leo began to persuade Attila to turn his army away from Rome. Legend states that as Leo spoke, heaven opened and St. Peter and St. Paul with his blades appeared basically saying, “If you want to get to Rome, you are going to have to go through us.” Attila then ordered his army to turn north, away from the Holy City.

Initially, the people of Rome rejoiced and praised God. But, about six months later, the people of Rome began to come up with alternative explanations for why the barbarians had turned away. The claimed it was the old pagan gods had come to their aid, and it was the power of astrology. They were like the Israelites, who fashioned and worshiped the golden calf at Sinai.

So, Leo gathered the people of Rome together and began to preach a homily to them. He told them that the reason why you were spared the barbarian invasion is not because of horoscopes or the pagan gods, but that the One True God loves you and cares for you. Don’t look to these superstitious reasons and false gods, look to the One God.

The Gospel and the Opening prayer for this Mass both speak of how God does not allow the gates of hell to prevail against His Church. We are spared countless evils because of the love of God that protects us. Were not evil constantly being kept at bay by the hand of the Almighty, we would certainly be destroyed. From his hand, we also receive countless blessing, yet, we are still tempted at times to wonder if God is really with us.

He offers us forgiveness every day, he offers us truth every day, we have the gift of family and the brotherhood of our fellow Christians, we have clothes, food, shelter, the healing of our illnesses and the strength to endure them.  Perhaps, we sometimes struggle to see God because we do not seek Him where he is found, or adequately thanked Him the blessings which He has given us.

Like Pope Leo, filled with faith, who courageously went to face the barbarian hordes, we are to face the evils of the world firm in God’s truth. Never be ashamed of your Catholic faith, but allow it to give you strength and to help you know God’s guidance and protection for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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