Friday, December 18, 2015

Homily: Dec 18 2015 - "You are to name him Jesus"

Yesterday began what is often called “Deep Advent” or “Late Advent”.  Where the first two weeks of Advent focus on the Second Coming of Christ at the End of Time, the second half of Advent focuses on his first coming at his birth and his abiding with us. 

So, as we mark the days until Christmas, we read today the wonderful story of the Angel Gabriel’s visit to St. Joseph.  One of the interesting things about this story is that the savior’s name had already been chosen by God, he was to be called Jesus.

My sister had a baby just before Thanksgiving. And in the months leading up to the baby’s birth, our family was suggesting names that the baby might be named.  I think my mom thought the baby should be named Sophia, my dad thought the baby should be named Joan, after his mother.  I thought the baby should be named after the great Saint Athanasius, you could bet that there wouldn’t be anyone else in her class named Athanasius.  My sister and her husband decided on the beautiful name Harper Elise. 

In the Gospel story, notice, that Mary didn’t get to pick her baby’s name.  The baby’s name had already been chosen by God.  And God chose a name that had a special meaning.  The baby’s name was to be Jesus.  The name ‘Jesus’ is derived from the Old Testament name “Joshua” which means, “God is salvation”.  What a perfect name for Mary’s Son.  God was being born in order to save us.

Now, first-century Jews were expecting God to save them from their political enemies.  Rome was occupying their land, controlling their religious life, cruelly torturing and murdering Jews who spoke out against Rome. 

But the angel tells Joseph, that Jesus wasn’t going to save Israel from their earthly enemies.  Jesus was going to save Israel and all mankind from their sins.  For sin was a greater enemy than Rome ever was.  Sin brought about not just the loss of their homeland, not just overbearing political leaders; sin brought about a loss of heaven, and a loss of mankind identity as children of God.

Another name was mentioned in the Gospel story.  Mary’s son was to be named Jesus, just like the virgin in Isaiah’s prophecy was to name her child, “Emmanuel” which means, “God is with us.” Jesus was not just another child among others.  Jesus’ birth was special. Jesus’ birth meant that God himself would be among us. The same God who brought creation into existence would be born to Mary.

In the Gospel acclamation, I sang, another title for Jesus. Since, I sang in latin, it may have been tough to hear. I sang “O Adonai”.  The name Adonai was a title for God in the Old Testament, God who spoke from the burning bush, who gave the law on Mt. Sinai to Moses.  Jesus is Adonai made flesh, who speaks to us through the Church and gives us the new law of loving one another with Christ like love.

These names and titles help us to truly prepare for Christmas because amidst all the busyness, they help us to focus on who Jesus is, and what really matters.  That to us is born a savior who came to free us from being separated from God, from all those destructive habits.

Over the Christmas break, continue to be mindful of your Christian identity by being mindful of Jesus’ identity: he is Emmanuel, he is Adonai, he is Jesus, who comes to free us from the darkness of our sins, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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