Thursday, September 12, 2013

Homily: September 12 - The Most Holy Name of Mary

Today we celebrate a feast that was originally celebrated in Spain in 1513, though honor for the holy name of Mary extends to the early church, and to the angels themselves.  The feast of the holy name of Mary was dropped from the liturgical calendar in 1969, but was reestablished by Pope John Paul II.

The Church celebrates the memorial of the Holy Name of Mary shortly after her birthday on September 8, just like we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus shortly after Christmas.

In accordance with Jewish custom Our Lady’s parents named her eight days after her birth.

In the litany of the divine praises, which we pray at benediction, the church proclaims, “Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother”. 

We show honor to the name of Mary, because no doubt, Our Lord himself honored his mother.  And so we honor the name of our mother, Mary, mother of all Christians, holiest of creatures, the queen of heaven earth.

When we pronounce her name, we affirm her power, we implore her aid, and place ourselves under her protection.  And we should pronounce her name, often: in times of temptation to seek her aid in confronting sin; in times of trial and difficulty to seek her help and prayers in bearing our cross; and like a child pointing out something delightful or beautiful to his mother, pronouncing her name in times of joy and thanksgiving throughout the day.  When we speak her name with love, we imitate our Lord Jesus.

The directives for the liturgy instruct us to bow our heads in reverence at the name of Jesus, at the name of Mary, and at the name of the Saint of the Day when they are mentioned in the prayers of the liturgy. 

It is a privilege to know and to be able to call upon with Love the name of Mary.  At her name demons flee and angels rejoice.

When Jesus was dying on the cross, he gave Mary to us to be our mother.  May all who call upon the holy name of Mary, our mother, have confidence in her protection and receive comfort and strength for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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