Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Homily: Wednesday after Epiphany - "They were completely astonished"

Throughout Epiphany Week, the Gospel readings seem to emphasize the special identity of the Christ Child born at Christmas and adored by the magi at the Epiphany.  Monday we heard of him healing the sick, the paralyzed, the possessed.  Yesterday, we heard of him feeding five thousand with two loaves and fishes.  Today, we hear of his mastery of the powers of creation—he walks on water.  Even his apostles, his closest followers, even though they had just witnessed the miracle of the multiplication were shocked and completely astonished by this.  

These miracles show us Jesus' almighty power and how much He emptied Himself when He became a helpless Infant.  That this God who has power over human life, able to bring so much abundance out of so little, power over the forces of nature, has become this little tiny Child is a testament to his great love for us.
The all-powerful Creator of the world could not walk, talk, or roll over on us own. The second Person of the blessed Trinity talked baby-talk, wore diapers, and spit out His food. Almighty God weighed just a few pounds, shivered, cried, and nursed at His mother's breast.

The message of Christmas and God's incarnation is astonishing. He Who created the billions of galaxies with billions of stars, Who created the countless creatures on this little planet, became completely dependent on His parents, just like us.

It seems almost blasphemous to suggest that God became a weak human being. 
Yet He did, out of love for us.

And Saint John tells us in his first letter this morning, if God has loved us, amazingly, "we must have the same love for one another".  The love God has for us which is revealed in Christmas is astonishing, and we are to have that same astonishing love for one another. 

I think the saints get this command, and we, so often fail at it.  Mother Theresa lifting the helpless out of the gutter, she got this message of astonishing love.  Saint Francis, stripping away the attachments to wealth and material things and spending his life preaching and poverty for the sake of the kingdom, he got this message of astonishing love.  

What changes in attitude and lifestyle must I make, in order to love others as God loves?  May the Holy Spirit continue to enlighten us, lead us into this selfless, humble, astonishing love of God, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.

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